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Posts posted by LinkNukem

  1. To be honest I don't understand the game is free to play.


    And anyone who quit WoW like me and came to this game probably played for 1-2 hours and decided to buy a subs for the bonus as I did.


    And I didn't regret it, maybe he's a PvP fan boy and don't like SWTOR PvP or he played for like 5 hours and quit due to (random reason)


    Either way, you can go back to RuneScape no one is forcing you to stay.

  2. I started playing like a month ago and I've refused to play the class since everybody was saying *Worst class is Bounty Hunter with the dull dead boring story and lame gameplay and so on.


    But to be honest I decided to ignore all the hate and made a Power Tech Bounty Hunter and so far I love the class it's a fresh air from the Jedi Guardian and Warrior Sith Immortal.


    I love to run around and Kiting big ****** elite and champion way stronger than me and kill them by taking barely any damages.


    I must admit that the storyline isn't as good as the Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight, but come on what did you expect?


    This is a Bounty Hunter all he want is doing random job and make money and I don't see people giving the job of *Saving the galaxy by killing X mega big bad guy* to a Bounty Hunter.


    I'm doing Balmorra right now so I just started, but so far I love the class story, so unless it get *Jedi Consular* boring mode I will probably enjoy this character even more that my Sith Warrior since I love the class style.


    Without giving any spoiler, does the class become super weak or the story really get ultra lame later on or something?

  3. I got two character that are over level 50 and a started a 3th one.


    What i'm trying to say is, right now I can send 5 companions on both my character so 10 companions to do gathering missions (Archeology) level max right now and I take these and sell them in the Auction House to make money.


    But loging on each characters to send them in missions might take quite a lot of times when i'm going to have many level 50-60s


    So my questions is there any options to send them on mission from a single character or from a app like WoW Mobile Armory (Remote Auction House) but here i'm talking about a (Remove companions missions)


    If there is none I won't whine about it, but I want to be sure that I'm not wasting my time right now.

  4. Before i continue the way I do it, is there a actual fast way to send them in mission?


    What I do is I log on the character, send them in missions, disconnect, log on the next character, send them in mission, disconnect and so on.


    Right now I only have two character that can send 5 in missions, but I can already see it becoming extremely time consuming.


    Only with two character it can take me up to 3 minutes going it each 30-40 minutes so far I'm cool with it I have no problem with it since It's the best way i know for making money.


    But now i'm thinking about it what will happen when I will be up to 10 character, it will take me around 15 minutes doing all of them due to loading screens.


    So is there a way to send them in mission from a single character or is there a app?

  5. Then I guess it's a no, too bad I really liked the old man... :(


    Too bad you must become his enemy no matter the path you choose, I wish DS you would follow him and help him against the Emperor somehow and LS would be he tries to kill you and we get the story we have now.

  6. Just now with my level 47 Jedi Guardian my first death with this character.


    I was questing on Voss and saw a cute flashing stone tablet I was like this look Suspicious :rolleyes:


    I was telling to myself don't touch it you FOOL! *Touch it* See the ground shake... Darkness coming out of everywhere...


    I knew I was in deep ****... *Pop all my defence/heroic Cooldown* And try to run away... See my Companion get one shoot the huge beast turn around and in a matter of 0.5 sec is already on me and hit me for 136 000 DED...


    Hell with all my cooldown I have like 19K HP + all the damages reduction and I still get hit for 136K? This is madness. :cool: RIP me.

  7. Lol, calm down dude.


    Just saying the droid is way to Naive for his own good and even as a light side Jedi every little bad thing will earn you a lost in affection, even something as little as *I don't want to help this obvious evil guy that just killed innocent people to escape*


    There is no way something as good and naive as this droid would live that long in the Star Wars universe.


    Even the most sage and light side Jedi know when to say no to someone, but by saying no he would lose affection with T7...

  8. I really hate T7, not because it is hard as hell to gear him early on, but because he is way to naive and 100% against any kind of violence or bad words it's annoying.


    Yes he makes cute noise and even look cute when he move around, but his personality kill it for me, I'm surprise he wasn't trash by someone yet.


    Even my brother that play a 100% Light Side Jedi Knight sometime get - affection for saying VERY minor stuff.


    And as a Dark Side Jedi T7 hate me as much as I hate him lol, the companion I like the most so far with the Jedi Knight is...


    Sergeant Rusk (Too bad we cannot romance him) >> Doc > Lord Scourge >>>> Kira Carsen >>>>>>>>>> T7 and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C2-N2 (For obvious reason)

  9. Holy crap... I'm so lucky!


    I heard most of the romance only have one chance and if you reject them it's over, I guess Doc truly have a thing for Twi'lek. :D


    So I'm safe now? I got the *Dark Side* point and by the character reaction we pretty much did it, now even if he's at 9000 point there is no more dialogue I guess I have to continue my story now.


