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Posts posted by JJKerryee

  1. Maybe you guys are right, but i still don't like IA story and find it extremely boring. Don't like the companions either - there isn't given any decent reason for Raina Temple not being a Sith apprentice on Korriban, for example.


    But we are given a decent reason for that. Raina didn't think she was strong enough in the force to face the Korriban trials so she hid with the Chiss Ascendancy. It is literally why we meet her on Hoth.

  2. Hi. Let me know if i got this straight , here's what i understand will happen in 7.0 :


    1. we will log in and none of our characters will have a working rotation

    2. no outfit slots at all, so everyone will be forced to wear the class armor set, no matter how ugly is it - the Batman headpiece of storm gatherer is the very definition of ugly - and some weapons that won't fit with the body size of characters

    3. everyone will spam Hammer Station for the new weekly piece of equipment and ofc mercenaries, without the speed boost skill will be the first to die at the bridge, because as always everyone will want to do fp FAST FAST FAST, let's cc everything!

    4. everyone will crowd 2-3 locations to do the season quests for a companion no one asked for - a Duros "mercenary" without a background story and a very limited vocabulary - like the Duros NPC from Fleet, our new pal will only say " I VARU PARU HII" and that's all.

    5. 20 minutes of new "story" content with "over-attached girlfriend " Beniko pestering us at every 5 minutes and ofc more chasing of Malgus's cybernetic behind all over the Galaxy, because w/e is he doing on Manaan , Elom and other places is somehow Alliance Commander's business ( why? )


    Have i missed something?


    And since we opened the companion can of worms , why can't we have a Baby Yoda? An Ughnaught? A laughing Czerka droid?


    You've missed a lot of things but the most important one was common sense.

    The only thing you won't have are weapons, the rest of the outfit designer is the same.

    Hammer Station can't be spammed all the time as it depends on the group finder's rotation of flashpoints, which will change. The idea that somehow mercenaries are going to have a harder time finding groups bc "they don't have a speed boost" is also ridiculous.

    Plus, have you talked to the entire community to know that no one wanted this companion? I've seen quite a few people excited about it.

    20 minutes of the story is an obvious exageration, but the fact is we don't know how long the story will be, most likely at least 2 hours. About the reasoning for finding Malgus, he is dangerous, reckless, and has threatened the galaxy multiple times before, probably doing so again. That reason enough for you?

    It seems you actually got most of it wrong, so, yes, you missed a lot.

  3. First of all, I agree with the general sentiment that it's good you're taking your time to make this expansion good and not releasing something unfinished.

    HOWEVER, I also hope you're already thinking of some sort of proper compensation for all the customers who bought a subscription just for this expansion, ESPECIALLY, when you're telling us about a 2-month delay 1 WEEK before the supposed release.

  4. Had one of the weirdest (and funniest) encounters on MM Depths of Manaan, with me as operative dps, another merc dps, a sorcerer healer, and a pt tank.


    Until the second boss (Ortuno with the water and lighting), it went without a hitch. After we did the bonus boss tho, the healer, the other dps, and I got to the second boss pretty quickly but the tank for some reason was taking his time and then he entered combat so we started to go back to go help him. We were already on the way to him when he leaves combat and passes us extremely fast with rocket boost, enters the boss room, and starts fighting the boss. Obviously, none of us were in the room, so he wiped and started complaining that we had a lot of time to already be there, ultimately, we decided to ignore it and continue like normal.


    This is when it gets weird (and funny), the tank wouldn't stay still for one second during the boss fight. I mean LITERALLY. He was sprinting around the entire map and I mean the entire map, above and below the left stairs, then walking around in circles in the middle, then he would move to the other stairs and again above and below. Obviously the water was getting everywhere and when the boss entered the "flow" phase the other dps and I died, somehow we ended up being able to finish it, but it was actually the funniest thing being dead and just watching that tank constantly run away from the boss the entire time. The others and I even joked he must've been REALLY afraid of getting wet. So surreal.

