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Posts posted by Remkiie

  1. You have a sample size of only 5 companions per player character, the chances of one of those 5 being LGBT is statistically unlikely.


    It's more statistically unlikely that not even one of 40 companions is even bi, actually, if you want to talk statistics.


    But still, not worth the development resources when they could use it on new story content.

  2. I'm playing through all the base classes for the first time and as a queer gamer it does feel frustrating to go through and realize that every single class story is just so very heterosexual.


    That being said, I agree with others in this thread that the resources needed to go back and do all the changes it would need to make vanilla romances available to LGBT players would honestly be better spent on making new content. If I had my way I'd love to see some new classes/new stories where some of the companions are available for queer romances from the get-go. ET and FE romances are AWESOME (especially Lana's) and I'd love to see that brought into a new base experience in the future.

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