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Posts posted by KhirsahRoshah

  1. You won't believe how many times i'v been pulled out from electropool during Czerka labs (droid).

    And some people actually think that they are "helping" :confused:

    Actually, it happens A LOT.

    Some people really can't read description on their skills...



    If I'm sage healing CZ Labs Droid and the tank or DPS won't move out of the pool, I'll pull them. DPS are fine dropping threat. The tank knows how to taunt to regain aggro if they lose it (if they don't, we have bigger problems anyway). And I want people out of the pool, where they will be taking avoidable damage AND ignoring the droids that are probably chewing on me every other electro field phase. I'm not healing through droids plus pool damage if I can help it.


    Smart players get out of bad. Dumb players get pulled. Dumber players are left to die if they keep doing it.


    I don't just yank tanks away from the boss they are tanking, but tanks being there during that stage is pretty much pointless. Get out and go help with the droids, they're probably chewing up the healer, and without the healer, you won't be sitting in the electric pool for long either.

  2. KDY


    Only I said hi at the beginning. So, we are already starting on certain path here... Actually, tank and scoundrel healer did quite well in this FP. I did what I could. Then we had level 60 TK Sage who used only melee attack, Mind Crush rarely and hard casted TK Wave. I mentioned that TK Wave should never be hard casted. Still no communication from others. We finally got to final boss and as soon as I knew it's Station Guardian One I started thinking maybe I should record this because this is going to be "one of those cases".


    Most of the damage boss received was from tank. Healer had to do what Sage failed to do: kill adds.

    Also my Tab key doesn't work sometimes on TRE. Don't know why.

    You poor soul. I just gave that link to my husband with the comment "this guy decided to record Station Guardian One in KDY during DvL". The moment the Sage walks in and starts enthusiastically whacking at SGO with his saber, I got an indignant "what is that Sage DOING?!" in response.


    SGO is annoying on the best of days, that fight leaves me dizzy as a dps (and I'm the idiot who ran it once as Ruffian, never again). What the three of you had to slog through... no.

  3. This Guard thing reminds me of a few months ago, running tactical Assault on Tython. Two DPS (a guildie and I), a tank, a healer. A trinity! I trust the other DPS not to be an idiot! This will go well, right?


    Ahahahaha that's adorable.


    First off, the healer says that they are used to PvP mostly, but that they are an amazing healer and oh by the way they are used to being blamed if/when things go wrong but seriously they are one of the best PvP healers on the server you guys no they are the BEST LOOK AT ME. Whatever, cupcake. It's a tactical, we know what we're doing, we don't particularly care about your super leet skills at this game.


    Things go relatively well until the consoles before the second boss. My guildie is constantly ripping aggro off the tank, so while waiting for people to catch up before a console, we ask for a guard on him.


    Tank refuses. Why?


    Tank: "You're a DPS, if I guard you you'll redirect too much damage to me. I'll guard the healer. I main a healer and when I heal I expect the tank to guard me."


    (Oh, you're one of those snowflakes.)


    DPS: "Uhm... that's not how guard works. The damage redirection is just for PvP, read the tooltip."

    Healer: "You don't need to guard me, I'll be fine."

    Tank: "I'm reading it RIGHT NOW and I mostly PvE and I know how it works!"

    Group: "No... it really doesn't work like that, damage won't be redirected to you."

    Tank: "Fine." *drops group*

    Group: "..."


    Well then. We bring in another guildie on a DPS. This is when the game decides to be weird. We had cleared the Flesh Raider ambush at the top of the pass, but it decided to trigger again for guildie2. There's a lot of pained yelping over TS, we run to the rescue, clear it, start heading back to consoles.


    This is when the healer goes into full Behold The Length of My Lightsaber!* mode. There's a lot of talking and touting their own horn and stopping, either between groups or mid-combat, to flaunt their abilities. It's not like they were any sort of spectacular healer, this wasn't occasional typing during a channel or a cast, they would actively stop what they were doing to tell us how good they are at healing. (Fun fact: guildie and guildie2 are regular PvPers and had never heard of this person before. "You can now say you have played with one of the best PvP healers on server" indeed.)


    We get to the second boss (finally!), and... the healer is gone. They're back on Coruscant.


    Group: "Where are you?"

    Healer: "The flashpoint is over."

    Group: "...no. No it's not."



    I don't quite recall if they came back or if we just decided that it wasn't worth the effort and the prattle and ran the rest with a companion. Either way, I have to wonder what was in the water that night. An illiterate tank and an egomaniac healer, in one flashpoint?


    And people say that deeps players are the weird ones...




    * I did not actually mean the length of their lightsaber, let's be real here.

