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Posts posted by bluehufsa

  1. 1 minute ago, turbomagnus said:

    It might even be simpler than that (not a coder, so don't take my word for it).

    The hangers are instanced, linked to class - now origin. The seperation of combat styles from origin shows that it's possible to unlink things, so it could be as simple as, once the class stories are complete and there's no more cases of cutscenes and events in hangers (messagers before you leave a planet and so forth), the hangers become linked to the ships themselves rather than the origins.

    Yeah, I know, probably would be too complicated to work in actuality.

    OK, so if my Smuggler chose mercenary as his first combat style, powertech as his second, maybe, just maybe there should be an option for him to get a D5 Mantis instead on the default Smuggler ship?

  2. Hi.

    As the title says, please implement polls before creating yet another recruitable companion. Not everyone wants "X" or "Y" and it is simply NOT FAIR to force some NPC on everyone's throat .

    Not every companion or NPC fits in with all classes.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    hmm,  that is def.  disappointing....and perplexing.

    I know some PVP'ers have said the same thing, about  'win traders' & such.

    In my personal experience though, the few times i've had to report someone really really bad , BioWare has handled it.  ( i remember once they even got back over 100 items  some thief  stole---cuz of an exploit---from our GUILD-bank )

    For sure and tbqh  i don't understand why  BioWarEA  hasn't  done it yet.

    The only reaosn i can think  of is, of course,  *money* .  As in, i guess they'd be worried about losing too many players/accounts ?   /shrug

    I fully agree with you, it is disappointing and perplexing. One year ago, we had a situation on Star Forge, someone started posting racial slurs and targeted a guildie of mine, a person of Asian descent. My report had no effect whatsoever, next day the guy was again in general chat, this time he had a problem with Eastern Europeans. Again, i reported them, again nothing happened.

    Now, the same person is camping Ruhnuk and prevents Bounty Hunters from completing their quest(s) by pushing Pan Morri overboard repeatedly and whispering vulgar and very inappropriate things, because now they apparently do not have a problem anymore with Asians or Eastern Europeans but with Bounty Hunters, Mandalorians and players who use Torian Cadera as a companion.

    What will happen if i report them again? Nothing!

    Don't get me wrong, i do not have anything against players who saved Vette or are using her as an active companion, but i do have a problem with people insulting me because of my choices ( saving Torian, using Zenith as an active companion on Jedi Consular) , talking bs about my Asian guildies or about my fellow Eastern Europeans ( most of them are decent hard working people).

    Personally, i don't care about the race, gender,sexual orientation, nationality,citizenship,religion or  favorite companions of  ( just as an example) the Healer from my ops team, all i want is to be healed, as simple as that.

    I am happy your guild got the items back, but that is not enough, we need some moderators, Game Sages or w/e name they want to call them.


  4. Nope. Just nope. I'm not paying to be a member of a guild, a lot of guilds keep players at the lowest rank forever, don't give them repair funds or summon funds, make Discord mandatory for rank advancement ( Discord is a hive of scum, villainy, abuse, sexual harassment ) and OF COURSE, Star Parse for each and every group activity, from heroics on Coruscant to Anomaly operation.

    Why pay? Only to be hummiliated over and over again for my "low dps" as a mercenary ? To be FORCED to ERP on Discord? Yes i was kicked from 4 guilds for refusing to register on their Discord, ERP, send photos of myself and so on.

    I'm not paying a single credit to ANY kind of guild, i make weekly 4-5 m conquest points, that should be enough payment for all the cr*p i have to endure.



    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    i'm straying slightly off-topic here but, just in case some new players are reading this thread...