  5. you need to start reading titles of threads and text itself. He doesn't say devs don't have resources, he states that they waste them in wrong direction. Instead of useless ability swap system they could do something more useful and interesting


    And it appears you need to start reading the comments people reply to and the actual text used for the post. My post was made to answer a specific comment, mainly this part: "They should have bring all big and needed changes with one expansion instead of dividing it into several parts. So we will have combat styles in autumn but pvp revamp in the end of 2022? New advanced classes in 2023? Changes to team ranked quests in 2024? Players needs all these IN NEAR FUTURE not in 1-3 years".

    My point was they don't have the resources to do this, so asking for it is pointless.


    The "useless ability swap system" as you call it is something a lot of players have been asking for a long time. Perhaps realizing that your likes don't correspond to the entirety of the community's is something to ponder. Many players asked for this, and many are happy about it. Just bc you don't find it useful or interesting, doesn't mean others don't. As such, this wasn't the wrong direction for many players. It probably was for some, but with limited resources, they'll never please the entire community anyway.

  6. Term new or next expansion already means something BIG. Yes, they didn't use term big but they used terms next/new expansion, NEXT ERA for swtor etc - https://gyazo.com/8f5193c5d3dffdecf8ac9c36813dede6


    Term ExPAnSiOn is used in many MMO to indicate big changes, decent amount of new content etc. For instance, in wow you can see lich king, mists of pandaria, cataclysm expansions each of one had big changes, new ways of playing the game, new classes, dungeons, balance changes etc. Meanwhile, in swtor we see new expansion announcement which brings possibility to swap old classes for old story content and some glimpse for future pvp revamp. They should have bring all big and needed changes with one expansion instead of dividing it into several parts. So we will have combat styles in autumn but pvp revamp in the end of 2022? New advanced classes in 2023? Changes to team ranked quests in 2024? Players needs all these IN NEAR FUTURE not in 1-3 years


    I really don't get what is supposed to be your point? Do I wish unicorns existed? Obviously, it would be pretty cool. But they don't. Any SWTOR player that has been here for a meaningful amount of time knows they don't have the resources for anything that big so what's your point? If you were truly expecting a gigantic expansion, with every system revamped, you have only yourself to blame. I dare say what we got was more than expected and the improved communication of what exactly is the game's future is a welcomed improvement.

  7. Ah come on. They were families who wanted to not see their kids die from starvation. Maintaining at least decent relations with the Empire was the only way the majority of families on Balmorra were going to survive. Zenith shouldn't be blaming them, he should be blaming the Republic.


    Just because the situation was difficult that doesn't erase the consequences of their actions: so they could survive, thousands more died. I simply believe Zenith's rage is justified when he discovers the truth. It would also be good to point out there's a difference between "maintaining at least decent relations with the Empire" and betraying their comrades which ends up leading to their deaths. Ultimately, we don't have enough information about the subject: were they tortured, or did they do it to get a better life under imperial occupation? Very different scenarios.


    I also fail to see why the Republic should be blamed and the Empire not, you know the faction who actually occupied, tortured, murdered, and terrorized the inhabitants of Balmorra.

  8. Most of that is derived from Zenith's story. I think a lot of people get turned off by Zenith on Balmorra, your very first interaction has Zenith wanting to kill someone in cold blood, and then they see what happens during their story, and that gives a strong impression. In Zenith's story they are willing to use blackmail, deceit, and lies to further their own goals, they show a lack of compassion for people who were in a bad situation and had to make tough choices for their families, and are then blasé about the fallout. If one's interactions with Zenith do not extend beyond the ship, and are entirely formed by Zenith's story and their reactions to choices made during on-ship cutscenes, it is entirely understandable why some come to the conclusion that they do.


    I am hopeful that we will see some character growth in Zenith when we are reunited, but from the snippet presaging Zenith's return that we have received it seems like Zenith has merely fallen back into fighting the same old battles, and that will likely mean that Zenith has not grown as a person.


