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Posts posted by OBBSWG

  1. Not just to be picky, but - within SWTOR, what you joined is a "Guild". A "clan" often refers to a group of gamers who can play many games**. People might get confused if you go around asking to join a clan.


    ** Shoutout to Brothers Disgruntled. :cool:


    Perhaps he meant Klan.

    I, for one, hate it when I accidentally join up with those guys.

  2. Hi all,


    Subject line says it all. After 4 or more years away, I just returned to the game. My max toon is a 50 Jedi Shadow (back from when that was level cap). Back when I played I was in a guild and we did FP's, operations, etc. so he is geared as a tank. Mix of orange and purple pieces that were, I think, reasonably good (back at the time). Given the way there is "stat inflation" in most MMO's, I have no idea if it is considered good, even for a level 50, now.



    Max gear rating at the moment is 258, if that gives you some idea of where your current gear puts you on the scale. However, that's not super-relevant outside of PVP and group/endgame content. As others have mentioned, doing heroics will get you blue gear appropriate to your level & discipline, though you do have to pick the gear box that matches your discipline (if you're tank spec, I believe it's called "Bulwark", and the other one will be DPS).


    The other advantage to running heroics, aside from cash, is that the majority of them will be on planets below your level, and while you will get level-synced to that planet's level cap, the fights should still be easy enough that you'll have time to play around with your spec's abilities and rotations and get a handle on them again, instead of having to do that in a tougher fight. You can always read class guides and look up optimal rotations that experts recommend, but personally I've always seemed to get a quicker grasp of procs and most useful perks from playing around with it myself.


    Related to that, don't forget to stop by your class trainer and pick up any current abilities they've got for you. Even if you haven't leveled up there are probably some that have been added or replaced over the last few years.


    I don't see any "storyline" quest in my quest log, so I am thinking I finished up the storyline from the original SWTOR before I stopped playing.


    Where to begin? Obviously I need to re-learn how to play and get back the muscle memory of the various skills. But besides that... is there a new storyline I can pick up somewhere? (I am subbing, so I think that means I get access to the expansions.) Do I need to try to gear up some before doing that? Are there major new "things" added to the game I am missing out on entirely?


    Yes, as a sub you get all the expansions!


    If you don't have an "Ilum" quest chain in your mission log, then your next storyline is the Makeb one from Rise of the Hutt Cartel, which is connected to the Dread Masters chain on Oricon. If you're worried about actually resolving those storylines, though, be warned that they involve a number of Ops that you'll need to group up for. You don't need to do those Ops to get access to the daily areas and reputation vendors, though. And certain daily areas that used to be tied to those stories (Black Hole, CZ-198, and Section X) are now independent and can be accessed right away.


    The next storylines after that are, in order, Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan and Ziost, which are all linked together and are related to Knights of the Fallen Empire/Knights of the Eternal Throne. All of those can be played single-player without missing any story content - even the flashpoints have single-player modes.


    The Iokath story is kind of like Oricon in that the bulk of it can be played solo but the very end is a regular Op requiring a raid group. You do not need to play the Op to get the daily area or move on to Ossus, though.


    Ossus takes place after all of the above and, as the mission console will double-warn you, will auto-complete all previous storylines (except Ilum, interestingly enough) once you start it. Ossus is also where you will want to go to get top-shelf gear, as it's the only place where you can earn 252 and 258 items. Again, though, that's only really worth grinding out if you're interested in Ops and similar content. Most stuff in the game can be played with middle-of-the-road loadouts and a reasonably devoted companion.


    Companions have changed a lot since you last played and getting one to a high influence level will make your life a lot easier. They no longer depend on gear stats to be effective - instead, you raise their influence level through companion gifts. The higher that influence rank, the better they are at healing/tanking/DPS, which is now just a role you can pick for them on the fly instead of having to take Mako with you to heal or Blizz to tank, etc., like in the original version of the game. Getting one to rank 50 takes a lot of money and patience, but I'd say anything over about rank 20 will get you through most situations. They also make crafting a lot quicker and more viable (main reason I invested in getting 9 companions to 50 was so I could have the maximum 8 churning out craftables and one out & about with me).


    In addition to the forums and in-game chat, some great resources for getting you back into the swing of things would be Dulfy, Swtorista and Vulkk. Check out any of those links and you'll have a lot of great guides and videos at your disposal.


    Welcome back!

  3. Rocket Out now becomes a targeted reticle and the Mercenary rocket propels to that area. Allow it to work with the vertical or Y axis (jumping to platforms above you or below you).


    Targeting Rocket Out would be very cool and pretty useful for breaking LOS in a lot of scenarios, so I really like that idea. I don't know about the Y-axis part of this, though. It would certainly be useful but I have a feeling it would create exploits. Are there any other class abilities that allow a character to instantly/rapidly relocate vertically? (Genuine question, I primarily rotate between Arsenal Merc [main], Lightning Sorc, and Balance Sage so I really don't know if there's anything similar out there.) I know there's the Jedi ability that lets you pull a friend towards you, but that still requires you to have gotten to that position through other means first.

