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Posts posted by Silicon_Dragon

  1. Many have asked this over the years and I couldn't find any recent requests, so I'd like to reiterate the desire for a mount that's similar to a horse. All our legged critters seem to be either 2-legged or reptiles, so why can't someone create a horse-like steed?  After all, there's precedent in the Star Wars universe already, and nobody's really prevented from coming up with one on their own. :)

    PS  We already have falcons (e.gs. Millennium Falcon, Irakie Falcon, Zakuulan Falcon), hawks (e.g. Irakie Hawk), tigers (e.g. various Vorn Tigers), so why can't we have something horse-like?

  2. (See attached screenshots.)

    1. I searched GTN for crafting mats, Arch. 4th item down says Quantity 550 and price $550 (coincidence...I doubt it).
    2. Open the Purchase window, Unit Price says $550, lowest price in the unnamed listbox to the right is $2,620.
    3. Click the Purchase icon, Unit Price switches to lowest price to the right.
    4. Get PO'd, close the window, redo search, prices are still incorrect in Search window.
    5. [edit] I added another item also showing bogus prices.
    6. [edit] I opened other items for sale, it's sporadic, some are correct, some aren't, e.g. Red Igneous Crystal lists $1,000 in Search, prices correct in Purchase window, same category of item.

    01 Search window, see 4th item down.png

    02 Purchase window, mismatching prices.png

    03 Purchase window, prices self-correct upon clicking into Quantity textbox.png

    04 Purchase window, not isolated incident.png

  3. 21 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    This is a standard  AFK detection situation ( with the game itself ) and has nothing to do with  GTN  nor update 7.4

    I wasn't aware that this was a GTN-only or 7.4-only bug forum. Please point me to the other forum and I'll ask the mod to move my post there. ;)  I agree, though, it might not be caused by this patch or is limited to GTN which is why I posted with the title I did.  But since GTN usage now takes longer than before, GTN clearly exacerbates the bug.

    21 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    It's also not a "bug"  in code either.

    How so? It is not expected behavior, therefore it's a bug.  If AFK detection isn't code, then what is it?   Remember, the whole game is code, therefore any issue is code.  (Even hardware & network issues can be mitigated through code if devs care to go down that path, though it's often a very slippery slope so most don't do it.)

    If this is SWTOR's std AFK detection code, it's not behaving as intended, therefore it's a bug.  If you don't believe me, look up any of the industry standard terms for bug or in Wikipedia, if nothing else.

  4. 5 hours ago, Grendel_Echo said:

    I fully agree with your point. Moreover I cannot understand this devs decision. They literally stripped us of an extra possible income, that was always connected with augmented item. In return they do not give anything. Not even explained why they did this change, which in my understanding means only "we did it because we wanted and don't give a heck about players opinion". It was explained on PTS, but it's wrong and should be always considered a bug (or if not bug, than at least a bad change/functionality) because it worked before, and now doesn't work. If people will accept without cultural objections any such decisions, than one day the devs will think that way about all their changes to this game. Hey people, now it works as intended. Was working better before? Nooo, now works better. Don't you like it? Your loss.

    I think whoever's in charge of commerce for SWTOR is...The Empire. ;)  Think about it.  Here's a real example:

    1. I want to sell a Discovery Mission for 1,000 creds
    2. Post the item at 1,000 creds (using default settings)
    3. Buyer's Unit Price: 1,000
    4. Buyer's Tax: 57
    5. Listing Fee: 250
    6. Total Profit: 693

    Result: I lose 30% of my price.  What to do?  Jack up my price to get my expected price of 1,000 creds.  Does the GTN window allow for this?  No.  I have to GUESS at a price, estimating losing 30% of my price.  So I try changing my price to 1,300 which gets me closer at 976.  I then start trying price after price until I finally zero-in on 1,000 profit; it took a total of 6 price "guesses" where I finally landed on a price of 1,325 to make 1,000 credits.  The poor buyer ends up paying 1,325 creds for a 1,000 item, then complains about how over-priced everything is on GTN.

