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Posts posted by xXJayeDubXx

  1. Ok, I got to play today for about 1 hour so far, and these are the BUGS that I have discovered in 4.0 (NO Early Access, so just the stuff that COULD have been tested on PTS without spoiling ANYTHING)




    If you had 8 (5 Story, Ship Droid, HK, Treek) companions you now have 7 as Treek is bugged and merges with the ship droid. With the bonus that you do NOT get any of Treeks Gear.


    If you have an Improved Power Converter for your Star Ship for the PvE Space Missions, EVERY TIME you zone, it will go back to your inventory.


    The Cybertech Schematics for the grade 7 Ship Modules (Armor, Missiles, and Shields) requires an "Obsolete Material" and thus can NOT be built any longer.


    Armstechs are still able to Scribe the Old Slicing found Surge Schematics...





    Corso Rigs can NO Longer Use Blaster Pistols, and the Pistol he STARTED THE GAME WITH is NO LONGER Equipable by him. (So long Torchy)


    Treek can NO Longer use his crossbow...


    Yuun can NO Longer use Tech Staves...


    People that had been Tradeskillers since launch have to pay ~2,300,000 Credits (For having one of each Manufacturing Craft, with Cybertech being the worst hit at ~700,000 Credits) to learn the New Schematics to actually be able to tradeskill anymore...


    The Barrel 36 Superior Item Modification now has a level 60 requirement when yesterday it had a level 56 requirement, so I have several characters that can NOT equip their weapons until I rip out the barrels on them for ~10,000 credits a pop.


    Make sure you goto your trainer to Relearn Heroic Moment... we have all forgotten it...


    Influence to 250,000... now, instead of ~390 gifts to companions to get them to max affection I have to give them ~2,500, at 3 seconds each...




    Level Synch = BLAH!


    Two Step Tradeskilling = Double BLAH!!


    Losing Companion Unique Maneuvers = Bummer


    My plan is already to leave when my sub runs out in late November, I just hope the story that I get next week takes the bad taste out of my mouth that this patch put there. I do NOT want to have a bad opinion of BioWare when I leave...


    Do not compare patch 4.0 to the New Game Experience for Star Wars Galaxies, they are nothing alike. Quit your crying and play the game or don't, I care not either way.

  2. Didn't read the thread so sorry if i repeat someone:

    Is it just me who feels a bit offended by the CC cost of the title? "But it's just 10 CC", you might say, "It's nothing!" And it's indeed nothing if you take into consideration just yourself. But imagine if you make a special title available for only 24 hours for a price that seems to be "nothing". Tell me, how many people will fall for it and buy the title without any second thoughts? I bet 90%+ of the playerbase will. And now imagine how much money this will bring to Bioware.

    Anyway, my point is, BW/EA managed to turn even a KOTOR anniversary celebration reward into a cash cow. I really don't like it.


    Wait, what? It's 10cc, who doesn't have 10cc? And what exactly are 'we' falling for? You don't like it, don't buy it. If some money is made then so be it.

  3. this "new" warzone is a rehash of alderaan which many, many people have expressed their extreme dislike for alderaan.. so why, would they come out with another alderaan? it makes no sense, defies logic.


    just finished my first game and it was basically alderaan part 2. same annoying announcer voice, same annoying activation and spawns, blarg!!!!!




    bad choice, now.. not only do i have no choice in picking a warzone i have to suffer through 2 alderaans, as if 1 wasn't bad enough.


    I am curious, where are theses many, many people you claim dislike alderaan? Could it be that you've played so much huttball that every warzone reminds you of huttball?

  4. In the last month I have probably played about 3 hours total of this game. Had great promise, now with the server sizes, class imbalances, and no ranked warzones. I finally hit the button. "you have 26 days to play before your game subscription ends."


    I'm pretty sure people will just say "k bye" or "**** loser" etc etc but my question to you guys is...


    Do you really think in a few months with gw2, tera, pandamania, and diablo 3 all coming out that this game will really survive.


    I honestly don't, and it is a shame because I did really enjoy this game for about 2 months. After those 2 months, there was literally nothing to do, and the only reason I didn't cancel was ranked warzones.


    It just blows cause there are no games out right now worth a damn to play...so this is really the only option if you want to play an MMO...however, I'm just going to play nba2k12 until D3 I guess.


    Blows =(


    Oh, I didn't realize TOR was finished because you have lost interest and have only played 3 hours in the past month. Thanks for clearing that up.

  5. Are you really interested in wearing the POS new armor sets? I would rather run around naked then wear the crap that they put out in 1.2. Do yourself a huge favor and just get normal crit crafted set and pull the mods. That is unless you like running around looking like a clown.


    Also for those that want the "l33t" ranked WH gear, just get the chest and color match it to the rest of your gear. Or you could be a tool and waste comms on the full set of empty shell pieces.




    Say goodbye to my $$ BW/EA. Wont buy another product with either of your labels on it again. But I will sure as heck enjoy heckling you while my time runs out on my sub watching you polish the brass on the Titanic as it sinks.


    Oh no, what shall they do without your money? I hope they are able to recover from the loss seeing as how they are sinking just from the loss of your sub. Moron.

  6. Yes, everyone go play the SWG EMU and then maybe the rose colored glasses will come off and you will realize just how bad the game was back in the day. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the heck out of SWG and sunk a lot of hours into the game, but it was not a good game at all.
  7. Handling issues the BW way...




    1. Plant a vague "We are looking into this issue" reply on the forum and sticky it.


    2. Fool the BDF into thinking the future is bright.


    3. Unsticky the biggest and most well supported thread on the forums thus far.


    4. Cross your fingers and pray to the gods that you have done enough to worm another months subs out of the masses to recoup some of the layout on this certain financial disaster.


    Are you serious? The Bioware war? Care to elaborate on how they got to be this way and with what other games?


    As annoying as the delay can be, it's not going to break this game.

  8. The launch of this game will forever be remembered as the most disappointing and unnecessarily frustrating launch by a AAA mmorpg.


    Except that the official launch of TOR is on the 20th, so I guess you'll be remembering this day for no reason. Good for you.

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