  4. However, I it is possible and I do know of one case. One player was able to push through all these restrictions and he managed it on the basis of claiming he is being bullied. After explaining the situation they did really change his account name so that the "bullies" would not know its him.


    Well there's our answer - hire a bully!

  5. I enjoyed the two Thrawn books we've gotten in the new cannon but I've had a hard time getting into the SW books since Disney bought it. I haven't got the love for the new characters that I had for the ones I got to know in the now Legends category.


    Yeah, I haven't been able to bring myself to read any of the new books for this reason. It's sad, because most of what made the EU great for me was in the books, and I still have a wall in my house that's just bookshelves packed full of EU books. As much as I love Timothy Zahn and I'm sure he's doing a good job storytelling in the new Star Wars landscape, his (and others') characters were so well-established and consistent across the whole EU timeline that it's impossible to shake that sense of who they were and look at them as new, blank-slate characters with the same names and personalities, but none of the history. Just doesn't feel quite right.

  6. How so? Vader sacrificed himself for his son to be alive, without that sacrifice Luke would've been killed. The rebelllion would've lost due to Sidious' sith battle meditation and unless somehow Leia managed to become a Jedi and defeat the Emperor, and kill or redeem her father the galaxy would've been thrown in darkness as opposed to slowly turn to the light. Vader's sacrifice was what allowed the New Republic to even exist, and the New Jedi Order to rise thanks to Luke. I'd say his sacrifice is still very important.


    You're right, it is still important. I don't mean that Vader's sacrifice is completely pointless if Palpatine comes back, but what makes it especially meaningful in the original trilogy is that he finally ends the Sith threat to the galaxy like everybody in the Jedi Council assumed he would back in the prequel trilogy. If Palpatine can just pop back up a few years down the road, then Vader never really ended that Sith era. Still saved Luke, still saved the New Republic, but didn't do what he was "destined" to do. There's not as much closure to his story if his biggest (positive) accomplishment can be easily undone for the sake of a sequel.



    Edit: Didn't realize there was a whole page of comments between FlameYOL's post and mine; added quote to clarify what I'm responding to. Whoops.

  7. Do as many heroics as I could, turn in crates, sell all the yellows for 100k on the GTN (could sell for more but at 100k they sell fast) then use that money to buy purples after having given all the blues that I got from the crates to the companion.


    God I wish I'd thought of that back when I was grinding my top 8 comps to 50. I would just use the gold gifts from Alliance crates on them and go "hooray look at all the numbers". So much money wasted, lol

  8. Disney? No Thanks!


    I'd rather have no movie than friggin Disney defiling Star Wars any further.

    Tell Mickey Mouse to keep his fingers off the Legends.


    Agree 100% from the standpoint of "please for the love of God stop ruining Star Wars thanks", but the silver lining to this particular ****-cloud is that SWTOR may get a funding and playerbase boost off of an Old Republic-themed movie. I doubt I'll watch it unless folks sharing my EU fetish give it a collective thumbs-up, but I'll happily play with new people checking out SWTOR because they were brought here by a new movie.


    IMO Disney's already made post-Lucas Star Wars irrelevant to me, so I don't hold out much hope that a TOR movie will be any different, but the thematic link to SWTOR could be important for us as players.

  9. I absolutely love the "Palpatine can't be alive!" cries from people that support Darth Maul being cut in half and dropped down a tube and somehow still surviving.


    lol fair point...although I think people really wanted Maul to be alive because he was, for most fans (esp. those trying like hell to find value in Episode I :rak_tongue: ) a really intriguing and visually striking character that was more or less wasted in the movie (he killed Qui-Gon and...that's it). Meanwhile, Palpatine had a good arc through both the OT and PT, being the driving force behind major plot points and probably the best-written character in the PT, and we got to see plenty of him, so bringing him back doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than as nostalgia bait.

    Plus, as mentioned earlier in the thread, respawning Palps undermines the significance of Vader's redemption in RotJ. IMHO it was a terrible idea in Dark Empire (among several others...god I hated Dark Empire) and hasn't gotten better with age, except as a ploy to lure back middle-aged dudes who saw the OT in theaters and want to feel like teens again.

  10. I'm torn. I'm one of those bitter EU oldtimers that really loathes what Disney's done with the franchise, but at the same time I do love SWTOR and would love to see promotion of the Old Republic era bring more folks into the game. I guess this particular time period is so far removed and not as "filled in" as the original EU that the potential for bulldozing pre-existing lore* is not too significant, in which case godspeed to them, assuming they can just do some good solid storytelling that fits in with what we've already got.


    And amen to Blur being tapped for promotional duties again, the work they've done for SWTOR is unbelievably good. Shoot, just hand the whole movie over to them - I'd gladly watch a full-length KotOR adaptation made by Blur.


    * and yes, I know that as far as Disney's concerned there is no pre-existing lore, it'd just be nice if whatever they greenlight at least pretends to have some relation to the stories that have already been told.

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