    What's wrong with this and why do I say that the game owners work for The Empire?  Think...the seller pays the Buyer's Tax!  Why in the heck would the seller ever pay the buyer's tax?  This isn't a buyer's tax at all, it's a SELLER'S TAX.  This game truly is "in a galaxy far, far away" because I doubt there's anyone in THIS galaxy where the seller pays seller tax and the buyer gets off Scot free.   At least, everyone on Earth where I've seen a sales tax, the seller collects a tax that the buyer pays and passes it on to their governments.  SWTOR's system has always been pretty screwy, only it's just now that I really stop and think about just how bass-ackwards it really is.  The only way I can explain it is that the SWTOR commerce system is run by The Empire. 😛

    /rant off

  5. I tried to find if this is an old bug or new, but since my sessions in the GTN window are now 2-3 times longer than before the recent GTN changes, I thought I'd better report it just in case.  If this IS a dup bug, would you please elevate it's priority since auto-logout is now happening more often for me? Assuming this is not an existing bug...

    When buying/selling/whatever in the GTN window, l the game can timeout and auto-logout my character. Because of window placement, I don't always see the "away from keyboard" messages, nor do I really expect to see them since I'm NOT away from my keyboard AND I'm clicking and typing every few short moments.

    I found a temp workaround, though it is INCREDIBLY annoying and very error-prone: move the GTN so the appropriate chat window is visible, then just keep watching it like a hawk to catch those logout messages. (It's error prone because I sometimes miss those normally, and while browsing GTN stuff, it's even easier to miss 'em.)  So without having to close the GTN window, I can just smack the spacebar to cancel a logout (my toon jumps), but that only works if I'm not in a GTN window where typing only goes into a textbox; so this isn't a GREAT workaround, but it works most of the time.

    Still, would somebody PLEASE look into the GTN window activity not getting counted as "at the keyboard" time?  Thanks! /cheer

  6. 15 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

    2nd hint:  That sticky thread is more so about current  issues directly relating to most recent updates ( in this case, 7.3 & 7.4 ) .  And even then it doesn't always apply,  since for example  we have issues like the one i reported a couple days ago-->  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/932499-the-banks-arent-clickableusable-in-new-74-kessans-landing-area/  which still hasn't been integrated into that  "known issues" list.

    It seems that they aren't updating  the "known issues" list on a daily basis. In fact it hasn't been updated since Monday of last week.  Is that a matter of them not knowing or just not updating the list in a timely manner?😉  I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt and guess that they're only triaging bugs on a weekly basis, which might help explain why mouse-over popups disappear when anything in the game window changes (super annoying when you're crafting and companions are frequently reporting status, making it damn-near impossible to read popups, so you just have to wait a while...which kinda obviates the use for popups, anyway), and this has been happening for at least a year.

    Also, it seems that the game's devs sometimes disagree with a bug's severity as reported by users, almost as if their opinion of what's important overrides that of the people paying their paychecks by sub'ing this game. 😁  (Otherwise, why do some bugs languish for years no matter how often we players complain or how loudly?)

  7. For my example, I have 3 items that were on GTN, then expired in my SELL window, their DURATION is currently showing as -6m -5s (which doesn't update in real-time* btw, but does update  if you switch to BUY window and back, but it still doesn't update while watching the DURATION text). In the BUY window, my 3 items are still showing, and I was able to buy 1 of them (losing 25% value in the process, grr!), and now only 2 remain in the BUY window. I Cancel the other 2 items, they drop from my SELL window and show up in my CLAIM window, I claim them, but they're still showing in the BUY window.

    I tried the same experiment with 3 other items, got the exact same results except when I switched back to the BUY window after claiming 1 of my 3 items.  I then tried buying 1 of my 2 remaining items (the BUY window said 2 were available), the ITEM PURCHASE window showed the 2 items, but I couldn't purchase them as the PURCHASE button was disabled.