    Well, I believe context is key here. He wants to murder someone in cold blood...who literally just tried to murder you in cold blood. And, although I convinced him to forgive the refugees, let's not sugar-coat things, "the families who had to make tough choices" are, in fact, traitors to their people that to ensure their own safety betrayed their planet and lead to thousands of balmorran deaths, so I don't think it's really fair to make them out to be simple "families in a tough situation". Zenith's anger when he learns the truth is completely understandable.


    About the rest, although I'm not so sure it will be the case, I would also like to see some character growth for Zenith when he comes back.

  9. True, they are all rebels who are anti-Empire. But Zenith has no compassion for people just trying to survive. Zenith is willing to throw people under the bus if it is good for Zenith. Zenith embodies the "with me or against me" mentality. That does not apply to Kanan, Erzra, Ahsoka, or Hera.


    Every class has a companion or two who embody the traits that are antithetical to the expected trajectory of the class story. The Consular is expected to the light, or at least light grey, and Zenith, and to a lesser extent Qyzen, is the dark side Consular companion.


    I have to say that after recently doing a playthrough of the consular story and bringing Zenith along with me everywhere, I don't see him like that at all.


    Zenith is extremely passionate about people who are just trying to survive, hell he knows better than anyone what those people go through, he cares deeply about balmorrans and other refugees of the Empire. (Not to mention his obsession with ensuring the consular is safe.) After playing through all of the planetary quests and paying attention to what he approved and disapproved, Zenith simply has no mercy for imperials, and it makes sense due to what they did to his homeworld, he's obviously deeply scarred with it.


    Saying that he would "throw people under the bus if it is good for Zenith", doesn't correlate with what I saw with him at all, in fact, Zenith would disapprove every time I decided not to help someone and would approve every time I decided to help right away. Bluntly put, he doesn't believe in second chances, he doesn't believe in forgiveness and he does see things a bit too black and white when they are a lot more gray, but ultimately I would say his heart is in the right place if a bit broken because of his past.


    To be honest, I never got why so many dislike this character so much and after doing a full playthrough of the story with him, I understand it even less. I would personally say he is one of the most interesting companions the consular has.

  10. One of the biggest issues that i imagine why so many people (including myself) turn away from this game is because they realize this community are so set on how the system works now. They don't want changes to the difficulty and in fact want it easier, they don't want to consider people's point of view. The community give the developer no wiggle room to try new things. This community is made up for 40 year olds with the fear of change and as the saying goes, you can't teach old dog new tricks.


    Teenagers, and young adults don't get a kick out of this passive, braindless grind. It doesn't stimulate their brains or their bodies in any way shape or form. And all this is meant to be brutally honest just based on what ive observed. Take my observation with a grain of salt.


    The game and the way it works, amazing but the details is what ruins it and those can easily be changed and enhanced, thats the good part. They can make breathtaking DLC's/Chapters, they can increase the difficulty(not impossible but somewhat challenging to the point that fights are at least semi-technical, perhaps not the regular world mobs but end of story bosses should be technical battles, this is what makes all games that have ever existed fun, you get to the last fight and you knew for a FACT that battle was going to need some sort of strategy, and SWTOR storyline is the complete opposite, dont fix what isn't broken this system has existted since tetris and its worked since, that is why no games except for this one apparently attempt to change the model, why?).


    I don't even understand where you got this idea about ages from? What does that have to do with anything? Have you documented every Swtor players' age and their opinion of the game? Some of the most vocal players on this forum are older and they are the ones who ask the most for change.


    About your "constructive criticism" I don't really think it makes much sense. If you want difficulty why not play master mode flashpoints, nightmare operations, master mode uprisings, ranked PVP? The harder content you ask for is there if you want it. I mean even if they upped the difficulty of the story it could never be to a significant amount since a lot of players would leave. I mean have you seen the reactions to Spirit of Vengeance? There are still people complaining about its difficulty today. I would understand if this game didn't have any harder content, but like this, it just seems you're asking for it at the wrong place.



