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Posts posted by MackPol

  1. Just to let you know lads, I like SR. I don’t like it this season so I don’t play it. Seems to me that most people must like it , they play lots, stream it, talk about it ... surely they must like it ? Can’t believe people would go through all that trouble just to give some reward and title... like people don’t even care what others have , there is no prestige to have rewards.

    Lads even destroyed bunch of them rewards on streams so it can’t matter that much ? Dunno


    But seems like ratings are very fair in comparison to many other seasons. Disparity is low as it is in the game ( no more 1.5k Elo difference between similarly skilled players ). Maybe not the best season ever but certainly seems more like truer reflection.


    Time will tell if win requirement is too high, maybe lower number would be better ?

  2. Makes sense now. Self oriented and shiny things/reward wanting.


    Anyway lads you can have your fun or whatever and a win too. How crazy is that? #mindblown. Like farm your numbers on right targets and get you 1v1s at enemy node. Guess you would know how it can be fun and competitive if you played ranked in the past. Or any sport outside of the basement.


    Ehh 14k dps you can do on the dummy if that is fun. And I know man, there is no point getting out of your way if teams is hopeless or care too much, it’s just a game that has no competition but lose a game cuz people think they are “ too good “ to win or to try that is funny. Or have “fun” and maybe get pat on the back and participation trophy.


    Anyway like other fellow said, you guys keep losing , suits me fine :)

  3. There is no reason to do objectives really..


    What do you get for winning ? Nothing at all.....



    You get to fkn win.


    I swear it seems like Swtor amassed bunch of people that don’t wanna win .... scared of winning, losing, trying, everything lol, dunno this community is so weird.

    Every game I played wheter on a computer or irl I see everyone trying to win, just not swtor.

    There is I think lots of reasons (like for example sitting a node for 15 mins is stupid) but the people’s attitude is very unusual. Even in ranked fellows leave after 1 round or keep saying I don’t care or just don’t even try to play as team ( off heal , peel and so on). TR dead cuz that’s too hard ofc.

    Seems epeen in swtor is so warped that fellows are to scared to try in case they lose xd

    I dunno

  4. Only time playing objectives is 'doing nothing' is when you're guarding a node (even then you have to watch out for stealthers and incs), in every other aspect of playing objectives you're doing something (playing the ball, trying to stuncap the enemies node etc.), and I think that stuncapping a node or scoring the ball is far more thrilling than being sat at mid either farming or getting farmed.


    Yeah mate so in every WZ apart from huttballs someone has to defend and it's a massive problem because it's boring AF. People dont wanna do it.

    Plus most players are delusional as to how to actually win a game which makes for quite ridiculous spectacles in Regs.

  5. Fellows, nobody wants to do nothing for 15 mins. Essentially for the most part that’s what’s needed to win Swtor match. It’s lame and boring. I don’t wanna do it anymore I can imagine it’s the same for many others.

    Also if everyone else is just farming kills then you simply go defend and let them farm in mid so you will win then.

  6. It's so fun to see wintraders try to accuse others lmao


    Wheter they are wintraders too or not doesn’t really matter.

    This is very lame. Playing solos on voice is not OK. I mean solo needs to be solo otherwise it’s just a piss take. This player seems skilled enough to compete with others normally.

    I couldn’t care less what people do in TR, they can organise their games however they want and all get gold, top3 or whatever because at least then they don’t directly impact others. With solos tho there is plenty of new or less skilled players who struggle to improve and voice coordination against them is just not cool.

  7. As a Sentinel player I agree, very good showcase. One miss play spotted in the vid, when engaging on Cc’ed target this sentinel jumps in late after the group engaged already , the correct way is to jump in first , immediately after the target is cc’ed.

    Overall good stuff tho :)

  8. Jugg dps is absolute garbage in SR. Don’t play it unless you are awesome and like being useless really. I tried this season and it is just not fun.

    Good for regs tho.

    And teams too I suppose if it popped

  9. Its not. I've hated the guard mechanic since day 1. Its brain dead, takes zero skill to use and its always been too strong. Why do you think tank tunnel became a thing? Then all of sudden that strategy became taboo. Well maybe if guard wasn't so brain dead....


    Play tank in 4s and show us how it takes zero skill.


    Seems like guard is the only thing that stops 4s from being AoE dps, smash buttons, attack whatever race...

  10. You can set acquire target of focus target in keybinds. It’s best utilized in 4v4 where you guard off of strongest enemy dd for example Mara or sniper which can help to be spot on with swaps. Not much use in regs.

    There I find it better to click frames or use nearest friendly modifier as mentioned .


    Alternatively set focus to own healer to prioritize guard on them for ease of identifying where healer is. Theoretically healer can die very fast in regs since can be focused by more ppl so it’s important to guard them as priority.

  11. I always read this as ARRRSE, but everytime I see some euro in a movie pronounce it, it sounds like they are saying AHSSS. Can someone confirm how this word is actually pronounced?


    Why not just say @ss like Americans do, it's spelled with 3 short letters and spoken just as it is spelled. Unlike tons of words in the English language.



    Arse is ARRRSE :) some ppl just have to soft of an R so they fail on delivery, those should just stick to using *** :p

  12. Concealment Operative (most common) has dodge immediately after roll. If you pull them then it will be fruitless. If they are rolling with the ball you have to time your pull right. Other examples would be entrench on sniper , stun immunity on mara or hydrolic override on merc pt.


    Can’t leap to enemies in end zones.


    Also Pt leap has been bugged for ages, what happens is that the button lights up , goes on cool down and you stay in same place. They can’t be bothered to fix that.

  13. Thanks again Snave for getting community together to do something to help with current state.

    Also seems we got a response :) maybe something constructive can come out of it.

    Any plans acting on some of the ideas discussed, like pvp guilds, help others , challenges even if just for training ?

    There was a lot of ppl watching so hopefully it will have a positive impact overall.

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