    At least now I can get rid of this bad feeling about my character, the idea of having the most evil Jedi Knight ever that refuse to have a intimate relationships it make no sense. =/


    Thanks for telling me this guys, I was about to simply rush this character, but your comments gave me hope lol.




    Anyway I still think they should add a little warning for these important last dialogues it would avoid a lot of tears. :cool:

  10. I'm doing a Female Jedi Knight pure darkside playthought, I'm trying to be as evil as possible at any given time.


    But I think I tried to hard to be an *** with Doc... I refused to kiss him saying he wasn't worthy of me and I realise it was a bad choice so I tried to cancel the dialogue, but it ended so fast that I didn't have time...


    Now I think I just totally ruined my dark side playthrought... Since what is a dark side Jedi good for if you are not having a *illigal* relation with someone?


    I'm Fuc***? Can I still get a romance with Doc or not? I really wish I can *reset* him somehow and start his romance all over since I might have to remake my character and I'm just done with Hoth at level 41... This is still pretty far to simply restart... :eek:


    If I'm indeed doomed then I wish the game would give a warning... *This choice will lead to light side relation are you sure?*


    Now I have to continue a character that is not 100% a bad Jedi Knight and it's truly ruining my fun, since having a Dark Jedi Knight that will gladly cut someone head, but then refuse to have relationships it make no sense...

  11. I was walking on Tatooine and realise that as far as I could see there was only endless dune of sand, I thought about this...


    It would be very fun and would scare me **** less if we could continue to run in the dune of sand for like... 3 minutes and then the game would spawn a invincible super HUGE sand worm that would start to run after you if you go to far and would simply one shoot and eat you alive... :eek:


    Just thinking about it make me want to avoid the endless Dune of Sand lol.

  12. I've seen A LOT of comment about this that dated from 2012 and it's now almost 2016 and as far as i can see it's still a problem.


    To be honest it's not a game breaker for me I still enjoy the game, but I must admit that it does force me to not uses certain mount, looking at my cape clipping through my speeder is really distracting.


    There was any devs post about this anywhere over the years explaining why it's not fix yet? I don't see how it would be that hard to fix the cape on the mounts, it's not like there was 50 millions of them.

  13. This is exactly what I did with my Jedi Sage she was pretty much all blue/purple level 17 and yet even if I know how to play. (I'm not a noob at MMO) I still died VS a elite boss 1 level lower. (Without my companion.)


    When I waste hundred of thousand of credits to gear my character well and I see them die anyway it's pissing me off.


    My point is, if it was my Sith Warrior tank of the same level and gears I would have totally REKT that boss without even going below 90% HP easily.


    This is why I might remake my sage into a Jedi Knight Guardian since I heard that it's pretty much a copy of the Sith Warrior Immortal, but *Good version* and it has a better story that the Jedi Consular as I heard.

  14. First of all i want to explain why I want to play as a JC Kinetic...


    I've played a Sith Warrior Immortal for my first character and I completely REKT eveybody and I could even solo 4 man heroic during questing with Vette no problem and I could solo big level 45+ champion with 140K+ HP no problem at level 48 with Quinn as healer...


    I then started to play for my second character with a Jedi Sage and I realise that the Sage just cannot takes hit when I got completely destroy during the class boss fight in the Jedi temple.


    I'm the kind of guy that love powerfull unkillable character and even as a very well geared Sage level 17 I died to that level 16 Sith boss which is 100% inacceptable for me.


    So I want to remake my sage as a Kinetic, but I have no idea how the Kinetic tank actually work, he uses force power and I always run out of power in like 4-6 attack and then i'm totally useless...


    How does the Kinetic Tank actually work? It is normal that I always ran out of Force power?


    Or should I remake my character as a Jedi Guardian?

  15. How you died for the first time in game with your characters?


    Personally, I'm always trying to survive for as longer possible it's like a challenge, but death is inevitable. D=


    On my first charactet my Sith Warrior Immortal Juggernaut, I first died at level 45 after lagging and falling down a extremely huge cliff I was like so this is how it end huh? *SPLASH* I guess he wasn't Immortal after all...

  16. My question is can Twi'lek become Sith Warrior and if they can, does it change anything at all with the dialogue with Vette.


    I'm thinking about buying the Twi'lek race and try to roll a Lightside Sith Warrior with Vette for some bonus dialogue maybe, more Flirt option? lol

  17. Alright thanks for the answer I won't uses them, banned is the last thing I want to be.


    Then I guess It's okay if I play something else like my PS3 and let the game open to sent follower in missions as long as I do it myself I should be good right?

  18. I'm new to this game and I wonder if autoclicker are allowed to sent your follower in missions.


    What I mean is uses it when I go for long AFK so i keep sending my follower in mission.


    I don't mean leaving the PC open all night while I sleep.


    Is this allowed or not? Thanks.

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