    About the OP's post, I think it's a bit more complicated than that. it's fair for a lot of players who've been here for so long to start getting discouraged with the state of the game, however, some of them bad-mouth this game to such an extreme I truly don't understand what they're still doing here. I also agree that one of SWTOR's biggest enemies in terms of popularity is definitely some of its player base, I've never seen so many people who actively play a game yet trash it at the same time and will literally say they won't recommend it to anyone.

  11. If it was a single player RPG then yeah the alliance story would be fine. If a MMO but has only the alliance faction and not the republic or empire faction then fine, but this MMO is about the republic and the Empire,

    This MMO is about the Old Republic era that's it. The fact that you want them to focus on both of those factions alone is something different.


    and bioware are ignoring those two factions and just focusing on this pointless third faction that should be disbanded by now.

    What? After KOTET the game went back to being absolutely about both factions. BioWare has literally given the player the option to disband the Alliance and all the new story has been focusing on Republic and Empire.


    As said the story is lacking balance, there is nothing unique for both sides, it's all the same except you deciding who wins/loses,

    You literally have different stories on each side with base common elements. It's still worthwhile to play both sides.


    not bioware splitting wins/loses in balance and molding story to make both factions worth playing and to keep to a close canon, and not label the game on the Jedi knight and republic, for we got the other 7 classes too. For Bioware may aswell rename the game to Knights of the old republic 3 or Star wars the alliance, as it does not feel like SWTOR anymore.

    I mean if you want the same boring and stale war constantly happening, without anything ever changing be my guest. But don't make us other players have to suffer that. Plus, you're uniting 2 completely different things, one thing is wanting them to go back to 8 coexisting storylines, which I agree with (but admittedly will never happen), another completely different thing is wanting them to go back to the boring war we had at the beginning. I'd rather have a story where what we do actually has some impact on the story.

  12. Yeah, but it's a lot harder to get everyone to agree on, say, who the current emperor is, who won the battle of Corellia, or who is still alive, than it is to get everyone to agree "My character is not the player character in the game's narrative." Those aren't really comparable conflicts or concessions.


    Let's say I'm doing some cantina RP. My character is an engineer, who grew up on Corellia and working in the Corellian shipyards. My character mentions that they're so grateful the Republic protected the shipyards because, hard as life was, they have so many loved ones who lived and died there, and they'd rather not see the Empire take over.


    Person B in the cantina then responds, "What are you talking about? I played Onslaught, and when I did the Republic failed."



    It makes simple walk-up or pick-up RP especially hard in particular, but even in guild/community settings can lead to significant disconnect, especially for players who misunderstand, have not yet gotten up to speed on the content, or who don't want to navigate seven different guilds each with their own states of the Galaxy that can vary as much as who is in charge of the two major governments in the galaxy.




    You're still RPing in the world and universe laid out by the narrative of SWTOR; you can't do that and have a narrative with multiple, conflicting realities.




    Things can change. The issue is that these changes have multiple, inherently-contradictory possibilities, not that they are changes.


    It doesn't hurt RPers to have Empress Acina die. Most welcome those sorts of changes because it leads to very interesting narrative environments to play around with. How would an alien Imperial handle the death of the most pro-alien Emperor to rule? How would your average soldier, or citizen, react? What does a power-hungry Sith think, or a reformist Sith? Does it inspire hope or fear in the Republic? Does a Jedi care?


    Those are all really, really interesting questions. And they're really fun to write around.


    What's not fun is that any given person you're writing with may be playing their character in a completely different universe. What happens when things my character has done -- and does -- for more than a year now are a direct result of the Empire losing the battle of Corellia, but then I'm RPing with a person, or a group, whose character development is contingent on the empire winning?


    It really hurts continuity, and it makes RP a lot harder than it needs to be. You're basically forced to never touch what's happening in the game (which is the opposite of wanting to embrace these cool, exciting changes) or carve your own canon which leads to a massive headache and inherently to OOC conflict.


    Alas, I'm mostly just reiterating Skotnica here, but I think it's a worthwhile point. There's really no other MMO where the universe you roleplay in is so wildly disparate based upon player choices. This was not the case in Galaxies; it is not the case in FFXIV; it is not the case in WoW; it is not the case in LOTRO; it is not the case in GW2; it is not the case in ESO.


