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Posts posted by yaxmutal

  1. I got to 301 fairly fast. I went to 282 in a single day and then went from 282 to 301 in another single day. Then it took another entire day to reach 302. I have to say I was very put off when last night I did an entire evening of play doing countless FPs and didn't go up even a single point. I have done maybe 10 FPS at 302 and haven't gotten a single piece of 306 yet - although I do admit MMs were simply not popping and I think they were all vet.
  2. I have levelled about 20 characters to 75 which has been a bit of an ordeal but I can tell you there are two fast paths.


    1) Story. I can do Ossus and Hearts and Minds in well less than an hour. My current record was 26 minutes. I wear XP armour with level 70 mods put in, have legacy exploration perks and use an XP boost. Normally I am level 71 by the end of this. Then I do Odessan. The first mission takes 30 seconds and gets you to nearly level 73. The second to 74 and the third to 75. Total for everything is less than two hours if you are trying. I have never needed to go to Mek-Sha for levels, only to experience the story and to get one set of the gear.


    2) Flashpoints. Again I put on my levelling armour, an XP boost and the legacy Flashpoint XP boosts. I do random FPs. Usually 3 FPs will get you from 70-75 but sometimes I have been just short and run a fourth or a couple of starter world heroics to get there. Again the total for this tends to be around two hours and has the bonus of giving you so many conquest points that I have done the weeks conquest on some toons just doing this.


    I would love a double XP event so I could level a Nautalon (and more of my far too many 70s) but I don't think it is essential for most players with just a couple of toons to get from 70 to 75.

  3. What SWTOR should have is what The Secret World used to have.


    In The Secret World you could save multiple configurations and with a single button press you would change your passives, your actives AND your gear (as long as it was in your inventory). Your group needs a tank and you were set up as a DPS? Press one button and you are instantly a tank. Saves you and the rest of the group doesn't have to wait around.


    This is the legacy perk I want!

  4. Ah yeah I forgot that every character has a bash/interrupt as well.


    As you said so many SWTOR abilities are basically exactly the same.

    Ability one: hit for 4k with a 12 second cooldown.

    Ability two: hit for 3.5k with a 5 second cooldown.

    Ability three: hit for 3k with a 2 second cooldown.


    Are they really that exciting?


    PS: The Jedi Knight leap is one of the abilities that I do really love the most in SWTOR.

  5. I used to say this rather tongue in cheek but now I'm almost serious ... Have all the remaining missing companions step off a GSI inter-stellar transport ship all at the same time and say, "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"


    It'd be better than some of the returns anyway. And they'd all be back. ;)


    What I thought they should have done is had a selection of companions in the new flashpoint. Maybe four of them each saying why you should take them on the mission. "Take me I can slice the security systems." "Take me I know a shortcut through the maze." "Take me or I will crush you." The one you choose you get to keep and the rest you can never have. Choices matter .

  6. Maybe they should be used to it, but that doesn't mean they should accept it. Now I don't do PvP, so it doesn't affect me in any way, but I imagine I'd be just as upset if there'd been years between PvE content and when we finally got something new, it was reskinned Hammer Station.


    I would have MUCH preferred a reskinned Hammer Station (with some minor changes as this map had) instead of the unpuggable two hour slog which is Traitor Among The Chiss. Queued for a random FP much recently? As soon as they see which FP it is two people usually quit the group right away.

  7. Isnt ESO made for both gamepads and PC? Never could understand such mixed games because players are having 3-4 abilities (which is pretty booring), and obviously those who are using gamepads are having an advantage in pvp over those who arent (it is a common fact that gamepads are better for meele fightings while pc is better for shooting)


    I think that is a huge exaggeration. In ESO you have weapon swap unlocked at quite a low level so you have 5 skills and an ultimate for each weapon as well as your equipment (potions/food etc) hotkey. So at the very least you have 13 skills but lots of characters have more than this for example a Werewolf has another bar when they are in Werewolf form.


    In addition to those 13 skills you have light attack, heavy attack, block and dodge which SWTOR does not have which all make the combat very involved and engaging without even starting to talk about advanced tactics like animation cancelling.


    I am not sure that it would make SWTOR worse to have a few less useless abilities in the game that are almost never used but that you could put on your bar for the occasional specific situation.


    BTW I am not bagging SWTOR, it is great. Just defending my second favorite MMO from misinformation.

  8. TESO going to have 3 dlcs in 2018. We going to have 1 more OPS boss and 2 flashpoints I guess :rolleyes:


    I am playing SWTOR and not TESO because of the horrible lag there but you understate the difference. In 2018 they will get four expansions. One will be a full paid/sub expansion like Revan. One will be a small paid/sub expansion maybe like Iokath. One will be a paid/sub set of new flashpoints. The last one will be a free one for everyone that will be a game wide expansion like Housing, Justice System etc. There are also a heap of once a year events like the Jester's Festival so every month or two you also have something else interesting to do.


