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Posts posted by umbradefensor

  1. On 8/24/2023 at 11:30 AM, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    More options is always good.

    As long as it's an option like the 'see only removeable debuffs', an option I never use btw, it's useful to see all debuffs.  It's also useful to see other players buffs sometimes.

    Alternatively just getting rid of the now permanent class buffs from the ops frame would be great.  Those are just useless clutter.

    Yeah, I do recognize there can be a benefit from seeing more information, only problem to me is when it becomes cluttered.  Which is why I like seeing only cleansable debuffs, because it helps me focus on stuff I can actually do something about.  While it could be useful to have extra information from other buffs, I feel like it clutters too easily and with everything we're trying to keep up with, too much information becomes less useful very quickly.  It should certainly be optional because others prefer it differently for good reasons, but I often prefer a "keep it simple stupid" mindset even though I enjoy complex problem solving.   

  2. So here's an idea for Broadsword to improve on that may be simple.  I'm noticing as I've started using medicine/sawbones healer in ops that tracking HoT's on multiple targets is not easy.  I wish we had an option similar to the "see only removable debuffs" that could be used to track HoT's and sage bubbles.  I know starparse has timers that can be used, but something built into the ops window where we could actually see the active effect and time left would be really great.  I'm pretty sure this has been a topic before, but now that Broadsword is taking over and working on changes to the game, I figured this could be a good thing to bring back up.  

  3. This probably sounds dumb but I don't completely understand what each color means in AOE circles.  Obviously red is don't stand there you'll get hurt.  Green is healing so jump in to get some heals.  But what about purple?  Or when crosses cover the ground, how do I know to stay inside the space or get out?  White is another one that I've come across and knew because I was told ahead to get away from the group, which I did, but was the white color to indicate something unique?  I've tried searching google and YouTube and there don't seem to be any guides just explaining how AOE works and positioning in PVE content.  

  4. I feel like this issue is a bit confusing to me, partially because I've been able to accrue at least some wealth in-game but also spend it quickly on buying companion gifts on Odessan and then using crew missions to sell crafting supplies to make more money.  But as many others have said, charging a fee on simple tasks like fast travelling is more a punishment than anything else, and effects new players disproportionately.  For me, it's annoying but makes literally no difference, but for a new player I see ways for that to be a problem, especially at lower levels.  Even my wife enjoys the benefit of me giving her credits, and she's still found the cost of travelling troublesome on occasions.  Especially seeing as how we bought the perks to instantly recharge QT, now having to pay every time is really just annoying. 

    The biggest issue I see as needing a fix is cartel market having items that are grossly overpriced.  I mean it's one thing when crafting supplies are sold for prices higher than they technically should cost, (which is also a great way for newer/casual players to actually gain some wealth like myself), but when some things in GTN are sold for several billion credits for no evident reason, that's kinda ridiculous. 

    Another issue to fix is the fact so many things simply don't use credits anymore.  It's not something I've become wealthy or high enough level to really notice, but I can still tell that it exists.  This game has a lot of different currencies and reaching the point where I actually care about them is becoming a nuisance.  

    As I'm starting to join the group of higher-level players with at least some in-game wealth, I'm starting to recognize how these issues effect new players more than others and realizing the true gap between people like myself and those who can actually afford to spend several billion credits on stuff.  

    These are just my personal observations as someone who really loves this game and has reached the point of now learning end-game content.  

  5. I know they made group finder not require a specific role set up because it takes many DPS people a long time to find a group, but this creates several problems. Frankly, not having roles creates groups that just don't work properly. Sure, if everyone is high level, it works well enough. But as someone who prefers playing tank or healer, it still sucks not having the corresponding role in a group. And if the group has levelling people in it, then the group simply doesn't function in anything other than the easiest flashpoints like, hammer station. For levelling, I am sick and tired of only playing like 2 or 3 flashpoints over and over again.


    Here's the other problem with group finder as it is, it simply does not encourage people to learn how this game works. I've seen way too many lvl 75 DPS's who have no idea how to function within a group and mess things up royally! I happens with a proper group finder too, but not nearly as bad as I've seen in this game.


    As it is, I hate using group finder and would love to see it fixed.


    Either way, I do plan on getting into master mode flashpoints soon, but don't know how many people use it?

  6. While i do recognize your point, the problem is this still creates new problems. Many people end up in groups that just don't function well at all. IF you have all people at least lvl 70 then it should work without proper roles. But if anyone is levelling it ruins the functionality of basically the whole group. If you have the proper role set up, then even with lower levels things work out okay. There are several other games that require a properly roled group, sure it takes a bit longer for DPS people to find a group, but just spread your wings a little and learn how to play tank and healer.


    This is the other problem with group finder as it is, it doesn't encourage DPS players to actually learn how the game works. There are so many lvl 75 legendary players out there with minimal understanding of how this game works, it's ridiculous and makes group finder useless more often than not. They really need to fix the group finder!

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