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Posts posted by FiNisheeeR

  1. Hi all I wanna address this issue that been plague me personally for a couple of months.

    Game going fine and then out of nowhere, my ping slowly climb to 14/20K after that it disconnects. Most of the time I'll end up with an empty servers list forcing me close the client and go thru the relog process.

    Let me state this. Its not my connections. I started doing little experiments and noticed that my downloads/uploads speed and my connections as a hole is unchanged meanwhile the game acting as my internet connection just gone.

    I put up with it but lately its getting worst.It happens 10/20 times a day at least. Is this happeing to anyone else? I submited a bug report 3 times in the past, but the nothing they suggested fixed the problem.

    I appreciate any help at this point.

  2. I cant belive that this issue is this wide spread...It happend to me today and already started 2 seperate threads on it. Click PLAY then...puff its like nothing ever happend. This is getting on my nerves....but also make belive that is not my PC. ( I dont have money to change PC just cause of 1 bloody game)...Ill keep cheking back here for updates i guess... but its not I get reimbursed for my sub time loss...so this issue is probably the most annoying I ever encountered.
  3. Hello all. The title really says it all here... I tried everything that people on other forums said or read online. nothing launch the bloody game after the update was complete. I was just playin with the 2 days ago and eveything was fine. Now restarted my pc, updated my vcard drivers ,run repair on launcher, uninstall and reinstall the hole game (3 hours BTW ) and the problem remains. Start launcher and after clicking on PLAY, laucher is gone and thats it. I never even arrive the first loading screen of the game.

    PLS if anyone have anyother suggestions please tell me. Dont be shy beacuse I got nothing left to think.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. The game does the empty list server thing all the time...i wrote like 3 complaints...but the response is generic at best...restart pc/client update driver ect ect.

    I uninstall the game and try and download and for some reason the download is not responding.

    I admit when im beaten is done:D

  5. Hi all im a long time player and got a major issue since the new update on 3/11/2020. The game not launcing anymore ...I log in and when a click the play button the launcher is gone then nothing!...I already tried all the avalable options on the web such as / restart ur pc, run repair , update vcard drivers ect and nothing helped. Is this happeing to anyone else or me? Please any help is welcome I really dont wanna unsub but if I cant play the game theres not much point to it...

    Thanks in advance.

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