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Posts posted by Valadeus

  1. I mean just stuns. Interrupts are fine and serve a purpose. Stuns? Not really. Just sucks when your specials are on CD and you are chain stunned to death. That's not fun at all.


    What you're looking for is stun locks to be reduced, not stuns themselves. Stuns are a vital part of PvP and without them it would be much worse.

  2. Witness41920 is my gamertag in most games.


    It stands for Acts 4: 19 - 20


    "But Peter and John answered them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.'"


    Which is what it means to be a witness, hence the full name.


    The quote is simply something I've said many times to people who claim they wish the world was a better place and it's simply a principle I try to live by: lead by example, be the change you want to see and be the person you want others to see.

  3. I rarely worry about alignment with my characters, I generally pick an alignment based on my perception of the character and then make whatever choices I want (I have alignment shifts hidden on the dialogue options).


    For example, my main characters are a Smuggler/Gunslinger and an Agent/Sniper.


    My Gunslinger is the "thief with a heart of gold" archetype. His initial motivation in nearly everything is making credits but if someone is truly desperate and cannot help themselves then he'll help them even if he gains nothing for it. This leads to a pretty healthy mix of LS and DS choices but he ended up being mostly LS by the end of the playthrough. He also ended up siding with the Republic and becoming a privateer not because of some patriotic sense of duty but because he realized the Empire would be really bad for business and much harder to work within.


    My Sniper is the epitome of the Empire-loyal Agent. His choices are governed by the pursuit of the greater good for the Empire. This means he cleans up loose ends, often defies the Sith who would rather use him for their own machinations without regard for the greater Empire and chose to remain loyal to the Empire in spite of everything that happened to him in the story. Subsequently he considers himself a champion of the common person in the Empire. He is less concerned with the powermongering among the Moffs and Sith and will make decisions more likely to benefit the common citizen or soldier, or to benefit the Empire as a whole. This led to him being slightly LS aligned by the end of his story.

  4. Hi There.



    Been playing Sniper for a couple of weeks now, seem to perform well in Warzones and also in team ranked with tank and tank+healer games.


    Same for Solo Ranked when we have a healer or a Tank.


    Just had a few 4 dps games,, against some pretty decent players and basically got globalled. Not literally but I died pretty fast.

    I tried to cycle through my cool downs and kite but still riperino.


    Other than the ever so common "l2p noobs" or "Stop queueing". Anyone got any good advice for surviving in 4 dps ranked matches.


    Especially against good players it seems I don't have an 'oh ****' button compared to say my merc or Mara's with stealth and undying.


    I'm playing Engi by the way.


    I'll try to offer some advice with the caveat that I'm not an expert player. My first question would be what utilities are you using?


    Personally, I've found the following utilities to be very helpful in solo queue:



    Ballistic Dampeners - The key to this utility is remembering to reset it. You get three which will disappear quickly when you're under fire but can be reset every 6 seconds. It's a good habit to get into to pop into and out of cover every so often in order to reset your stacks of dampeners.


    Vital Regulators - This is a very good passive heal that can add a substantial amount of survival capability to your character without or without a healer, particularly given the amount of time you're going to be spending in cover



    Seek Cover - You want to be free to move when you're not in cover and you want to be in cover as much as possible, so minimizing the amount of time it takes you to get from cover to cover and having immunity to movement impairing while moving between covers is excellent.


    Reestablish Range - Countermeasures serves no purpose in PvP, it's a wasted ability. This utility fixes that and turns it into another movement purge and speed boost, same line of thinking as above. Further it builds a knock back into your Penetrating Blasts that helps in several situations.


    Evacuate - Maim and Flash Bang are your CC abilities, using them more often is good.



    Pillbox Sniper - You want Entrench up as often as possible. Not only does it protect you from control effects, it also contributes to your speed boost and movement-impairment immunity with Seek Cover utility above. Reducing the cooldown on Entrench is very good. Knocking people further back with Cover Pulse is just a plus.



    Tactical Retreat - A 10% heal on a 20 second cooldown that automatically puts you in cover (with Entrench built in for 3 seconds due to your built-in passives) is hands down the best legendary utility you have. The 2 second duration increase on Evasion is excellent as well.


    Deployed Shields - This is the one major "iffy" one to me because I simply use it because I haven't found a good alternative. The 5% increase in damage reduction while in cover is nice since, as stated above, you'll be in cover a lot. The reduction in Ballistic Shield cooldown is also nice since it's one of your best, if not your best, defensive cooldowns.


    If your utilities are correct then the general practice for surviving is pacing your cooldowns and using the right ones at the right time.


    Cover Pulse is great, use it when you have more than one melee enemy on you or when you can gain a tactical advantage with it (like knocking an enemy off a bridge). Don't spam it too early or you'll lose a very good defensive tool.


    Evasion should be your go to defense in most situations. Guaranteed dodge chance from most attacks combined with 75% reduction in Force and Tech attack damage is extremely good and you have the duration increase on it as well if you took Deployed Shields (as suggested above).