  4. you are doing something wrong


    Let me just introduce you to this thread about weird people and weird behaviors that may result in losing aggro to a random dps or healer.


    Also, good luck to that level 40 Guardian gathering high threat on a group of mobs before I grab everyone's attention with Forcequake + TK Wave on my Sage in her raiding gear. You are assuming everyone 1) reads guides 2) has all their level 65 abilities before they join a flashpoint 3) has proper gear in all slots.


    Guard helps, especially if there is a disparity in gear, levels, and skill with your class. Accuracy won't do all the work for you. Guard gives tanks a buffer before they have to taunt in their rotation, and keeps some pressure off the party's HP. It's free damage reduction!


    I've met amazing tanks that don't need to guard people because they are awesome at what they are doing, but if you're forcing me to facetank on my squishy Sage when there's a perfectly good Defense Guardian in Soresu, with my aggro drop on cooldown (and Blockout hurriedly selected in-between pulls because nope not melting while the tank does nothing), I'm going to ask you to do us all a favor and guard me. I follow kill order, but TK Wave is going to make that gold dislike me more than a little and I'd really like to make the healer's job easier, mate.

  5. Everyone is better off fighting him straight. It seems the more I messed with the Turret Controls the longer his shield stayed up. I stopped touching the turret controls and let the missiles hit me and he stopped putting up his shield and I used my companion on the role heal and I repeatedly used the kolto stations to keep my companion and me in good health. It worked for me. Why not try it?


    Because they were talking about tactical, not solo (and four years ago, at that). The damage on solo mode is pathetically low.

  6. It's funny that sorc/sage the only class which can run out of force so fast, i mean, why did bw even give energy to opers, snipers? Its impossible to run out of that as thoose classes.


    Aww, that's adorable.

  7. You're guide is convoluted and overly complex for such a simple rotation. You're trying to make the class more than it is which is a face roll rotation. With all these bells and whistles You're best parses in 224 are about 200 points higher than mine in my 220 geared sorc, cuz I don't main a sorc any way. The truth of the matter is I was asked to write a guide that was more to the point and less filled with details that don't really matter all that much. My guide is more a starters guide to sorc play. Its straight forward and easy to understand. Even with all my "wrong" info Iam still getting parses over 6k in 220 gear so....... I kind of don't really care about you're "correct" way to play especially when its so inconsequential. But yea if you want a little more dps than sure do polarity shift with the dot ok I can see that. Its just funny that something that is so minor is deemed as a make or break. its NOT make or break at all. You can have the definitive guide you can be the sorc champion....I don't really care lol. My guide will allow players to easily get over 6k on a dummy in 220 and if they really feel like that is so terrible they can go read you're maze of a guide and hope to learn something.


    I main a Sniper I just wrote this for lols anyway for the newbs cuz iam a newb to sorc. Its easy for the newbs to understand my guide they will allow them to hit 6k without all the textbook nonsense that wont really matter in downing a boss or not. I did however add the nit picky nonsense stuff just so they can get that extra 75 dps. It has been fun :)


    I just want to quote this to have a personal reminder of how full of yourself you sound when corrected on something you were dead wrong on.


    This guide? I quoted it on TS to my guildies before anyone even chipped in here, and had fun pointing out how wrong it was.


    In the meantime, thanks for your guide, Sion. I love running TK/Lightning and the detail your guide goes to has been super useful in learning the spec.

  8. if you want to listen to the cry babys
    Wow i have seen some seriously pissed off players very mad about your decision to kill the sorc/sages due to pvp complaints. Now i know that EA bought this game and you feel that it is your right to change it as you see fit however, this is not some shooter game like COD. This game is Star Wars. Pvp is maybe a 1/4 of the game, and most of the community is pve. This is what draws players to this game is the chance to play as a character who uses force powers to save or conquer the galaxy. Another reason is because of the ability to interact directly with the story line as it unfolds. these are both pve oriented. So let me give you a little suggestion that you should really take to heart before you destroy one of the best game online today. Don't bend over back wards to satisfy the pvp part of this game and alienate the pve community because you will take a million dollar profit game and turn it into a 2 cents with no players game in less than a year. If you want to make changes for pvp then fine do it, but i would suggest that those changes be only in effect in the pvp arena, and not to have them be in effect in the pve side of the game. You have decimated one of the best and or most popular classes of the game. the sorc/sages. madness and balance are finished their abilities cost way to much and their damage is now a joke. as for healers not bad just throw a few different moves in and you can keep your force power up, but as for the dps side of sorc' omg you destroyed them. I am a long time madness/balance player and in truth you have taken most of my reason to play end game content out of the game when you destroyed my madness sorc the way you did.