    Here's a few things that CAN indeed be done about it:

    •  players can always  right-click --> REPORT as spam  the offender's NAME and *silence* that person who is spewing vile & awful  rulebreaking type things in genchat  ( if enough other players, 10 i believe, also report as spam too)
    •  if the chat is directed at YOU personally, assuming you didn't  deserve it nor participate in it first , players can also  right-click -->REPORT as harassment  the offensive person
    •  players can then of course always just right-click --> IGNORE legacy  the vile & awful  offending person
    •  BIOWARE (and neglectful EA ) could simply hire a couple of experienced  Chat-Moderators , to monitor at least  Fleet genchat and also capital worlds genchat  (aka DK & Coruscant ) where most new players are first exposed to such despicable & toxic  gamers  as their very 1st impression of SWTOR community

    Do you have any idea how many people i've reported in 7 years and nothing, but absolutely nothing happened? No one was punished, not even for serious offenses like racial slurs, discrimination based on nationality, citizenship, sexual orientation and so on. 

    Regarding chat moderators : a game i've played years ago ( not sure i'm alowed to publish its name) had volunteer moderators called GS ( Game Sages), their job was to mute, ban and warn offenders. We could use something like that here too.



  6. 4 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    uhh, call me old-fashioned, but i'd say it's def.  GOOD that players don't witness a Cathar getting such extreme treatment on-screen  in a SW video game  lol

    Then again, poor innocent gamers are already subject to a slew of 1000 times more jarring  wretched scum & inappropriate villainy  24/7  if they happen to leave Fleet or DK genchat turned on. :eek:

    Regarding  Mandalorians,  as mentioned & linked  within my first post ^ , BioWare obviously has a very fine line to navigate (for any 'darkside'  choices tbh ) when it comes to brutality.

    After 7 years of playing i got used to the Fleet chat and to Dromund Kaas. Yes, i agree, it is sometimes violent and extremely inappropriate, but there is nothing anyone can do about it.

    But back to our topic, it annoys me how everyone hates Mandalorians for the war against the Cathar but at the same time ignores Arcann's crimes, Kalyio's acts of terror against the citizens of Zakuul, Vaylin commiting a murder in cold blood on Odessen.

    But enough with the finger pointing, no one forces anyone to like Mandalorians, Sith, Jedi or any other faction ( Advosze Hegemony, Chiss Ascendancy and so on) .

  7. 25 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    No, i'm saying i don't personally remember BioWare  showing such things toward Cathars specifically  in SWTOR game proper.

    ( However, when i played thru my BH character  it was  *lightside* version )

    Still it counts as an answer. Thank you again.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Never, because that question is flawed, since the "other poster" was either trolling you or mistaken. ( conflating past with present )

    Or, my memory of  11+ years of SWTOR  has turned to mush, because i don't personally remember seeing such Mando  cruelty  IN-GAME.

    So, there is no evidence of such thing ever happening in SWTOR, is that what you are saying?

    Cool, thanks !

  9. 18 hours ago, NobleBear said:

    So I know there are a wide array of cool companions already, but imagine this concept, A token that allows you to copy one of your alts into a companion. They can use default voice lines from each Origin Story for said companion. It would be a cool concept considering we're allowed to make a legacy family tree. I have alts that are my main's parents, sibilings etc, and it would be so cool to travel around with them (a little rp I know xD) But, it could be an amazing addition to the cartel market, price it for how ever much you want, I already know I'd pay A LOT to make my alts companions hehe. Just a thought. 

    Would be awesome to have something like that and be able to use them ( the alt-companions) instead of story-mandated companions ( Krovos, Tau, Arn ).

    • Like 1
  10. You didnt answered my question : WHEN do you actually see a Mandalorian skinning alive a Cathar and inviting/forcing your character to watch?

    Problem no. 2 : just because generations ago, not even in SWTOR era, the Mandalorians won a war against Cathar, all of them are to be labeled as "dishonorable" ? How about the ones born in SWTOR era ( Torian, Akaavi ) ? How about Lane Vizla, who was a child when you landed on Tracyn Island, spared with "Torch" and obtained information about the Revanites? Are they to be blamed too for w/e happened hundreds of years before they were even born?