    Shield Probe should be used when Evasion is NOT active, it will mitigate more damage this way and you waste it when you already dodge most attacks with Evasion.


    Use Penetrating Blasts wisely, the knockback can be very useful, follow it up with a Leg Shot on the same person and you buy yourself some time against melee characters. You can chain this together with Penetraing Blasts => Sniper Volley => Penetrating Blasts => Leg Shot or Flash Bang (depending on whether you plan to hit the same target or not, Flash Bang will mez them for 8 seconds if you switch targets).


    Use Maim. It's also not a bad idea to Maim someone, Snipe them, Cover Pulse to knock them back while they're still stunned (immobilizing them afterward), followed by Leg Shot.


    Make very good use of your Imperial Tactics cooldown. It will reset all of your survival abilities and if you're cycling them correctly combined with the passive healing and your Ballistic Shields, you can survive for quite some time.


    Lastly, use your Roll for more than just a chance to reposition yourself. You have a 100% chance to avoid all attacks while you're rolling. Use it when you see enemies preparing to hit you hard (Ambush from another Sniper or a similar ability).


    Good luck out there, hope this helps!

  5. To be fair, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already a morally gray setting. Yes, the Republic could be described as "good" and the Empire as "evil," the Light Side as "good" and the Dark Side as "evil," but these aren't exactly accurate descriptors.


    The Republic is a galactic democracy in which representatives are elected to speak on behalf of various people groups spread across millions of miles, mired by political corruption at all levels of government, taxed by bureaucratic malfeasance, plagued by racial tension that occurs from a cultural melting pot and rife with social disparity from the lavishly wealthy and opulent to the destitute and poor.


    The Empire is a galactic dictatorship in which a single authority stands above the rest in the embodiment of the Emperor but is actually governed by an oligarchy of non-elected officials composing a Dark Council that spend time and resources scheming against one another rather than facing the problems of the people they're governing; it is divided by an extremely prominent social caste system where the Sith (Force users) stand in a world apart then Humans are held above all other races which fuels the rampant racism that can be seen at every level of Imperial society. It's a "failure is not tolerated" militaristic society that stresses the importance of success and the cost of failure, the common citizen has almost no one looking after their interests and are merely cogs in the greater machine of the Empire.


    The Light Side of the Force represents the so-called "positive" emotions of compassion, love and serenity but this is marred by the teachings of the Jedi who emphasize a divorce from all emotion believing that all emotion pollutes objectivity and clarity while opening the door to the Dark Side. The very same teaching that causes extreme division within themselves, constant internal conflict and drives many people away from them into the very things they claim they have to fight against.


    The Dark Side of the Force represents the so-called "negative" emotions of anger, lust, fear, hatred and jealousy which is taken to an extreme by the teachings of the Sith who emphasize use of these emotions to obtain power and the use of that power to dominate others while these emotions can simultaneously be used to bring about positive results or exercised in moderation or control to allow an understanding of temperance and wisdom in relation to their existence.


    The entire setting is "morally gray" with elements leaning toward good or evil and is written almost as an examination of what happens when we give too much power to the extremes (Jedi and Sith) and a study of society in differing political structures (Republic and Empire).

  6. Hey, good to see a veteran player that's candid about the areas of the game they're not familiar with or good at!


    I'm speaking on behalf of two different guilds, they're sister guilds one on Republic side and one on Empire side.


    Eternal Wrath is our Empire side guild with an average of 15 players on during most hours of the day, events nearly every night and constant engagement in Operations, Flashpoints, Heroics, World Bosses, Conquest, PvP and general community. Lots of experienced players willing to help with gearing, rotations, mechanics and learning every area of the game.


    Social Outcasts is our Republic side guild which is a recent start up and has an average of about 6 players on during most hours of the day. It is currently working on an event schedule but also has experienced players willing to participate in every aspect of the game and assist where we can.


    Both guilds also have a joint Discord server so communication between guildmates in either guild is easy.


    If you're interested, look me up in game as Aramys Frost (Republic) or Ixa'ramy'soli (Empire). You can also send me a private message here.

  7. An interesting mix of Huttball and Voidstar, honestly.


    My only revision would be since the Datacore room is extremely small and would really only work as a starting zone for the "running" team, you would need to have an additional room added to the destination room for the "airlock" or something similar that they have to blast through to get to the shuttle, that way it remains a three-door map.


    The datacore room is essentially a free room by design.

  8. My suggestion would be to play through the story of the Jedi Knight if that's what you believe will be the most immersive, then try a different story and see how the experiences line up. No one can really tell you whether or not you'll enjoy the story from a particular character's perspective.


    Personally, I think any class fits in the story fine. It takes a little bit of disbelief because some "farfetched" circumstances have to be put in place for some of the classes to fit in but this is fiction for a reason and in a world of fantasy like Star Wars, anything can happen.

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