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Posts posted by dingiestkarma

  1. Hey there,


    Others in this thread have made some relevant points around things like Loyalist / Saboteur, but there is also a bit more to this decision from our side.


    We wanted to avoid having just a bunch of different "boost" options at character create, especially to have clear starting points for new and returning players. When looking at those starting points we chose 3 different points based on each story as its own "saga". So you have the classic game (class story start), KOTFE (the Knights of saga), and Onslaught (the current saga). In this same example, you can't skip straight to KOTET from a boost, just like LotS.


    All of that said, "catch-up time" is something that will grow as we continue to add more story content in the current saga. I'll chat with the team and see if there are adjustments to consider here.


    Thanks for the feedback!





    I can tell you as someone who recently came back the starting point is anything but clear and the story is very long and convoluted. I returned after more then a year and prior to this i leveled to 75 in dungeons, I have no idea where i was in the story and no guidance in game as to how to skip to the furthest point. whats worse is when i found out where i was in the story and that i had to do all of it probably 20+ hours to gain like 1 level and on top of that scaled down so that lvl 60 mobs can kill me man thats just not fun.



    TLDR some people dont care about the story and want to level create a skip please. Remove scaling from old story content its terrible.



    Also while im here


    - cant delete loadouts as far as i know

    - create a /kb for keybinds command its 2022 not 1999 also when switching combat proficiencies my abilities get puked all over my bars until i hit loadout they should stay where they are from the last time i was that spec.

    - fix people teleporting in PVP, i have like 20MS im assuming theyre from a different region but man its annoying.

    - I have fiber 1gb/1gb and i can only download from your launcher at 8.5GB yes i have p2p on as well, and ya i also downloaded from steam in the mean time. but i feel its degrading optimization.

    - I have a 2560X1440 160hz monitor 3080 10850k and 64gb ram when i load the game it absolutely destroys my graphics drivers and turns my PC into a potato for 30 seconds. took me an hour to be able to select windowed fullscreen.

    - remove steam subscription from steam it doesn't work and so far the only endearing thing i have come across is i was able to speak to a nice customer service rep who helped me fix it.


    sorry coming from other games alot of this stuff is standard lets say in WoW which is 10 years older than swtor. I love the PVP and combat but the QoL things are really a pain in the rear.

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