    I don't know any other major MMOs with RP communities, so you'll have to forgive me if I missed an example, but maybe those games not having large communities might be connected.


    And I usually get a typical response, so let me emphasize something:


    The narrative can provide for interesting choice without "interesting choice" being "Do you save the empress or kill her?" Narratives are, in my opinion, much more interesting and engaging when we're on the "ground level," playing around with moral and ethical questions that don't boil down to "Did you choose red team or blue team?"


    I don't think the narrative direction of SWTOR has done anything to create compelling ethical or moral choices (like Disco Elysium, Tyranny, Witcher 3, or Divinity) and the current direction hurts RPers, so it's a lose-lose for me.


    If the only interesting writing you can do is, "Do you give up your ultra-powerful space empire that you inherited because the god-emperor is personally in love with you?" and "Do you kill X or kill Y?" I think you should probably look for other career paths.


    It's not as if these different paths are the result of real consequence, anyway. The Republic doesn't win the battle for Corellia because of choices I made two or three expansions ago -- the Republic wins because I made a Republic character. So we have a story which gets progressively more convoluted and complicated, with all these branches that can never lead to any real resolution, while making roleplay more difficult, while also doing nothing to shake the notion of a galaxy that doesn't really change.


    On the scale of railroad to sandbox DMs, SWTOR is about as railroad as you can get, except the DM insists on adding a bunch of illusory options that they never intend to pay off and that they're just going to forget once your party shows up for their next session.


    //Edited bc I misunderstood your point about "ground level" choices at the beginning.


    There's no point in comparing SWTOR's story to other MMOs', especially, when most of the others barely give you a choice at all and that's SWTOR's whole chabang. Look at WOW for example, what choice can you make there? To accept or not a quest? To follow a written narrative or not?


    In the end, there are 2 solutions for this problem, you either decide a predetermined setting for the RP session, which is always done in some way or another. Or you take away real choice from the player's hands in the game's narrative, taking away the player's involvement in the higher echelons of the story. I think the former is much easier to achieve than to hinder the game's story, to make it easier for RPing.


    Now, I understand what you're saying when you say that real choices don't have to be big choices and I do agree that ground level choices are very interesting to explore but at this point, it would be more a matter of preference, of which type of story each person likes so not much of a point in going there. Every game that offers choice only offers an illusion of choice, so there's not much of a point in going there either.


    Also, imagine if they decided to take away from the player involvement in big decisions like who rules the galaxy and if the Alliance is disbanded or not, after already giving so many of them before, do you think most players would be happy about it? It's also not like moral and ethical decisions don't have lasting consequences on big decisions as well.


    I do understand the struggle of RPing in this game, I just think there's not much they can do to fix this problem without harming the story they've already built, and since there is a solution for the problem, complicated or not, by deciding together a predetermined setting for the RP session, there's not much of a point in discussing this.

  13. What I'm saying is the story is lacking balance for both sides, and that it is surrounded upon favouritism and is operating a single player rpg not a mmo rpg, and it's derailing itself from the games true meaning. This game is about Republic versus Empire. NOT this Alliance that chooses who win/looses and it just topples it's story, and just makes the story pointless, if they disbanded the alliance after KOTET and properly focused on balancing the war with the republic and empire, where each side has their wins and losses, then it makes both sides of the story worth playing. But now playing and choosing on who should win based on favouritism, all I ask is they just remove that problem (which is the alliance) and just focus on both factions (the empire and republic) equally and make a story balance, for just having 4 different routes choosing upon favouritism, it's just not that fun or unique.


    This game is about Star Wars in the era of the Old Republic, that's it.


    About what you said next, we've already seen it. We've already had a really long time where the factions were balanced, eventually one of them has to get the upper hand because if not it would become pointless. The story doesn't become pointless if they're not balanced, it becomes pointless if no matter what you do, nothing really changes. And it's not like they're even forcing one side to win over the other no matter what like they did with Makeb (even if both logic and lore demand the Republic to win), so you still get to choose which faction is winning.