    SWTOR could make Bounty Week, Rakghouls and Gree interesting again with a minimum of work. Add a new mission to each, add a new achievement with a title to each and add even a few new items that you can buy from the vendor.

  9. CS is extremely.. well.. RNG.. .


    And we all know that RNG is both "exciting" and "fun" .


    Sad that they don't even know their own game. There are some items that are not bound, that you can trade but cannot list on the GTN like the Rakghoul Symbiot.


    My recent discussions with CS were about the new pack that NEVER said if you are a sub you will not get the CC or the token. Very dishonest and misleading advertising.


    As for the MANY tickets I have sent in about Conquest not working over the last few weeks, they have just been totally ignored.

  10. If a one line PS in one post on the forums is all the announcement they gave us then it is no wonder that so many people like me missed this announcement. It is no huge urgency but I had a character all set to transfer, I just wanted to wait until double XP started then I was using a mountain of CXP packs from Ops and FPs which would give me enough surplus gear to make some legacy gear to transfer to another server. Now that is all a big fail.


    It is their game. They have the right to make changes with no notice (West Coast Server RIP) but one PS in one post is really pathetic notification of when this price was changing.

  11. Travelling to fleet, waiting for load screen, and running all the way up and then over to the supplies area is even worse and more of a waste of time, isn't it? Because I'd have to do that 56 times. (14 slots *4 tiers)


    Which means a few hours of my life wasted (loading screen alone is around a minute) when I could've just bought enhancements and mods and arrmorings from a vendor.


    You must be kidding right? That would take hundreds of thousands of UNCs to do. It is madness to try and upgrade gear from 230 to 248. Just be sensible and only upgrade the 242 gear.

  12. For being given a ship that's on fire that's in the middle of a lava lake I think he has done pretty well.


    Lol totally true.


    I think Keith seems to be really trying and people that have had contact with him seem impressed like the people at Corellian Run Radio, the Escape Pod and the Bad Feeling crew.


    One thing that I have noticed is that he is trying to make things really high quality. The now Ops bosses are really complex and both the two new flashpoints were beautiful and interesting (although too long in my opinion - you should be able to complete a FP in 30 minutes). There was a lot of changes in GSF and class balancing that took thought.


    What I do think is that they do need to turn up the pace. The flashpoints people most like to run are the straightforward ones like Hammer Station, Athliss, Black Talon etc that are fast and easy. Just churn a couple more quick and easy ones an a wider range of players will be happy. The last two FPs were not PuG friendly.


    The black marks are still there though. As many said removing the West Coast server with no warning was not the sort of action I would have expected from him. The total failure to make conquest work or to direct customer support to actually do their job is really annoying.


    Overall the previous administration I give a "D" and Keith gets a "B+".

  13. Don't bother replying to the Op, he didn't care about that. He just made this thread to spam his referral link and when it was pointed out that he could be banned for that he changed it to cover his *** and probably is now back on fleet scamming new players there instead.
  14. I am in You Aint SIth and The Sanctuary which are conquest guilds. It was bad enough that we had the time of peace but now we have multiple more weeks where conquest is bugged. I didn't do Conquest on 49 characters but did do it on around 10 and the guilds put in a huge amount of time, effort and money into these achievements. This game is great but just look at the forums, the PR battle is a disaster. Please fix this and actually give some compensation to those affected for once. The stingy attitude here just puzzles me. Give people something, make them feel good about the game and they are likely to spend more. What would it cost to give them double rewards as compensation? How about some grand chance cubes? Some CXP boxes? Nothing! Ruin people's game experience constantly and then give them no compensation and eventually they will start looking elsewhere.
  15. I did KDY three times last week with no issues at all. As long as the group knows to fully watch all cut scenes it seems to be fine for me in my admittedly small sample size. Just tell everyone at the start and hope they understand and remember.


    Otherwise add it to your list of Flashpoints where you take the 15 minute penalty rather than having 1-2 hours of frustration which for me is Mannan, Blood Hunt and now Coperno.

  16. I think you should stay. I would be contacting CS over this as it seems odd. Me and my extended group have six accounts all with multiple strongholds over multiple servers and not one of us had a single problem with anything. Do you by any chance have more than 10 strongholds? If so perhaps the wrong ones were shut down and it *might* be possible to fix that by switching some others off, however I have no idea how to reactivate a SH when you have multiple of the same type.


    PS: I was on BC, everyone else will want the sexy cartel market stuff so I'll have your less exciting crafting mats if you really do decide to go. :p

  17. I don't care what they do as long as there are no more levels and no more CXP grind. Worst thing they ever did to this game. How would everyone like L75 as the new maximum and all the grinding you did be worthless and to have to start fresh again and grind out another 300+ CXP levels?
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