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Posts posted by fiberguy

  1. Specifically Mako/Akaavi/Risha/Corso


    I know I am late to this party, but recently finished their alliance alerts on a smuggler in anticipation of the expansion. I was disappointed to see that in the companion window they did not receive updated pics, titles or bios (with a few lines saying what they had been up to) which other companions did. These are all potential LIs and even Skadge got more effort put in, I can't imagine it would take a writer more than an afternoon to have put a couple lines in for them. Mako's is particularly bad on a smuggler since it is all about Braden, someone you never met.


    This looks lazy. Similarly while Mako and Akaavi show up in Odessen, they are the only recruits that I can't click on to hear a line.


    Suggestion: Please correct this so they are on par with other returned comps.

  2. #3 Works i just did it, You Cannot pick up the shield, he stays in 1st mechanic state and you just cast reflect on him every cooldown, takes about 40 mins to get through the 70% health he has, reflects back 1% damage every 30 seconds.


    Not that it excuses the lack of a fix..but this approach worked for me as well. having the additional saber reflect ability on juggernaut helped speed it up a bit. During the ensuing cut scene I was given a "no longer allowed in this instance" and thrown back to fleet, but after re-launching with the play button the rest of the chapter played out normally.

  3. In the past expansions could be skipped - you don't need to finish RotHC to start SOR, for example. But given all the changes that occur with companions, addition of alliance etc, I wonder if that will be the case for KotFE going forward.


    To be clear, I don't mean jumping in during the 16 chapters currently discussed (season 1) but assuming the game survives that long and continues to put out new content, will it be possible to skip season 1 and start directly in season 2, for example?

  4. Okay he is a idiot then what kind of a good man lets his son be kill each other or kill billions of innocents. He is quite stupid.


    But how would Koth know this? You are judging him as the player sitting on the other side of the monitor. Even Senya, his mother and a Knight, didn't know what really happened to Thexann until Vaylin told her at Asylum.


    Let's suppose Lana took Koth to Ziost during the intervening 5 years, to show him what happened there. What tangible proof is she going to offer that Vitiate, a disembodied world eater, is the same as Valkorian, the man Zakuul has seen sitting on the throne for what, centuries? I hope that part of Koth's story is coming to grips with this, but I can understand why he doesn't automatically believe Lana or the outlander. And really, it doesn't seem like Senya really believes them either, but for whatever reason Koth gets a lot more of the hate for it.

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