    Plus, your point about favoritism is kinda invalid, everything you do is about what you prefer and want to do. It's impossible to run away from it, by giving players a choice you are always putting it up for favoritism, unless you give them no real choice, only then is favoritism actually excluded. If the factions are constantly balanced and the player is never given the chance to tip the scales, of course there's no favoritism, but then where's your choice? Where's the point of even following the story? Why do you think we got expansions like SOR and KOTFE/KOTET, bc you can only create a story about an unchanged war for so long without it becoming stale and boring.


    He has a point. No matter what RP someone did, it was usually set in a predetermined universe. With the current choices and their influences, what is being done to that universe is that there is one for every combination of choices. There is a reason why the RP community stays away from interfering with powerful NPCs. For example, do you RP in an Empire where the ruler is Acina or Vowrawn? Is the Alliance still a thing or has it been disbanded? Who is winning the war? Who is in a better shape? Those are all based on the choices of thousands of players, whereas with Makeb and before there was one setting to RP around, now you have thousands and the RP has gone to the gutter filled with isolated cliques that each follow their own favorite story. This in turn makes it uninviting for newcommers.


    Not really. RP has always been done in a predetermined setting. This isn't a new problem, and it's not even a problem caused by these bigger choices. This "problem" has always been around, if you have 3 Jedi Knights RPing, did the 3 of them become the Hero of Tython and kill the Emperor? Of course not. How do you fix it? You create a predetermined setting, giving new stories to each one. Same thing with all the big decisions introduced after. Who is the Emperor? You decide beforehand. Is the Alliance disbanded and who is in better shape? Same thing, decided when creating the setting for the RP session.


    This has never been an issue. Like I said before, RP is about new stories, not the story we get in SWTOR, as that one is obviously tailored for individuals, and RP is supposed to be done in a group.


    Even if this was an actual problem, which it's not, it would be ridiculous to ask writers to continuously create an interesting story while fundamentally not changing anything, may as well not have a story at all.

  14. I thought it was fitting, even if undermines SOR's ending a little bit as I interpret it as Revan willing to let go of his obsession and passing the torch to you (though to devil's advocate my own point passing down the torch doesn't mean doing nothing I guess), having Meetra in the game again was nice even if it was brief plus I really like her new model in comparison to the old one since her robes look far more like a KOTOR II Jedi robes. Even if her hair is still white which makes 0 sense, but hey I'll call it a win they remembered she even existed.


    I actually agree here. They have a proper reason to bring him back one last time, unlike TROS. With all the identities he assumed along the centuries and all the characters he came across, his last appearance in KOTET left a lot to be desired, since it was really only a send-off to Valkorion, not Vitiate, the Sith Emperor side of the character and especially not Tenebrae. This seems to be a good way of tying up all the loose ends and doing a proper send-off to the character as a whole.

  15. This is probably one of the weirdest posts I've ever read in these forums.

    Basically, you're advocating for them to take away any real choice we have and stream-line the story even more than what it already is. Truly boggles the mind.

    What's even funnier is you trying to use RPers as a justification. Your logic makes absolutely no sense. RP is literally based on creating new stories and choosing a setting. Most of the time not even being influenced by SWTOR's story at all.

  16. First, the second part of that was not directed towards you.


    PVP is about winning, not about just participating, I am perfectly fine with the current state. These changes have not affected the community in the least, at least from my experience.

    You cannot claim the changes haven't affected the community just bc you haven't experienced it. I certainly have experienced longer queues and not a significant improvement in matches. (Not that I found them significantly lacking in quality before.)


    Also, I just don't see how the weekly has anything to do with whether or not a new person will pvp or not.

    Quite Simple. Let's imagine a likely scenario. You're a new player (still learning your class, don't know maps), don't have a special love for PVP, just want to try it out. You lose 4 times in a row. What do you have to show for your hard work, these days? An empty daily, an empty weekly, and a few adrenals. Do you think someone in this situation is likely to come back to PVP any time soon? This isn't something out of the ordinary either, SWTOR gets a lot of casual players, and these players are a substantial part of the PVP community too.


