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Posts posted by Avalyssia

  1. kill Kaliyo


    Honestly just.... actually I don't really know what to say. I'm really bummed that we're forced with her. While I would never have killed her, I wouldn't have let her stay in the base either. If I wasn't distracted with another game at the moment (and also another game waiting for my attention) I'd seriously be throwing my toys out of my crib.


    3.5/10 for me. Hell, I'm not even motivated to work on my crew skills.

  2. Well I'll be damned!


    So I've been sitting here all day (on and off) trying to get this to finish downloading, got stuck with 200mb's left. Been reading this thread and twitter and someone said to make more hardrive space. I'm like... that won't work, I've got 150gb left. I remove some other games I haven't been using, because it can't hurt right? Taking my free space up to 180gb. It started working straight away.


    Anyway, I should be in the game shortly. Just thought I'd put that out there - it may or may not work :p

  3. I got rid of bitraider ages ago. On assets 229 here, stuck downloading at 0.08 kb/s. Geez if early access is going to be like this for the remaining chapters might as well just unsubscribe until it's all available.
  4. Would you consider purchasing the relics rather than farming them? On BC someone is selling them for about 3k per relic - I don't know what I was searching for that brought the relics up but that's how much they were going for yesterday.


    Edit: Okay nevermind, just checked they go for about 60k to 700,000k. Option to buy them is still there though lol

  5. About the third character I took through this fight I didn't try to interupt that spell because I didn't think it would do anything 'instant killer-ish'. Boy was I wrong. All you have to do is interupt it, I don't know why you'd bother even targeting the clones, they barely hurt. The hardest part of this fight was waiting for the clones to despawn after knocking down the emperor.
  6. I play with my 12 year old son. Tried getting my husband to play but it didn't appeal to him. My 10 year old son plays occasionally but he drifts off into his own world far too often which just frustrates me and the 12 year old. My 8 year old son would much rather log into my characters and ride around on the mounts.
  7. On the other hand, SWTOR does have some fine moments of ambiguity, where, for example, the light side choice involves taking a wounded man back to Dromund Kaas to be tortured mercilessly, or sacrificing medical data that can save hundreds of thousands of lives in order to lift one person out of a fire.


    This made me giggle because...



    The Jedi you encounter in the Warrior story (Balmorra) I killed her every single time even though I prefer the lighter side because I knew she'd be tortured as a prisoner. Death seemed like the merciful option.


  8. leave it to this community to turn his thoughts into a debate about whether his kid can share an account with him


    Indeed. When I read the OP's first sentence I just thought to myself "if somebody doesn't turn this into a TOS/EULA argument I'll run down the street naked".

  9. Would be ideal, but I only have 1 laptop. :(


    I see. Have you tried running solo mode of the fp's? Levelling alts? I know when I started I had only planned to stay for a few months, a year on and I'm still here and have lots on my to do list. I don't do pvp or group content (I have 4 kids and the last thing I want to do when they're asleep is hang out with more kids.) If you've seen all the class stories and want more story it is probably best to wait until they release more.

  10. My bloom has never been on.


    Brightness set to minimum, contrast set to maximum.


    Nope still so green hair.


    Fix it please.


    And the "black" color does indeed look quite black on the original hairstyles. But those released through the cartel market just look greenish, especially in well-lit places.


    Yes, changing my contrast and that helped with the greeny black hair but now my brown hair looks black too lol - I can tolerate that because my only brown haired character can go lighter when I get enough cc.

  11. You missed my point. That is how you see the black setting. My black setting through the cartel market is darker than your screenshot. My brown setting looks like your screenshot.


    I keep my contrast higher than normal as I am from the old days of CRTs and loved having true blacks and whites so I tried to get that as best I can on my LCD screens. This wouldn't be reflected on a screenshot though, so perhaps if I did a screenshot, I would see colors like yours were I took look at it on a different monitor...looking at it on my screen would just rebalance it again.


    I'm basically saying that it's possible to set your LCD screen to mask this without making the game quality bad, in fact, you may find the increased color saturation and truer blacks and whites visually more appealing.


    edit: to expand on this:




    Not all monitors are created the same and if you've never balanced your monitor properly, you can't really blame the developer for poor color quality when they are using number codes that are far more accurate than the color balance of your screen.


    I sort of see what you mean, but my monitor is (for some reason) in spanish so I have no idea how to fine tune the settings but when I selected a darker preset the hair was much better looking. When I get enough time later I'll mess around with it.

  12. yeah..that's not what mine look like on my laptop screen. I'm guessing I run my contrast a lot higher (always been a personal preference for me) than many of you. I would assume the two colors you are showing were washed out brown and brown. Neither look like the black hair I see through the cartel market.


    No, that is the black. I could show the brown if you want.

  13. Maybe it's your PC or monitor? My human BH has been through dozens of hairstyles and colors over the last years and I recently went back to her original with the black color and it is in fact black. She wears a black and dark red outfit so if it wasn't true black, it would be very obvious.


    Cartel Market Hair - http://s27.postimg.org/nba4g4jfn/swtor_2015_12_17_10_21_35_631.jpg

    Vanilla Hair - http://s27.postimg.org/nck29jl9f/swtor_2015_12_17_10_21_45_238.jpg


    Imo, even the vanilla hair could be a bit darker.

  14. I've done this quest almost 20 times now and have had zero failures due to coding. I've sabatagoed myself when I click on the ingredients next to the mixer and bring it below 3


    This is what I was thinking as well, I've done it nowhere near as many times as you have (8 maybe...) but never had a problem. But I was in the area with another person who was having the same problem and turned out he was deselecting the ingredients he had selected.

  15. 200 crates might finish a couple toons but no where near all 21 you would like a hell of a lot more hehe.


    Yes it's approximately 80 crates (so you'll need 80 military, 80 alien, 80 smuggler, 80 ancient) to get your whole alliance to 20.


    As for the gear box from the planetary heroics, they stop after level 61 and are at 172 level.

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