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Posts posted by diggity_dug

  1. Hello all!

    I am an older (er stress on the old) gamer coming back into the game from 2016. Way back in the day i was in a fantastic RP guild where I played my favorite character. A medical droid, part of a failed project where Czerka Corp, seeing the problems with their HK line tried to repurpose the chassis into another line. Unfortunately my medical droids' programming sometimes is overwritten by the remnants of the hunter killer algorithms giving him more of a "mad doctor" flair. Its fun. I like it.


    Id like to take part in some fun stories and play a stoic doctor/butler type with very brief spurts of mania. Just enough for people to say "Wait... what?" and then wonder if what they saw was a glitch or not.


    If someone knows some group out there (republic or imperial) that would be amenable to such.. drop me a response!




  2. Hello all!

    I am returning to the game after about four years away. I started back in 2015 and got the four celebration cantina codes. Each crate was opened to give you a chance at a speeder, a gonk droid, a carbonate chamber and a few other things. One item there was a rare chance of was a Character-Bound black/black dye. I have several characters that used this for outfits back in the day.


    Well starting out a new character this week, I have been farming a black/black due out of these crates. I have a particular look I want my new character to have. I have opened about a hundred of them and no luck. I have gotten all the other items, but not the black/black dye.


    Have they changed the loot tables since I was gone? It just bad RNG? Has anyone gotten a black/black dye out of a 2015 cantina code crate recently?

  3. The actual helmet stinks. Especially for role play. It’s not a helmet it’s a mask that does not cover the Lowe jaw, and there’s is a huge gap around the back edge. It’s very much pointless for HK roleplay as it is obvious this is not a head but a mask. What we droid role players need is a full fricken helmet. But odds are between slim and none we will ever get one.
  4. So I am just back to the game after leaving in 2015!. Some buddies have started running flashpoints and I have been chosen as healer. I have healed in other MMOs before (Warcraft, ESO)


    From a Character point of view I really love Operatove. I like the stealth, the Imp side rifle, and the story line. But.. the heals are weird. My main heal has a delay from the time I push the button to the time it works. Also I cannot move and heal which really stinks.


    I hear people say: Play Sorc! But I can’t. Because I only play droid characters. And I’m going to say something crazy.... I don’t like Jedi. That’s not my Star Wars.


    So considering I am only level 23 and just got my scanning ability at 18 to help manage energy, does healing get easier or more mobile as an operative? Or should I start looking at Mando?




  5. Previously there were two bugs. First was if you equipped certain outfits her body dissaoeeared. They fixed that, but when they did, they introduced a new bug. When you equip certain clothes her skin turns into a weird black body suit. Some think it's actually a defaul texture from the 3d modeler.


    Did they ever fix this?

  6. People who say this game is dead are on the wrong server. It may be dead elsewhere but not here. The newly moved Knights of Sokan are a heavy jedi-only Roleplay guild. They focus on the Master / Padawan jedi experience. They have scheduled RP events every night of the week, from History or Philosophy classes (In character of course), to Light saber training, to just for fun items, like Pod Races. They also do some progression raiding, and are working to start up a PvP group.


    We had a guild meeting / initiation ceremony this past Wednesday, with 42 people in the guild house. All 42 were actively participating in a RP Manner. It was a ton of fun. Nightly RP events run in the 20s on weeknights as well.


    If your interested in a set of mature, very active, heavy RP, players with a Jedi slant, I would suggest reaching out to the guild master Leyasu, or go to sokan.enjin.com.



  7. Hiya,


    I've got a Republic Issued Combat Meducal Droid looking for some RP capabilities. I'm looking for a spot that has low guild drama, and a lot of fun, friendly people that take their role play seriously.


    My character HK-MD-14 "EmDee" nickenamed "Sawbones" is part of a Republic program to integrate highly intelligent, free thinking medical droids into combat platoons. Czerka corporation won a bid, and tried to rebrand their failing Hk line by adding medical capabilities (according to lore, their Hk line has gone through many failed revisions). 100 units were received, but the contract and the program were canceled when the republic found out Czerka was selling the same droids to the imperials. EmDee has served with distinction, having a strong desire to win acceptance from his fellow soldiers rough exemplinary service. His tour of duty is coming up and due to shad losses, high command may be reassigning him.


    RP a droid is fun, but I understand there will most likely be no ranks involved, due to how droids are second class citizens. That's fine, as I just want to be around a bunch of guys that RP well, and hopefully add a bit to the story line. Email me on Ebon hawke, HK-MD.

  8. I made a mistake in my earlier terminology, calling sand people tusken, as they were not called that until the attack in fort tusken around 98 BBY. I will refer to them as sand people from now on. Being 300 years after the first attempted settlement of Tatooine, there should be enough human settlers to support my plan. Sand people have president of taking slaves (shimi skywalker), and raising them among them, (k'shek, and A'shrad Hett).
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