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Posts posted by carruck

  1. Most ranked players are already the biggest trolls on their servers anyway, your post being further evidence of that.


    You have no idea if the guy knows anything about game mechanics or if he's going up against wintraders, but since he says something that you don't agree with you attack him.


    Considering the guy literally said that hes new to ranked and pvp in general its safe to assume he's bad, that along with being constantly kicked and blamed for losses. again, safe to assume he's not good.

    Ranked players have every right to get angry when trash players constantly queue, ranked is for good players, not total noobs.

  2. Maybe try learning how to play the game in regs, ranked isn't for you to waste others time while you learn basic game mechanics. If you're getting kicked its probably because you either suck or someone actually doesn't like you, but since it happens all the time I would say its because you suck. Take a moment to look at it from the ranked players view, a match starts with 7 good players and 1 troll. whichever team gets that troll will most likely lose, then they kick you. New players should be learning how to play the game before queueing.

    The vote kick system should not be removed, tho a gate should be added to prevent total noobs from queueing into ranked.


    Bottom line: your issue will be solved if you get good.

  3. It better be good rewards for this season then.

    That reflect we spent 8 months earning them and 2 months waiting on them.

    25k tokens for bronze

    50k tokens for silver

    100k tokens for gold seems fair.


    Yeah I think those numbers would be pretty fair, 25k for gold is a complete joke, especially given the prices at the vendor.

  4. Why would you write something like that when we all see the hacking weekly...it's not a matter of not being good enough, its a matter of a non level playing field. Cheating is cheating....


    If someone gets globalled in a warzone, obviously that's cheating. If someone isn't good enough to kill someone else, yes that's also cheating.

    No I am not saying that no one in the game hacks, there are few that do hack. but not nearly to the extent that most people think. The guy's original post looks like it came from the point of view of a noob. You say "we all see the hacking weekly..." Please give me an example of this hacking, or better yet a video with proof.

  5. It's great rewards for doing PVP even though it has no legitimacy, Hacking is the game , now heal hacks seem to be most obvious, SWTOR knows it, and doesn't really care, but why not reward the legitimate players for going along, the loot is good, generally the worst part is that since the hackers can't be killed it's hard to get medals for conquest, and if you aren't a DPS with healing ability it's impossible. THis is just stupid pro hacker idiot pvp thinking, think of subscribers who would like to participate in something, the people who pay to play. too much reward is given to hackers not legit players. I don't know what you get from hitting IDK or ILM and playing GOd mode, they are pathetic antisocial low IQ morons for the most part , but why encourage them when you should be supporting the revenue generators.?

    Also; sometimes you get medals if your side wins, sometimes not, so you don't know if you should try and win or just get DPS for medals, and of course stealthers and medics wont even get that, If you are going to keep having mostly Hackball events (usually totally hacked) then why not lower the dps requirements and medals for winners all the time? While the other matches besides Hackball are more fun and even Don't see why most pvp matches are hack ball.

    Also noteworthy that while my stealther died several times actually attacking the enemy cannon he got no attacker medals, since he doesn't do dps. so no 8 medals for him, SWTOR wants DPS and Kills not strategy,


    Seems like your issue is one of the "get good" variety. To put it simply, knowing how to play the game is not cheating. A dps class without heals, e.g: sniper (not counting roll/crouch/medpack), can easily get 8 medals in a pvp match.

    When you say "can't be killed" do you mean they're 100% immune to damage? or that simply you're not dealing enough damage to kill them, there is a big difference.

    Bottom line it does seem you just have an L2P problem. good luck

  6. I think nerfing gods is the wrong way to go about it, it's a really hard raid to do, something people have been asking for. when it finally comes along, people want it nerfed instead of trying to get better and work towards clearing it. but, lets assume that getting good is not possible, a simple solution could be just allowing Nightmare Crystals to be used inside gods nim. but maybe not grant the Slayer title if crystals are used.
  7. Not worth paying a group/buying a run for hard mode queen. it's an easy fight, just look for a decent group and do it that way, groups form all the time.


    Selling the mask achievement for 2m is basically robbery, it's a free, no effort achievement. 100m for the hard mode version? for an easy boss like that anything higher than 20m is just absurd

  8. I personally dislike this idea, bioware should not be focusing on adding things to the CM, but instead obtain items through ingame actions. Legacy weapons should remain somewhat unique, they're in a way quality of life. and having a small grind to obtain these weapons isn't a bad thing. But on the other side of this, not everyone likes the designs of legacy weapons. ok, maybe make a weapons slot in the cartel market, or ingame earnable mods that change the look of weapons, a new skin, similar to weapon tunings.
  9. My thoughts? Keep Bane of Izax for killing him on HM, add Godslayer for a timed run (e.g 1-2 hours). Maybe add

    "<name> Molten Fury " for Tyth or something. How about a stronghold decoration? A plaque that says something like <name> Slayer of Izax. have it similar to the stronghold window where you can chose which character owns which stronghold. Possibly a terminal on the fleet for special events like this, a Hall of Fame, having everyone that cleared the op before 5.9 on it, probably a dumb idea.

    But seriously, Bane of Izax is a cheap title.

  10. I am curious, has anyone actually tried talking to these perpetrators about the problem? Talk as in a friendly chat, not sending hate messages, calling them names, yelling at everyone to report/ignore them, and not auto putting the first bad player you see on ignore.

    If these players aren't actually trying and are just sitting there for exp/cxp then it might be worth while trying to help them, persuade them that it's in their best interest to try their best. If you're talking about the bad/new players (most of the whining I see is aimed at them) then you could try giving them advice/tips, help them get better, share builds etc.

    I've noticed since 5.0 the toxicity levels in GSF has risen immensely, probably because of the cxp/UC rewards.


    another thing, the people that I've seen in chat whining about these "leeches" saying how bad they are, how they do nothing for the team except make them lose faster. Well there are plenty of people that can make these whiners look like "leeches", when a new player faces an average/decent player they will get wrecked. when an average/decent player faces a god lvl play they will also get wrecked (to put it mildly).

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