    So in closing if you want to listen to the cry babys then yes that is your choice, but if you do. let it be known now that just like socom and other games that the dev's and owners decided to listen to a small percentage of the community, and thier complaints over the majority of the players this game will die off never to be seen or heard from again. People will leave and never come back to it again. Gamers are not forgiving we love our games and once you destroy them we leave to find something new, and EA from this game to you, I will refuse to ever play another EA game again if you destroy this game.




    Oh right, it's you again. I should have known.


    Try and actually learn to play. I play Madness in PvE and I'm doing just fine. Yes, the Death Field radius was reduced and it made all Madness/Hatred players sad. It's still a reliable ability and the nerf was fine.


    Play an Operative DPS and you'll learn what it actually feels like to have lousy DOT-spread. Play any class other than sorc, and you'll know what it feels like to have to manage your resources intelligently. Or then again don't, because you'd complain even louder about things not being to your liking.

  9. So next time you run into someone playing weird (it might very well be me) give them suggestions, they just might thank you for it, I know I will.


    As many people in this thread can tell you: many will listen, and we are often happy to explain something, especially if we are familiar with the class. Many others, however, deliberately choose NOT to listen.


    Example from today:

    Level 51 Assassin, in Lightning Charge, assuming Hatred because I didn't see Deception procs. Didn't know what Mind Trap was, didn't bother stealthing to enemies, was using Force Lightning on cooldown. When I succinctly asked them to not use Force Lightning but instead to get in there and melee the enemies (no matter the spec, you hit enough things with your saber as a Sin and something is bound to proc), their response was "I'll use whatever I like".


    Force Lightning should never be used by DPS Assassins. It doesn't proc any of your abilities and has miserable damage. It should only be used by Madness Sorcerers (and it breaks my heart whenever I see a Lightning Sorc use it on cooldown, too, because Lightning Bolt is far better when you can sit still for the cast). And yet, I have yet to meet an Assassin who uses Force Lightning who heeds that advice and stops using it. It just doesn't sink in.


    (I believe part of the problem is the animation looking pretty awesome. Shadows are more willing to drop TK Throw than Assassins are about Force Lightning.)


    I main a Deception Sin. I specifically asked a fellow Hatred player if there is any reason ever for someone to use Force Lightning as Hatred. There is none. And yet, they're everywhere, crippling their DPS because "they'll use whatever they like, thank you".


    So... forgive us if we aren't always patient or willing to walk someone through baby steps on flashpoints or operations. The guides are out there. Some are outdated. But through careful reading of your own abilities, you hardly need a third-party site to tell you what to use or not on your advanced class and specialization. You may not be playing optimally, but that segment you quoted from the first post in this thread? Almost all of that could be solved if the player had bothered to read their abilities and learn their class.

  10. I have made qute a scarifice in might and power for accuracy, critical rating and alcrarity, giving what little I loose power and might wise,be more then compenzate by superior critical chances and accuracies.


    Your problem starts here. Operation tokens/Operation enhancement drops have high power and high tertiary stats (crit/alacrity/accuracy). Why/How would you sacrifice power to get higher tertiary stats when the best gear in the game has them both high is beyond me.

  11. /sigh I am well aware how stats work, but as the above poster I don't think you want to understand me...I am not talking about some ''perfect'' party with tank and healer, but normal tactical (4 dps if you don't cancel queues to find party with tank/healer or both) where everyone will be expected to do some partial tanking and do a little more than his role and not using all/most of his/her abilities...but well...whatever. Maybe I shouldn't have used the example where I was tank....


    I've facetanked just about anything on tacticals with the exception of Blood Hunt, and I don't stack defense. I run a Deception Sin and a TK Sage, both with light armor.



  12. Ah since we are giving tips let me too: (this is for all classes btw) get some defense. 10% works (you start with 5%) - that doesn't have to come from tank gear...the mods (when you modify your armor) can give +defense while not giving + shield/absorb that is useless stat for non tanks...

    ...you don't have to ofcourse but...well...please do...don't be that dps that I (as tank) leave to take care of the normal/silver only to turn around and find you almost dead in few seconds:)


    If you're a DPS/healer in PvE content and you have defense... you're crippling the entire group. Those DPS checks you're not making? Your 10% defense won't save you when bosses enrage due to you not having enough DPS.


    Good DPS know when to use defensive cooldowns and when to kite stuff back to tank to be taunted off. You don't need defense to not get chewed up by standards and silvers, you just need to know your class and what you can handle.