    I then tried a 3rd time, after closing and restarting the GTN window, and it's now working fine. However, I'm still showing items in my SELL window with negative DURATION (some are currently showing -154m -12s). Canceling and reselling seems to be working fine, but I'll bet you lunch that this is going to get borked again overnight, just like on all my other crafter toons. 😛

    * This is likely a bug, but maybe not. I'm basing this on the BUY window updating in real-time as items are posted/bought on GTN, so that panel DOES have real-time updating, it's just not consistent nor always correct.

  8. 2 hours ago, Thorzek said:

    You don't have to be so high-and-mighty about it.  I thought greenies were supposed to be helpful leaders not sniping wankers.  A simple "this was an expected change" with the links would have sufficed.

    I agree, there was no reason for Char_Ell to be insulting, especially if he's ignorant about the software industry actually works; I can forgive him for the latter, but not the former which is why I reacted so.

    I don't understand about the "greenie" part, though. Is that referring to text color? If so, I didn't know there were rankings in these forums. Or according to LD_Little_Dragon, text color is just arbitrary?

  9. 1 hour ago, Char_Ell said:

    You really aren't taking the time to do your research before making these "bug reports."

    @Char_Ell  Since you claim to know what I have and haven't done better than I know myself, I suggest you post all my bug reports for me, please?  I also strongly suggest you reading the forum sticky, Bug Report Sub-Forum Guidelines, where it never mentions cross-checking expected behaviors with Test Server postings.

    My bad for expecting to find production changes in the official Patch Notes instead of Test Server postings. 😕

    Now, since a bug refers "incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways", and the determination of a bug report's validity is the responsibility of the triage team, not end users. Referring to "behave in unintended ways", that is according to the viewpoint of end users, not developers. Devs are responsible for find and fixing code bugs, usability issues as well if the company doesn't have a QA team. Actual behavior differing from expected behavior is completely subjective and in no way invalidates an end user's judgement of a feature not behaving as the user expects; these differences are also bugs.  Sadly, not everyone is a software engineer and has been coding games for 40+ years. 😢

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, USCMHicks said:

    This realy sucks!
    First, lot of the green items can be used in the outfitter, second I use them for my companions.
    This is by far the worst change they have made so for imo.
    I use to get used to most of the changes thrugh the years but this will be hard to accept....

    I totally agree. And as soon as my current stock of crafted items is gone, I'm done, I will no longer accept this GTN punishment.

    What really irks me is that this new GTN was supposed to be an improvement, har har har. More intuitive, they said. Simpler, they said.  I can only assume they were talking about some other game...

  11. Is this working as intended? Should it only remove the augment slot when someone BUYS the item? If we cancel the listing or it expires, we get the item back w/o the augment slot.  I can see this being a simple, lazy way of handling this, but why not think of us crafters, instead?

    While you're at it, please give us something of equal value when stealing our augment slots, ok?  Maybe as with other items, we get 2 items upon crit'ing instead of getting an augment slot that just gets taken away when we attempt to sell it?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Silicon_Dragon said:

    First, the main window:

    3. retrieve items that expired, Shift+LClick one so the BUY window shows and the item's text is auto-populated into the NAME textbox, but clicking SEARCH does absolutely NOTHING. Click it again, and it actually searches. (What, you didn't believe me the first time?!) Earlier this morning, pressing Enter would initiate the search so I thought it was a valid workaround, but now that doesn't work as just my main game chat window takes control as if I'm going to chat with other gamers; pressing Enter no longer does anything.  (I'm assuming your GTN window has a problem with global status vars.)

