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Posts posted by Edictus

  1. Dear Bioware,


    I was wondering why you are not implementing the shields within the game to us as players. Ofcourse there will be a chance that you as a company will be putting it alongside the pole sabers in a Cartel pack as a platinum leveled item that the majority of Roleplayers like myself will probably never have the luck of getting our hands on or even managing to get it from the packs due to the rare chance of it actually dropping within a chest without spending several hundreds of Euro’s on the packs. I understand that it may have to do with the fact that this may be cumbersome for some animations on the character models. But would it not be possible to make it some form of adaptive armour where players can put their off hands in regarding troopers, smugglers, Sith and so forth?


    I honestly have no idea how much effort it would take to have polesabers and shields implented in the game for players but. I would love to see it! Mainly because ever since the release of KOTFE, my self and alot of roleplayers had been asking for this. I hope to bring a bit of attention to this and see if it is possible!


    Could we also get more headband options for Twi'leks please? The current customization options that we have with them are rather..minimal.


    With kind regards,


  2. Dear Bioware,


    I had a question regarding the latest Dark versus Light event. I like collecting jedi/sith outfits and i noticed that i've had some rewarded outfits unlocked before, now this would naturally not be a problem if a player could sell these items, take for example the Sith Recluse set and the Satele Shan set; my concern comes with the fact that we are not able to sell these items and it would mean that for me personally I would have worked hard and tiredly for a reward that I already have unlocked and In turn becomes practically useless for me and other players who have unlocked it as well. Does your RNG count these sets already in the possible outcome for rewards so that players who already have gotten outfits in the past through spending a large amount of real life money or even in game credits for those who are not so fortunate to have the privilege of spending real life money on packs don’t get doubles?


    I can imagine that I myself would find that my progress has been for nothing if I would get a part of the set that I already have unlocked with cartel coins and would be rather displeased with the situation at hand, and no doubt that a lot of other players would feel like that too. If I may ask, how have you taken this in consideration with the already existing and well established players in the game as I have a feeling this may be overlooked. Would it be possible for me to send in screenshots of the legacy bound sets and the cartel collections open with the collected set displayed and get a new reward box in the future to avoid feeling that my progress has been for nothing? Could I possibly change it in for a set that I don’t already have and feel accomplished in that regard?



    With kind regards,


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