    My TK Sage would never ever stack defense. And she's a little machine of chewing down adds who can also pull some decent numbers; I've facetanked my share of stuff (Ortuno, CZ bosses, all those adds the tanks won't taunt off me...). Force Armor, Force Mend, Cloud Mind, Rejuvenate are staples in anything I run, because I know I'm going to take damage... but that's no excuse to take the Serenity road and chew them down sloooowly. No thank you. Burst needs to BURST and use DCDs where necessary.

  13. [Talos Drellik voice] I'm a mercenary, not a powertech! I cannot tank! I can frantically off-heal myself in an effort to stay alive, but I can't re-spec to healer in the field (didn't buy that ability...), and I really, REALLY cannot tank.


    Props for the Talos reference, but well-geared Mercs/Commandos can easily skank tank most tacticals. Pop your defensive cooldowns when you rip aggro and/or there's no tank in the group. It does help to be in rating 208+ gear, obviously, which means you'll do a lot better once you ding that final level.


    My Gunnery Commando (Arsenal Merc) has done her fair share of tanking tactical pugs. CCs, stuns, knockbacks, knockdowns, defensive cooldowns--learn them, use them, love them, because if you run flashpoints, you're going to be facetanking with that merc quite a bit.


    And if you value your life, be careful where you aim that Death From Above... have fun pulling an entire group of silvers and golds intent on murdering YOU in particular. :D

  14. Wait, what... How is it possible? Do not tell me it was a tank. Please, dont!


    Edit: or DPS... or Heal.


    Operative "DPS". We eventually replaced this person and someone else who dropped and cleared Xeno with no trouble (that nicely bugged 16m HM, never even saw the rancor, it was smooth).


    Sometimes you can carry a couple of people... but sometimes they seem to make it worse than it would be if they weren't there at all.

  15. I had such a smooth HM GF Cademimu tonight that I was stumped for a good 15 minutes afterwards. Near insta-pop, everyone from different guilds, all 65s, I believe. My Deception Sin, an Operative DPS handily using CCs and group stealth, an impeccable Sorc healer and a Jugg who guarded me the instant I zoned in and was on point throughout. Mechanics never needed to be mentioned (line of sighting without a word, the coordination was almost uncanny), and we even joked about typical PUG behavior/attitude:


    Healer, on Guard: "Sure, let the healer grab all the aggro...!"

    Ortol fight: "So, stand in the corner with the fire, right?"


    It was not entirely seamless and we wiped once on Ortol (Operative died to shackle that wasn't even in fire, shame on you BW), but it was absolutely evident that we everyone knew what they were doing and had good raid awareness. Recovery from stuff like failing to stealth past mobs was super good, and Cademimu tends to be an awful disaster on trash if that happens.


    Competence really shouldn't be a surprise in HM FPs, but it is, and it was a delight to be part of that group.

  16. Poor group. The main tank seems the most important factor in sm-operations nowadays. But good news to pve-community: There are still new players starting off with raiding.


    For that matter, I was dumb enough to join an GF TfB run by the same people. I'm a glutton for punishment.


    I was the only DPS who knew the op, the tanks (the same tanks from that EC) had broken English (understandable, I'm ESL too, but you should have some fluency in the server's language if you are leading a pugged raid) and explained super poorly--and I quote: "the first phase [of the Terror from Beyond fight] is simple, no need to explain"--then berated the DPS for failing to perform to their ridiculous, unspoken expectations. ("He was outside... I don't know why... stupid." "DPS1, why are you not on the tentacle?!! DPS2, don't stand there! Adds! Adds! ADDS!!!")


    After one of the DPS died outside of the Heirad/Ciphas/Kel'sara pull due to not even being told to stand inside the room pre-pull, he got an impressive lambasting from one of the tanks during and after that wipe (he was junk at calling stages timely, but boy did he save time for yelling at the dead guy who had said he was new), I decided to be a little more proactive; a couple of pulls before Operator IX, I offered to explain the fight, as my English was better than theirs and there's lots of mechanics that people need to take part in. One of them pointedly emoted "No" at me, then said "brb 3 minutes while you [i.e. me] explain" when we got to the consoles. Make up your mind already.


    I explained the fight because the deeps didn't deserve whatever messed-up explanation of Tron Wars: The Old Republic would eventually come forth, and we go in.


    I was DPSing a core, its shield came back up, and I snapped at the console DPS to keep channeling, because SURELY it couldn't be our ~super competent~ and ~knowledgeable~ tanks who were failing at their job, right?


    Nah, of course not. Never. Jamais.


    The console DPS was getting interrupted by adds who were attacking him. The DPS was literally doing NOTHING to the adds, just following the mechanic. A single attack from a tank would have been enough to peel the incoming adds before they got to the channeler.


