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Posts posted by VoshStargazer

  1. Not sure if there has been any 'Offical' word, just it's what people were saying, so not sure what, if any actions , will or won't be taken. Most people have the sense to know that it's not supposed to work like that, i hope so anyway. As for the crew skills, it's slightly different, as it levels up as you gather, so they really couldn't punish you for it, if it wasn't intended.


    Honestly, the one a day BBA missions made grinding rep super awful, if they took this as a chance to help alleviate the grind by maybe increasing it to 2 bounties per day at the cost of missing a kingpin I feel that would be a worthy trade off

  2. from what i've heard, the issue was that people took multiple missions per char, and were able to hand them in too, so exploiting the fact you are supposed to only had in onea day for each char. (or two, if the char can do Kingpins, 1 normal, 1 Kingpin) So hopefully it won't affect anyone who handed in the normal amount, etx.


    So those who participated in the exploit will be banned? Cause I might lose a couple guildies then....

  3. Hey everyone,


    We are really excited to bring you phase 1 of our Onslaught PTS! For those that have been following along in the PTS forum, you will be familiar with what is now available for testing. In this first phase, we are bringing you all Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor set bonuses and tactical items!


    Note that this phase is PTS is pretty initial and so there is a lot still to come, which you will see in the coming weeks as we enter phase two. Let's dive in!


    How to Test

    • Head to the Getting Started on the PTS thread for directions on how to access and download PTS.
    • Once on PTS, please create a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor of either Advanced Class
    • Walk out of your starter conversation, and you will notice a terminal that is labeled "Travel to Odessen."
    • Click that terminal and it will do the following:
      • Take you to the Odessen Base Camp
      • Set you to level 75
      • Give you 9,999,999 credits
      • Grant you your class ship and ship droid companion

    On the Odessen base camp you will notice a number of vendors which will sell you equipment, set bonus gear, and tactical items for Warriors and Inquisitors. Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents, and their Republic counterparts are not available in this phase.


    Balance is nowhere near final and so we are not driving you to play anything specific. Feel free to play solo content, hit up training dummies, or try to coordinate group content with your friends and guildies. In future phases when we start testing loot drops and balance, we will setup scheduled play times for group content.


    There are a number of things that are in placeholder states or are not yet fully implemented:

    • New tooltips have been implemented, but they are still a work in progress.
    • All of the Onslaught gear is using existing armor appearances, that is likely to change.
    • Amplifiers are not implemented. If you see them appear anywhere expect that it is fully placeholder and not implemented.
    • Tactical item slots appearance in the character sheet is temporary.
    • Crafting inventory and crew skills are not yet ready for testing.
    • The spoils of war style of loot drops are not yet implemented, that will be a major focus of a future PTS phase.
    • Nautolans are not implemented but you will see a section for them in character creation.
    • None of the new areas or storyline should be accessible during PTS.

    Please let us know your thoughts on the Warrior and Inquisitor items! A useful links for you:

    We'll see you on PTS!




    Hey eric, are we not allowing character transfers to the pts now? Can't transfer over my sorc

  4. I am all for same gender romances, but with certain characters, it just makes no sense for them to suddenly be this way. Doc, for example, he was always a LADIES man and never was designed to be same gender romance
  5. Did you equip the lightsaber given to you with satele and marr? (The force ghost and lady) also are you using the shield? It should be an easy boss fight. if you really want to skip to the end go to your ship and there should be KOTET (Next expansion) On your mission console where you got all the other story quests like KOTFE
  6. Ah, I see..:(


    As I complete planet story arc missions, will I still have the opportunity to find new companions? or are the people you meet in the Chapters it? I noticed there are a lot of different companions to buy skins for and was wondering if i blew my shot at finding new companions and having interesting conversations by ending the Chapters (Becoming Darth)? :rak_02:


    You can buy two new companions (Granted one of them is a huge fetch quest) but they both give you new conversations, beyond that the expansions (Mainly kotfe and kotet) introduce you too many new characters and you get LOTS of companions in kotfe/kotet and a few are romancable.

  7. Hey everyone!


    I wanted to share a more detailed update about the Lana marriage bug that cropped up with Update 5.9, and how we’ll be addressing it with Update 5.9.2.


    When the dev team originally implemented the variable that stores whether a given player character has chosen to marry Lana or not, a bizarre quirk of the tools caused that variable to not be set permanently, even though we told the tools to do so. As I’m sure you can imagine, we found this quite frustrating, and have thus destroyed said “quirk” via ruthless orbital bombardment to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. From now on, characters that are in a romance with Lana who play through the Solo Story mode of the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint will have their decision of whether or not to ask Lana to marry them remembered permanently, as it always should have been.


    Of course, this still remains an issue for those players whose characters are in a romance with Lana and have already completed the Solo Story mode of Nathema Conspiracy. We have implemented a solution to correct the issue for those players in Update 5.9.2. When the servers come back up with the new update, a brief new mission will appear automatically on all characters who meet the following criteria:


    • In a romance with Lana Beniko
    • Have completed the Solo Story mode of the Nathema Conspiracy
    • Are not currently on the mission “Things Left Unsaid” (ie, are not currently breaking up with Lana to begin/resume a different romance)


    The new mission, “An Error in Alliance Records”, will send you to the droid H1-R1 on Odessen, who will ask you a series of questions to correct some issues in his corrupted Alliance personnel files. Please be sure to answer his question about your relationship with Lana honestly, as it’s going to be remembered permanently this time.


    You may wonder if it’s possible to tell the droid that you didn’t agree to marry Lana when you actually did, or vice versa. The answer is yes, that is possible; this is your one chance to change your mind consequence-free, but be sure that’s what you really want to do – as I said, your answer will be permanently recorded.


    We wholeheartedly apologize to all players impacted by this issue, and appreciate your patience as we put together our solution.


    I love this, but could we also get the marriage cutscene as well?

  8. 500 servers down to 5 = loss of players = dying.


    Pretending death does not exist will not make life eternal. Or game. Dying game is dying.


    Hey, that being said it's OK.


    No game lives on forever, except that one game.


    Enjoy swtor while it is here, and stop worrying about it's impending doom.


    Finally, every game will eventually go away. just enjoy it

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