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Posts posted by Ghosttex

  1. I am now stuck in this stupid bug the devs refuse to fix. and I'm doing it solo story line. If I go back to My ship and jump forward I lose valuable storyline .. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE ... FIX the blasted bug in Machines of War. been stuck on this stupid mission for two days already and I'm a subscriber. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  2. I smoked these two fools way back when chapter x first came out. cake walk and I was using a Jugg, already done this same chapter with just about all my alts and breezed through these two like it was just a stroll in the park, don't know why your all having issues but I can tell you this if you need help busting their heads send a message to Okaraten in game I'll be happy to come bust their heads again for you
  3. You're only eligible if you're a Scoundrel (for the Risha and Corso return) or an Inquisitor (for the Andronikos return). Everyone else only gets an operation boss.


    Funny I've got both Gunslinger and Inquisitor and guess what it never showed for either class Character so now explain that

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