  11. Hi.

    A fellow poster claims Mandalorians have no honor because .. they skin alive Cathars and make your character watch. Can anyone please post any evidence of that actually happening during (any) class quest, planetary ARC, side quest or any other kind of mission?

    Do we ever see Torian, Akaavi, Shae, Lane Vizla, Valk & Jos Beraya, Vorten Fett, Khomo Fett, Jekiah & Rass Ordo do that??

    Do we actually see any of them doing something dishonorable at all?



  12. 13 minutes ago, TheOneWhoLives said:

    I mentioned it once before, but I think the Vurk deserve time to shine. A Force-sensitive Vurk companion could make an excellent new padawan/apprentice for Force user commanders. For tech classes, he could be someone leaning towards joining the Jedi or Sith and values the commander's input.

    What exactly is a Vurk?

  13. 32 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    hi , a few quick questions please:

    1.  Has that character ( your 'main' ) already completed ALL of the new  'Ruhnuk'  storylines & quests & such?
    2.  When & how did you first  unlock Shae ?  ( naturally from the original  KOTFE/KOTET  chapters , way back when?  ... or... using the clickable purple 'Encrypted Transmission' item from inventory for quick bypass unlock? )
    3.  When you logged onto your main, "yesterday" ,  where exactly were you logged out?  (  on Fleet?  on your ship?  on some planet? in a cantina or 'rest area' ?  or within a stronghold?  etc. etc. )

    1. yes, he completed all purple quests on Ruhnuk and all dailies, World Boss too.

    2. from an Alliance alert

    3. Nar Shaddaa stronghold

    • Thanks 1
  14. Why not a Taung? I know, i know, they are supposed to be extincted, but wasn't the same said about Rakata too, yet here there are Lhunu ( JC class story), SOA ( EV operation) guys from Rakata Prime?

    • Like 1
  15. Hi. Yesterday morning i logged on my main ( lv 80 BH) and summoned Shae. Surprise, she had an icon above her portrait, it said " Shae Vizla would like to talk to you aboard your ship". OK, i thought maybe a side quest was added while i was busy 5 days levelling a new Consular?

    I travelled to my ship, Shae was nowhere to be found and no other companion had any quest for me, not even Fen Zeil or Phalanx.

    I returned to Nar Shaddaa, Shae still had that icon above her portrait.

    Now what am i supposed to understand?

  16. 22 hours ago, Aries_cz said:

    I assume he understands "some" English/French/German (otherwise, how the heck does he play?), but got lost in the full conversation?

    Because if he does not understand the dialogue at all, why would it matter to him what option to pick? Just mash random buttons or go by the LS/DS indicators

    Yes, he speaks German and Italian and understands some English, but often gets lost in full conversation. He transfered from the German server for his girlfriend and tries hard to not scr*w up, but sometimes things don't go as planned.

  17. 21 hours ago, AldoraTheFirst said:

    Well, tbh I don't think it would be that complicated to modify it. They would have to record voice for wlw and mlm main characters, and make just a slight modifications with companions' line, which doesn't seem that hard, so I think they just don't care enough about it to do it which is really sad.

    Also, some of the later romances with old companions can hardly be called romances. I mean, with Lana you really have a lot of interaction, but with some of them you just get one kiss and nothing else? I mean, really...

    I was really happy to have the Flirt option with Zenith at the reunion on Odessen and i'm hoping that's not all . I also hope at some point Rass Ordo will be given as a summonable companion, bot F and M can flirt with him and that's a good thing.

  18. 2 hours ago, Dambious said:

    I too have experienced this. Its so weird. I have the girl helper and the sith helper but now I can't figure out how to get back to the area of the port to disable something. I created a ticket and I have tried reset but no fix. and I can't abandon the mission yet either. ugh so frustrating  

    Go to your stronghold, then back to quest, it might solve the issue , it did the trick for me.

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