    I just found the pattern for a reliable workaround:
    Click into the NAME textbox, then a search works when pressing the Enter key.  This does NOT work if you click out of the textbox and onto any of the dropdowns below the textbox, in which case pressing Enter opens your chat window. Oh yay. 😒

  13. It's not 1 bug, it's many, so here goes...

    First, the main window:

    1. DURATION is showing as "-1380m" for some items, "-1382m 52s" for others, "-1348m" for yet others. All 100 of my items, however, were placed on GTN w/in a 2-minute window, so durations should be fairly consistent. They are not.  I won't even get into why Duration could be a negative number in the first place; because, if we go down that path, it probably means you guys owe ME some credits, not the other way around.  BTW, I like your mathematics, even though it isn't even actually such, but it IS good for a few laughs...reminds me of the old Microsoft bug in Windows XP and 7 where if a file copy slowed down, the Time Remaining would go negative.  (Uh, this window's developer didn't used to work for Microsoft, did they? 🤔)
    2. QUANTITY  seems randomly 0 or 1 and is not tied to an item being sold or not nor if it's expired. Hilariously, I've got 2 items that both expired, both have the same price listed, one's quantity is 0, the other is 1, and both show negative durations.
    3. I retrieve items that expired, Shift+LClick one so the BUY window shows and the item's text is auto-populated into the NAME textbox, but clicking SEARCH does absolutely NOTHING. Click it again, and it actually searches. (What, you didn't believe me the first time?!) Earlier this morning, pressing Enter would initiate the search so I thought it was a valid workaround, but now that doesn't work as just my main game chat window takes control as if I'm going to chat with other gamers; pressing Enter no longer does anything.  (I'm assuming your GTN window has a problem with global status vars.)

    And now, the CLAIM ITEMS window:

    1. Some of my items expired, are in the CLAIM window, but the numbers are all F'd up: Credits all show either $0 or some have huge numbers which LOOK like they've sold, but they haven't, or else I'm getting totally ripped off because when I click the Claim button, I don't receive any credits.
    2. The Status is random, some say ENDED, others say ACTIVE, even the ones that actually DID sell.
    3. There are 2 of the exact same item, both sold at the same time (my daughter bought them), 1 says ACTIVE, the other says ENDED.  This seems completely random.
    4. Some items have a STATUS saying ENDED, have an amount in CREDITS, but the item is dimmed. Another identical item shows exactly the same only  its STATUS is ACTIVE. What gives? Which do I believe? (Hint: neither one, I trust this data as much as a politician's promises.)
    5. The sort column-heading toggles don't work. (To be fair, they often failed in the old GTN window, too...that's no excuse, though!) I click on ITEM NAME and I'm getting Advanced Lethal Mod 77 mixed in with Advanced Lethal Mod 74s and Advanced Warding Mods, 74 and 77. At least the Superior Mods are both sorting correctly. Go figure.  When I click on CREDITS, there's absolutely no order whatsoever, there are items randomly sprinkled with $0 and actual credit amounts. Go figure some more. (My dad was fond of say, "figures don't like, but liars do figure", so which is it here? lol)  STATUS seems to work. For now. Toggle it has ACTIVE and ENDED sorting correctly, even though they're bogus for the items so labeled.
    6. STATUS mouse-over: everything shows 59d.  This isn't information and certainly not even data because it seems like some static label applied to everything. TIP: Do a global search-and-replace in your window's code and change "59d" to "ToDo: put an actual calculated value here some day". :D
    7. Pressing ESC key with the CLAIMS window up not only kills THAT window, but also the main GTN window as well. This FORCES us to use the X closure button in the upper-right corner of the CLAIMS window.  It's like your active window stacking code is screwed up, probably related to the new combined Gear/Outfitter/CombatStyle/Loadout/Companion window which disregards window stacking logic and is ALWAYS in the background. At least the GTN window can be change back-n-forth from front to back, it's just the event handler for the CLAIMS window routes to the main window, instead.

    Ok, I think you guys now have enough to work on for now. 😎

  14. I'm Champ with GAME and have gotten 36 drops so far this week.

    This morning, I got 4 more Notes while on Tatooine which got me Legend with Messengers.

