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Posts posted by MythallarSWToR

  1. Thanks for the links, however I had already checked them, and it didn't really help.

    By the way, I have the game running fine on another computer, so I copied the installed folder on this one and the result is the following: At start the launcher stays on "Looking for updates" for about 40 seconds, then the bar goes off (I guess it silently goes into timeout): Launcher update

    After that, if I put my credentials, the Play button activates and then it starts to check for game updates, but it fails with Launcher error: Code 987 RepositoryFileCheck_Error_MetaFile: Launcher error

  2. 11 hours ago, spider-venom said:

    I'd rather not lose if I can help it.

    The ability name usually gives a hint about what it's doing. If you find something like "Nuke 'em and spread the ashes", you might expect something nasty, while if the ability is called like "Very basic attack", most likely it's not worth interrupting it.

  3. Yeah, I don't know whose idea it was to make all drops sidegrades. It makes drops boring because you're just going to deconstruct them anyways. I guess it was okay in 7.0 because you could give surplus items with your main's max item level to alts, but with the mod vendor, all drops except relics and earpieces are basically deconstructed without a second thought.

    Exactly, they are only good for deconstructing, and with the weekly cap on commendations so low, you basically get only tech fragments.

    It made sense in 6.0 to get sidegrades, because of the optimization preocess, but in 7.0 it's pretty much pointless.

  4. I agree, those caps are really annoying, especially:

    • The weekly cap on Conquest Commendations
    • The cap on Daily Resource Matrix


    The weekly on Conquest Commendations means that after you reach the Conquest goal with 7 characters you are already at the cap.


    The cap on Daily Resource Matrix is annoying because there's not really that much to buy with them. Before 7.1 I have been at the cap for weeks, without anything to buy. Then I upgraded the gear to 328 Thyrsan and now I'm getting very close to the cap again. If only there was something worth buying with them...

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