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Posts posted by Dethla-Hadyn

  1. Yeah, everything old is new again. It would seem the republic players have decided to bolster their forces, regrouping for the PvP battlefront. Additionally, the imperial side (which has always suffered a large number of incompetent players) has seemingly gotten worse. When I say Imperial side has become bad, I mean...it's baaad.


    Republic pvper's simply need to show up with a pulse and click an ability once every 30 seconds to decimate the pathetic Imperial forces.


    Oh yes, it's bad. I've never seen such laughable, disgraceful warzone gameplay, since level 15's were getting one shotted by level 49's (was a long time ago).


    At any rate, there has never been a better time to farm Imperial scrubs. Cash in on some bonus exp, or purchase an Imp-stomping toon. #farmimperialscrubswhileyoucan

  2. Devastating vengeance crit relics are a decent option for specs with a surge bonus like Fury. They are fine to use only if you're running a full power build because the critical rating will still benefit a super crit, in addition to giving increased crit chance to other attacks. If you're running a high crit build, devastating vengeance suffers from diminishing returns, and is a complete waste.
  3. I updated the main page with "Your Contributions". I'd like to say thanks to everyone for sharing ideas and experiences with their guards/jugs, and let's keep them rolling! I wish you all happy hunting this holiday season!






    No Alacrity or Accuracy for Rage Jugs.


    I go 3 x critical and rest overkill.

    With stim, full datacrons, and min maxed gear - you have 40% critical, 85.35% crit. multiplier, and well over 2400 bonus damage.


    I hit hard and crit more often. I tested different augments and this was the best one for hardest hits and consistency of crits.



    Intercede is a big key to staying alive, I pickup the heroic talent for it and I also use a no alacrity no accuracy build. Sure I miss occasionally but with force attacks and riposte I don't notice it all that much.



    I'd take 2 seconds of extra Saber Reflect (5 secs in total). Much more useful in Solo Rated.




    There is no strict rotation in PvP because the situation should determine what you use.


    Focused burst and force sweep is an auto crit after you use any of your leaps. Don't use them unless you have said auto-crit. Also, there is a buff named singularity which increases the damage focused burst and force sweep does. You'll gain the buff from using either combat focus or force exhaustion. Do what you can to have this buff up when using focused burst / force sweep because it consumes no focus and does an additional 15% dmg when the buff is up. It is also important to note that, since 4.0, using focused burst or force sweep gives you a 5% DR buff for six seconds, so it is to your benefit using these on CD.


    Concentrated Slice auto-crit is tied to blade storm now instead of saber throw, so saber throw should be used situationally (especially if you are specced into the 3 second root). Even without the auto-crit buff provided once every minute by blade storm, concentrated slice crits fairly regularly due to the high amount of crit focus/rage should be stacking in their gear.


    With all of this being said, I will give my own order of importance to the primary offensive abilities for focus:


    1. Focused Burst w/ singularity and auto-crit buffs
    2. Blade Storm w/ buff to generate focus and if it will provide auto-crit to concentrated slice (this goes down the list if targets health is low)
    3. Concentrated Slice
    4. Dispatch when available (speccing into it's use after force leap is a god-send!)
    5. Blade Dance (I always spec into the root it provides)
    6. Blade Storm w/ buff to generate focus but no auto-crit buff
    7. Sundering Strike
    8. Riposte





    I am loving it!!! Not only the stronger, quicker burst, but also the superior mobility and now good sustained damage (ty, ty, ty dispatch! How I love your 15k crits!).


    Yes, good players can stun-lock and burst you down without Vig's stun immunity and sturdiness, but a good focus guardian should pick his fights more carefully and use stuns pro-actively to prevent that from happening.



    Just to put my 2 cents in, the best burst damage "combo" in Rage right now is probably


    Crush > Raging Burst > Furious Strike (the big damage all happens within the span of a GCD - Ideally this is how you want to use your autocrit imo.



    I was running full overkill then switched to half crit augs and I think this is what I'm going to roll with. I've also been running with 6.13% alacrity....
  4. I tried so many different enhancements and augs too.


    For a while I was rolling with 101% accuracy, 4 alacrity enhancements(gave me over 6% alacrity, around 1,310 crit, I'm not exactly sure on the number but it was lower than 1,350) and the rest power. It was working well but I switched to 2 alacrity enhancements(3.24% total), around 1,390 crit and more power augments and it is definitely better. Hitting noticeably harder and the alacrity difference isn't really noticeable.


    I'm thinking about adding two accuracy enhancements again too.....just deciding if I should take off alacrity all together or if I should replace two crit enhancements and add some crit augs to stay around 1,390 crit.