    The quality has most certainly improved.

    I thought the changes hadn't affected the community in the least?


    You make it sound like every match is trash now when that is just not the case.

    This statement is just false, I even said I never noticed a big number of "mindless" matches before the changes, so why would I complain about that now? My point has always been about the cost vs benefit of these changes and how I don't feel they are worth it unless they are incentivized with at least better rewards. What "you are experiencing now" doesn't even make any sense. Why would people actually try to take things more seriously and compete more just so they could do a weekly that is not only more difficult to complete but also has the same trash rewards? Boggles the mind.


    Just an observation: Matches are very different on the two US servers. SF - seems to be all or nothing. SS - much more competitive. SF has a lot more lopsided matches vs SS. I guess it because most of the new players have flocked there.

    I wouldn't know. I'm not on any of those servers. Perhaps that is the reason we have such different experiences.

  17. The problem I have with Balmorra is playing as Empire where everyone is at the Ships Base doing the planet quests. When someone activates a shiny it takes forever to reboot for the next player, but the bad guys repopulate a lot sooner so hanging around just means fighting them for nothing. Of course by the time you're finished and the shiny is shiny again someone else comes in to activate it, so you have to wait forever again.


    On the Republic side this happens at the Factory where not only do you need to wait for the shiny to reboot, if you take a side quest you also have to wait for the bad guys to respawn because you need to defeat a specific type.


    Changing instances would be a good fix for this.

  18. I am sorry, but I disagree. Since the win requirement was introduced, I have seen the quality of matches increase significantly. Regs are fun again and have been very competitive.


    Well I guess it depends on each player's experience really, but I haven't noticed a significant increase in match quality at all, then again I never really got all that many mindless matches before. It depends.


    Yesterday, I started my pvp day with my sniper, which to be honest, I am awful with and did not win much. After getting absolutely destroyed on more than one occasion, I swapped to a character I am much more familiar with. After doing so, I started winning. My point is you people cannot expect easy wins on toons that you are just so-so with now. Regs are about the group and being productive in that group. There are too many good players, on all servers, to expect just to coast through matches now. A group is only as strong as its weakest link......don't be that link.


    Who is you people? And how is this relevant to anything I said? My point isn't if it is fair or not. My point is that I personally haven't seen an increase in match quality, what I have seen is longer queues. This change not only decreases the pvp population but also makes pvp less friendly for beginners, which is one of the points of regs. This supposed increase in quality becomes even more ridiculous when you consider that the rewards are trash. Like another poster has said before: win requirement isn't enough, you'd need at least proper rewards aswell.

  19. I don't expect faction swap to be a thing but if it happens I wouldn't be opposed to it.


    Tbh they already put themselves in a difficult situation story-wise regarding this issue. Since your character can't be a saboteur forever the devs have 2 ways of "fixing" this: either they make changing factions an actual thing or the change exists only story-wise and they'll implement story excuses as they did on Iokath to justify sticking with a lot of your factions mechanics (ex: different identity to board the fleet). The thing is one of these will be praised and welcomed by the community, while the other will be seen as lazy and ridiculous. We both know which is which.

  20. they queue for number farming.. that may be ridiculous mindset from your perspective, but there are a lot of people who do nothing else... and i dont blame them


    the deathmatches have always happened a lot on every server. the change for a win requirement for quest progress doesnt do anything because people dont care for a lousy weekly or daily which gives you nothing useful at all.

    due to that regs have become meme content.

    if you really had a NICE reward with winning requirement people would take it more seriously but toxicity levels will go up...

    some crates which you can get from fps aswell dont do the trick.


    the intention of win requirements is definetly reducing afkers, numberfarmers and trolls... but seriously if number farming is more attractive to people than the rewards... it will do nothing.


    mindless pvp really started with the removal of pvp gear and the introduction of unassembled components... it flooded pvp with casual pvers who just wanted to farm components. the quality of the matches really decreased from this point on and many people who liked playing regs left the game because it wasnt fun anymore.


    the removal of win requirements will make it easier to complete quests and what else?

    will it increase the quality of games... absolutely not.