    They DO drop, just at a far lesser rate, it seems.  Perhaps there's something borked with specific toons and/or classes?  It really wouldn't surprise me since there are frequent basic game mechanics that are borked on a per-class or per-toon basis, e.g. my Sharpshooter smuggler, Discovery Missions turn dark (upon reading them) for Scav but not Slicing, but on my Sawbone smuggler, neither one turns dark.

  15. This must be a new form of mathematics that I haven't heard of yet. Would you please switch back to a system that we can all understand?

    I've got GTN listings that didn't sell and are in my CLAIM, SOLD (btw they are NOT sold, duh!, so I think you guys need a 3rd tab in the CLAIM ITEMS window, call it EXPIRED, and this time, please don't forget to refund our seller fee, ok?). Each has a status, but some say ACTIVE when they most certainly are not. In fact, if you mouse-over ANY item, whether it sold or not, they all say 59d.  I can only assume that it means "59 days", but whatever...it's totally bogus!

    Oh, and hey, even the items that DID sell...they also say "59d".  What is this, some favorite phrase that you guys like to use? Maybe some copy-paste that went wildly wrong? Did Loki break into your offices and mess with your code? 😉

    PS Nobody's being clever with "59d", please just say "59 days" and stop being overly-clever-and-obtuse, please. There's really no need to abbreviate day or days with "d".

  16. On 12/6/2023 at 7:59 AM, GuigeekRhadamant said:

    Considering the memory leak problem that required the patch 1 hour ago, I'm quite sure they don't

    Memory leaks are the hardest bugs to find and dev tools to find them are rarer than chicken's teeth. ;)  That's assuming they're coding in C++ which is notorious for leaking memory since most devs don't wrap memory-related calls with a safe wrapper fn. (I used to teach C++.)

  17. All of my companions on my sniper are 50. I only need prior-Season drops for Amity and PH4, so those are the only ones I ever go hunting for.

    I'm wondering if mob difficulty affects the drop rate?  I seem to get more drops from mobs while doing heroics than just clearing the landscape of trash mobs, and flashpoint mobs drop them at an even higher rate, though I haven't done enough to have a reliable sample rate with FPs, so this could be anecdotal. 

  18. I'm running into a bug where no matter what amount I type into the QUANTITY textbox, it gets auto-changed to 1. I'm trying to purchase all of an item listed for 1,000 credits. As a result, I have to purchase them 1 at a time until I get 20, then the game disables the PURCHASE button until I claim my 20 items, then it's back to buying the next 20, 1 at a time.

    Suggestion: add a "purchase all at this price" button next to the price in the quantity-price box to the right. This way, we could purchase the whole quantity listed at that price.  Even IF the QUANTITY textbox ever gets fixed, it'd still save us from switching from mouse to keyboard, typing a number, back to the mouse to click the PURCHASE button, wash, rinse, repeat all morning long. ;)

  19. I've been purchasing items off GTN for several minutes, suddenly no matter what number I type in the textbox for the number of items to purchase, when I click the purchase button, I get 1, and the credits deducted were for the larger amount, not just 1. After playing around with it for a few minutes, now it won't let me type anything at all...no matter what number I type, as soon as I press Enter, it turns into a 1, and I know that there are 150 of the item I'm trying to purchase, all at the same price.

    So like many other windows in the game when the get borked, I killed the GTN window, opened it again, and resumed working correctly...but only for 2 purchases, now it's back to only letting me enter 1 in the quantity box, even thought the purchase dialog says there are 12.

    Please, PLEASE return the old GTN window until the new one is working correctly! Give us a choice, please!

  20. This morning, I noticed that items I just put up for sale wouldn't show if I clicked on the search button...until I clicked search a 2nd time and THEN my items showed up. I then went back and tried searching for several more items, some I just put up for sale, some not, and almost every time, I had to click 2 times to get the items to show, and several times I had to click THREE times.

    Can we PLEASE get the old GTN back until you guys work out the zillion bugs with the new one?

    • Thanks 1
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