    Without obvious effects observed in an arena that reduce our chances to land weapon damage( accuracy debuffs, saber ward), I just did a 20 min rotation on the warzone dummy with 104.9% (two accuracy enhancements), and didn't miss once. I must say I was quite satisfied with that result. As far as zero accuracy builds are concerned, you indeed have a greater chance to miss, in addition to being aware of situational debuffs that will prevent successful weapon strikes. On that note, I am equipping and retaining two accuracy enhancements from here on out.


    Another boon for gear assistance, would be increasing your "Force Power". I point to this simply because the main contributor to this effect, is indeed Power. As I incrementally increased my power augments, I noticed greater, and greater Raging Burst damage. This is vital. Raging Burst is our most important attack. We should use our Force Power value as the new primary achievement. Specifically, look at your Bonus Force Damage. If that value is below 2350 minimum! then you must increase your stats with power augs.


    Alacrity. In order to achieve maximum force bonus damage, I had to rip my alacrity out. It took a couple days reprieve, but I'm totally used to zero alacrity build, and now highly recommend it for solo queue. In a prolonged match with a pre arranged healer, alacrity will give you greater final numbers. It's a fact, but the upfront damage potential can live without it. If you have extra coms, perhaps augment additional exarch gear, to swap out if there's a healer on your team, and the match will take awhile to end. This is just a casual suggestion, lol.


    Critical. This value is easy. Once you acquire at least 2350 bonus force damage, throw the remaining augments in as critical. Feel free to tweak as desired.


    Edited to 2300->2350. Double relic procs (power/mainstat) yield 15.5k-16k Raging Bursts.


    Here's my updated stats.

  5. When it comes down to it, definitely go with whats suites you best.


    I personally love this spec for dueling, I can careless about warzones tbh.


    And yes, this setup works best with the Power+Mastery Relics, not the crit relic.


    As far as alacrity goes, how many augments would you run to get 5%?


    6 alacrity purple augs will grant 5.1%. I'm taking a break from jug for few days, I'm spending too many creds on mod/aug changes lol. Can't make up my damn mind.

  6. The hardest part was getting the datacrons. But it was fun as hell!


    Definitely give this build a try, I love it.


    Surprisingly enough I did miss three autocrits out of ten games played tonight, but I can't write that up completely to the zero accuracy. A guy will have to live with a little rng that's for sure. The upfront burst was on average 1k-2k higher per super crit, but that value would be higher if I dropped my crit relic. The increased crit rating from the devastating vengeance *does* suffer from diminishing returns, so higher crit builds should definitely use power and mainstat relics. I also found the zero alacrity build required a bit of getting used to. It really does feel sluggish without the minimum 5%. (You want at least 5% alacrity or zero).


    It was a bad day on the battlefield, lmao I couldn't win a game for sh*t. I might take a day or two off before I give jugs a bad name, haha.


    I'll continue to test the build, but I fear I may personally revert to my prior stats. Nonetheless, I'll probably include your suggestion on the front page. It's not my favourite build so far, but all in all, I find it to be one of the most effective as far as burst is concerned.


    Finally, higher damage means staying alive long to deal it. Rage still suffers from focus fire and must rely on the strengths of the team, in addition to intuitive gameplay. There's so many classes right now that can overpower us, it's tough not to get discouraged.


    Give 'em hell.

  7. Played Anni a lot in 3.0 and 4.0, thought I would offer my opinion. Annihilation is structured similar to 3.0 and about as effective, yet easier to play. Your main source of damage is spreading Dots, so you pick a target and set up Smashes, after that you pressure a single target with Annihilate, Ravage, DST, VT, VS etc in descending order of importance. It is a strong counter-pressure and team mobility spec because of the self/group Heals, base Marauder DCDs, and Predation. 4.0 made it simpler since you aren't tracking a 15s dot anymore and resource management is really forgiving with everything having longer cooldowns but same costs and Force Rend now generating Rage. I find it more boring than the 3.0 versions though.


    On another note, I really don't like Rend being a 9 second duration on a 12 second cooldown. Really ****s up with the mojo of lining up your dots and early deaths or purges can really **** the spec's output over. That is before Rend is both a necessary rotational damage attack, a resource generating attack, and ranged attack for the spec. Which encourages to use it in situation where you shouldn't (usually when full on Rage).



    You play on Harb at all? I remember seeing this annihilation marauder just ripping it up a few nights ago when I was on an alt. If so send me a pm or reply, I'll be needing some lessons lol.

  8. will i not miss Furious strike, Obliterate and Ravage with no accuracy? And is your stats still viable(i mean playable) if I decide to respec to Vengeance?


    With two accuracy enhancements, sorcs still have 5% chance to parry everything, and marauders have 10% chance to parry during predation. However the flip side is that the majority of your damage is force attacks, like raging burst, force scream, crush, etc. Furious strike can, and *will* miss without accuracy, but it's not all the time. You have to decide if you want sorcs to have 10% vs 5% chance to miss your weapon strikes. Not a big deal to some, and that is why people suggest no accuracy. As vengeance I'd suggest at least one if not two for sure.