    We wipe due to failed stages, and I call the tanks out; they need to protect channelers from adds. So I get threatened with a kick (by the group leader, their guildie, one of the healers). How dare I call them out on not doing their job--which they supposedly knew so well since they had "done this many times". I'm "really asking to leave". I told him to go right ahead, I don't take kindly to threats nor to raid leaders not doing their job. Silence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    The tanks' response was that one tank was on an add, another was on two, dropping other adds was understandable and not unexpected. Sure, accidents happen, I'm well aware I'm not perfect and I don't expect others to be either (much~) . BUT. Those two had been crowing about knowing the op and bashing the two DPS with least experience, to the point the deeps whispered me they had considered leaving.


    If you can't grab anything else, grab any mobs bee-lining for the guy handling the fight stage. But you know, blaming the DPS for being slow on (SHIELDED) cores was easier than admitting they don't know how to tank.


    Of course they were guarding healers at start. Again.


    Of course they were opening with taunt.


    Of course I lost Guard after Operator IX--presumably for being lippy, because the DPS who got it instead, while competent, was not ripping aggro before or after. Unguarded TK Sage with the highest DPS in the raid because I've finally learned a proper rotation? Oh man, what will I ever do~ (\o/)


    On that subject, their aggro management was so abysmal that pre-Operator IX, with Guard on me, post Cloud Mind, I ripped group aggro on a trash pull, popped Force Barrier when neither tank taunted after several seconds of agonized tiny Consular sounds, and all that aggro went straight to a healer. Yes, the other DPS could've done a better job. However: my threat couldn't possibly get any lower before I hit that sweet invincibility bubble, and the tanks were physically in the middle of the group that focused me/the healer, so I don't know what they were doing, just that it was not "attacking mobs less than 5 meters from them". I shudder to think what an Infiltration Shadow would do to their "tanking".


    After a wipe on the Terror, they decided to casually insult the raid in Spanish. Don't worry, just chatting in Spanish among ourselves, them dum-dum English speakers surely don't understand a word that is being spoken--otherwise they would understand the garbled fight summaries, jajaja.


    If there's something that run showed, it's that with a couple of rough explanations from me, the other DPS were competent and entirely capable of clearing SM content, no matter how much the tanks were trying to sabotage them and make them feel bad.


    Got out of that with the three DPS on my friends list and the three Spanish guildies on ignore. I'm done punishing myself with that guild.

  17. Tactical Korriban Incursion. Shadow specced Infiltration, in Combat Technique, using Telekinetic Throw at range, and popping his defensive cooldowns while the mobs were merrily beating on the very competent tank. Never used stealth, obviously--we didn't even bother asking for CCs for shortcut, it would have taken us longer just to explain it.


    Thankfully the tank and healer knew what they were doing, because that was an impressive carry.

  18. I had a fantastic first op (outside one-boss ops like Eyeless/Xeno) last night. GF Ravagers, Begeren Colony, advertised on Fleet, with three people from the same guild, including the op leader.


    The op leader explained every boss in detail, the trash was LOSed, the tanks didn't lose aggro, the healers were on point. We one-shot everything except Master and Blaster, because most of the raid was unaware of the cleave bug. They were quick to explain it and we proceeded without issue.


    After the Cora fight, when one of the tanks had DC'd, and the guildies were quick to put down the one rather derpy DPS who "had done the op before" (and yet kept failing well-explained mechanics) who wanted to rush to Ruugar without waiting, because "ops shouldn't take two hours". Maybe they wouldn't if you followed instructions, buddy...


    I got praised by the op leader for my performance when we finished. :) They already knew it was my first Rav run, but then I told them that it was also my first op, and that my guild doesn't run them, so I don't get a chance to do this kind of content--at which they invited me to join the three of them on raids.


    All in all, it was a really good experience, with competent, patient people, who did a great job in leaving me wanting more.

  19. I like to add competent people I've met through GF to my friends list and then poke them for future flashpoints. The other day, during Rakghoul week, something slightly different happened--one of them (DPS Guardian) was asking in gen chat for one more to do the Rakghoul heroic, so I joined him on my TK Sage.


    As someone who has facetanked far too many things with a squishy class that relies heavily on channels/casting, it was a delight to have a fellow DPS who was aware of his utilities and taunted stuff off me. When I thanked him for it, he said "yeah, I'm not a tank, but it didn't seem like you should be the one getting hit".


    Group-aware people are the best. <3



    Also, new people who say they are new (altogether or just to a specific FP), ask for directions and then follow them? They are also the best.

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