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Posts posted by capcameron

  1. Uh, there isn't any noticeable difference between mirror classes. If you feel your safe is lacking spells that sorcs have try googling "Swtor sorc sage mirror abilities".

    That being said I prefer to play my sage as compared to my sorc, because when you hit some one with lightning they tend to notice and they don't like it much, however if you throw tinny little pebbles while they're busy wailing on a comando or any one else, they usually don't care.


    Interesting, I can see where you're coming from. However what do you think about snipers and gunslingers? Surely you must agree that they're not mirrored.

  2. Your grade is a D-, please make better use of open space and paragraphs in your essay. Resubmit a fixed draft to receive half-credit.


    Somewhat tweaked. I won't be tweaking it again but it should make more sense.

  3. So I suspect most of you saw the title and rushed to throw your comments in straight away. That's fine but just read what I have to say first. I want to start by saying this only refers to UNRANKED warzones, as I neither play ranked nor open world PVP. I'd also like to state that I only play on the European server: Progenitor so this may not apply to the other servers.


    Now that I've got that out of the way i'd like to give my thoughts on why the PVP in this game is unbalanced. I commonly play on the republic side and roll with Jedi Sentinel. However I have played jedi sage and guardian (and still do if I feel like it). In terms of the guardian I can't fault it I think Bioware did a great job with it, same can be said with the sentinel. However, I feel that the sage is incredibly weak compared to its sith counterpart. When I see the same number of sith sorcerers in the game in comparison to sages. I can't help but notice the sith sorcerers trample the sages. (you may say this is just down to them being better, but this can't always be the case). Sith sorcerers seem to have a lot more spells focused in locking down their opponent opposed to the sage which (I think) goes for more of a hybrid approach. Even with the most recent rework I still feel like the sith sorcerer completely annihilates the jedi sage in everything from, CC, AoE attack/healing (maybe not self buff since its pretty much the same). so i'd like this to be looked at.


    The other thing that annoys me about PvP is the imperial sniper. As the republic we get a gunslinger who is fairly good. But gunslingers cannot produce some of the damage rolls snipers can. Snipers can also deal this damage much, MUCH further away. If they have a dedicated healer it's near impossible to kill them, but it takes them nearly no effort to kill you. Yes, you could say this is due to the healer. But if you gave a gunslinger a designated healer he'd still feel the pressure. Snipers barely flinch. SO i'd like that to be looked at as well.


    After reading this some of you are probably thinking, "oh he must suck at the game" or "what a kid". 1st one may be true..... but this is my thought on the matter. If you feel that you have something to add. Fire away i'll be sure to read all sensible comments, and if you feel like the republic is overpowered compared to the sith, or if I missed something out. Add it. Anyways thanks for taking the time to check out my post.

  4. Honestly I don't know if this is a good idea or bad idea, but I would personally like more variety in hair styles. Especially the hairstyle "twintails", I know you already have "pig tails" available in the game, but it's not the same. (so yeah twintails and more variety, that about sums it up)
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