    Additionally, your accuracy goes out the window when there are accuracy debuffs, and / or defence buffs up in front of you. At that point, you'll have to resort to force attacks anyways, especially if you're saving your autocrit. This is another reason people suggest no accuracy.


    Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm going back to only one accuracy enhancement for good luck lol.

  9. No Alacrity or Accuracy for Rage Jugs.


    I go 3 x critical and rest overkill.

    With stim, full datacrons, and min maxed gear - you have 40% critical, 85.35% crit. multiplier, and well over 2400 bonus damage.



    Aww man, I really wish I could gear like that, lol honestly.


    Edit. I'm actually going to try this build out, see if I can get used to the clunkiness and keep a number of actual misses that occur. I suspect I'll be pleasantly surprised.


    Give em hell this season.


    If a rage jug opens another on jug, both popping Saber Reflect right before a raging burst occurs - what happens?




    Lol, good question.


    Just some generic info on the kind of damage you would receive from another jug's sabre reflect, the highest "reflect" I've seen on a fully buffed raging burst was 8.7k. That was the damage I received from my own attack which usually hits from 11k-14k.


    P.S.: Does anyone have updated PvP stat priorities for Focus/Rage? And what should be be augmenting with?


    The base rule for any melee in 4.0, especially jugs, is to have at least 35% crit. Once you have that established with Exarch gear, you can then either blend extra crit augs (40% cap) with alacrity augs, or go full power augs, or blend power(or mastery) and alacrity. I'm currently at just under 40% crit, which is overkill in general standards, but for rage I don't mind because of the Shii-cho surge boost.


    Just know that once you get 35% crit, diminishing returns start to hit hard. So while 40% crit looks good on paper, it's also hurting your burst potential. I'm going back to my original stat page of two accuracy enhancements as well. As melee it's important. I also use a crit relic now with the mastery stat boost. Crit crit crit.

  12. There's occasionally a faction power shift that occurs when a substantial amount of solo players remain on one side and do not establish any friendships. Meaning, solo players usually roll iconic dps classes and que up, simply because well, they want to play. The secret to all these steamrolls that occur, is that small troops of players actually que up role specific classes, and focus on objectives collectively...that's the idea anyway. The latest trend to farm numbers for possible thread posts may or may not occur intentionally, but that's irrelevant.


    I agree with Domi, you should play what faction inspires you. With enough time, you'll see enough players who are likeminded and eventually will establish a group. It takes time, but will pay off. Nobody wins by insulting each other, then walking away. Republic victories do occur, simply when one of these small groups decide to skip over to the opposite faction. An example is when in ranked, the "imp" players will skip over to pubside on literal premade selected classes and que as a team in solo que. These players are doing nothing wrong, technically, but they have an advantage to being able to preselect their group composition, and work together in chat...against random soloque'ers. This condition is called superque, or quesync. Republic on these terms will always win, so it's a relative term.


    The problem on Harb, is that this condition shouldn't exist...out of the few hundred pub players there , there should be at least a dozen of them that like to pvp, and there's not. I hate to think that the only way I'll play my pub toon, will be by having to perform a superque. There just isn't enough time in a day to wait pubside for people to que up. It's sad. Die hard pub pvpers should move to Harb, to balance out the factions. That will work theoretically, but the pub pvpers on other servers are too content farming the unorganised imps. Plus you add guildships and other reasons like that, there's many reasons for them to stay where they are.



    Tldr: Friendships, not factions win battles. Start making friends ;)

  13. Edit!!!!!!!


    Lmao, disregard this troll thread... Playing with your config files is a really bad idea. Do not select realtime. Do not attempt the changes in this thread.




    Shameless bump. Important!!!!!


    Do not attempt anything suggested in this thread. Swtor engine sucks, and tweaking your computer will do nothing to change that fact. Save up and buy a better rig, or find different game.


    Repeat, do not attempt ANY of the config changes in this thread.

  14. I am returning after a couple years my severs PVP WZ pops for unranked are not as fast I would like them.


    I could move to harbinger which from what I'm reading has WZ unranked pops constantly


    Problem is this .... Current server Ping is 40-50 ms ... Harbinger is 90-100 ms


    Will I just be cannon fodder and have no fun on harbinger ?


    I'm decent PVP player but I am Leary about doubling my ping


    Am I doomed on my low WZ pop low ping server?



    Bah, I play from northern Canada with 110-130. It gets worse in 8vs8 for some damn reason, but in arenas, I do fine. I do wish it was reduced at least in half truth be told, but what else can ya do.

  15. Hey man, if you're not partial to cookie cutter "elite" groups, I might have a healer to team with on my jug this weekend. I'd like to mess around with 4's...hey it's preseason. You'll be on your sniper I assume? so that leaves a tank spot open. Anyhow, I'll try to message you if/when I find a tank. Who knows, I might even buy some tank gear.
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