    I understand what you're saying even if I don't agree with all of it. The thing is in terms of the number of "mindless matches" like you call them, I have seen no change whatsoever. You know what has changed? The number of PVP players, which has definitely decreased, not to mention an increase in premade groups.


    Although the removal of win requirements won't increase the quality of games, you're right about that, what it does do is increase the PVP population, bc its a mechanic friendly to new players and casuals. Ofc everyone can come here and say that they'd rather have few meaningful matches than a lot of mindless ones, but no one really wants to waste 30 min in a queue for a match, get an arena, and fight another premade.


    My point is: no win requirement increases the PVP population, while a win requirement adds nothing to PVP, it doesn't decrease the number of mindless matches, it doesn't increase their quality either, so it's simply hurting its population.

  21. all you people who are complaining soooo hard about premades:


    what do you think happens, when you split those guys up?


    a) they get on the same team anyway and nothing changes

    b) they get on seprate teams and play super competitive and fair


    c) they get on seprate teams and have a "pact of honor" where they dont attack each other

    d) they are just tunneling each other to mess with their friends


    i can tell you that b) is the most unlikely scenario...


    if you are solo player going to war you should not expect to win. its the same in any group based game.

    even if you are not q'ing together you may see a friend of yours in your team ,you know on which TS / discord they are and suddenly there isnt a premade, but still the people are in voice com and they are kicking your butt because they coordinate their assault...


    This is a completely ridiculous mindset. If people didn't expect to win when queueing solo for PVP why would they bother queueing at all? Do you realize what would be the state of PVP if all the solo players left?


    to remove the win requirement only leads to mindless deathmatches, as people who care about their rewards have only little incentive to actually try to win.


    i think the incentive for winning is still too low.

    they should add a type of pvp currency which allows you to buy operation locked gear (apex predator etc)

    you only get it if you win and you actually get useful stuff

    this would lead to a lot of skilled nim raiders flooding the q and actually playing for the win.


    i personally dont care about finishing my weeklies or dailies as i dont get anything useful from them.

    hence why i barely play pvp anymore. if i play its for ***** an giggles. that doesnt mean i am not trying to win.

    i just like winnnin



    a lot of the people who complain they cant win for 6 hours straight have to question themselves, if it really isnt their fault. because i know no one who has such bad bad luck.


    PVP missions have worked without win requirements for years and I haven't noticed a decrease in the "mindless deathmatches" that you mention at all, nor did I notice a great number of them when there wasn't a win requirement. All this change does is reduce the number of players who queue for PVP, plain and simple.

  22. You can argue all day between who is on the right side but the reality is that this change only decreased the PVP queues. I know lots of people who, like the player above said, used to at least always do their weeklies, which would consist of 10 to 20 matches, and now they barely touch it. It's also not a very friendly change to casuals who are just starting PVP, which should be one of the points of unranked PVP.
  23. I really like this idea. Not quite sure why some are disagreeing with this since this would not take away anything from the game, only add. The only reason (from the devs perspective) I could see not to add this is the extremely big credit sink the current system provides since you waste millions of credits (or cc) on compendiums and (less so) normal gifts to level up your comps.
  24. Vaylin. I could just never take her seriously. The emotional maturity of a 2nd grader and a level of intelligence that's not much better, she ends up being just a generic ******e Sith who never serves as a credible threat, especially since she could've been dispatched way back in KotFE chapter 3, and then again in Gault's chapter. It doesn't help that the writing likes to talk her up as some incredible ****** when in practice she pretty much screws up at everything she attempts (and usually screws herself, at that).


    This was the whole point of her character tho. Vaylin is not supposed to be a mastermind or an incredible strategist, she's a broken character with incredible power. She doesn't stop being a threat because she behaves like a 2-year-old or because she isn't very bright. Both of those factors just enhance the threat she represents to the galaxy.

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