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Posts posted by tasogie

  1. I'm with you. I remember DAOC and I was thinking along the same lines. Luckily I am in a guild and was able to ask someone more knowledgeable about it. I almost did the same thing as you.


    yer I know, it's sad as it was worded deliberately....ok I get it, marketing geeks an layer types are in it for the cash an they need to make things "attractive"... my mistake, but still it was 60$ I didn't wanna spend at time lol...

  2. Nowhere Ic an find does it say "Once you get level 61 you can no longer make a level 60 if you delete the level 61....


    I just paid 30$ to come back to the game on the premise I could make level 60s.

    Now I had to spend ANOTHER 30$ to get a cartel ticket an remake a 60... Really unimpressed, an wont fall for it again I know that. if it wasn't for spending 60$ in last 24 hours I'd have quit again today :(


    There is not one single word on the char gen page or the email they sent out to tell us that this happens at level 61 :(.


    I wanted to try all the different classes out at lvl 60. Instead of just trying 5 min on each I played through to level 61 on the third one I made. an then didn't like it. Deleted it an BAM! no more 60s.... ON ANY SERVER....


    I dont like getting snow'ed into paying hard earned dosh. I did contemplate canceling my PayPal on both. But last time I did that they sent me a nasty letter threatening me if I did it... (of coarse in this country you cant sue unemployed by law... but eh...


    lesson learned.

  3. When I log in on this account (sub'd) It just tells me to make a new char. in the beginner area. is there something I am missing on making a level 60 ? or do you have to have at least 1 level 60 to do it?. That would mean I have to xfer my lvl 58 off other account onto this one :(...


    Starting to wonder if this "free" level 60 for sub'd players is actually free lol



    ok so I logged in again an the level 60 option is greyed out an it has cheek to tell me I can "buy" a level 60 off cartel market???

  4. I dont see any need to make it optional. because all that will happen is people will not use it at all. This is I think more ab out people wanting to steamroll low level content, without any need to think or play well.


    Generally todays youth dont like challenge or complexity in any form. More often they just want wakamole easy.... :(

    I have no problem with the level drop at all. Hell the guy on the twitch stream even said you are still very strong for your level, more so than normal...



    if people are going to quit over something so infantile as this, then they were going to quit anyway. This is so minor it really doesn't req more than a single line text...

  5. I was wondering, a few things.


    1. What happened to my lvl 50 chars ? They have all gone for some reason?. Is it true EA delete your account an items if you cancel your sub ? Because if I remember rightly I paid 150$ for this game when it came out. I know EA can be.... iffy, but that is bang out of order if true. :(.


    2. DO many people play now, or did I just spend 60$ for a single player game?...



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