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Posts posted by AarenJ

  1. OK, before you guys get your hopes up, this is just an idea I had. We know how well the last three pictures went and the fan reviews. I know Mr. Lucas has no further connection with LUCASFILM and Kathleen Kennedy BUT I think EA and Bioware could entice the father of "Star Wars" to create the narrative for the next installment of the game. I know this would be a real boon to the game. I’m a subscriber and I for one would love to see what could become of the game if we had Mr. George Lucas designing a story line.


    This could be a pivotal point where the movie story line could be headed in the direction where the creator wanted the story to go. While I’m still out of the hands of the men in white coats, here’s another thought. Have Billie Catherine Lourd do the voice over for a new companion that could be included in the new expansion.


    What do you says EA and Bioware? Take a Chance?


    Mr Lucas; if for some reason you're seeing this thread, stay retired buddy. The original Star Wars was a fluke and Empire is the only thing holding up this house of cards. Star Wars was saved in the editing room George. That's not a secret and only the most delusional and ignorant fans would dispute that. YOUR cut of that movie was an abomination. I'v seen parts of it. You and I are both grateful it never saw the light of day .


    You're not a particularly good storyteller anyway and you would be the first to admit it. You walked away with 4 billion dude. Let others preside over this mess. Stay out of it and count your money.


    Or! take option two like your dear friend Mr Spielberg - ONLY direct and never ever EVER try writing ANYTHING. Your man Spielberg knows what he's good at and what he isn't good at. If only JJ Abrams weren't so superficial and stupid. He would've taken option 2 also. Good director - terrible writer and storyteller, just like you George! Stay out of the writers room because you don't belong inside it.


    Oh damn I forgot. George! LEARN HOW TO DIRECT ACTORS. "Just like that only better" is not enough for an actor. Your directing style is a meme at this point. Rebuild yourself dude. You've got years left. Sure your head now sports a fine mane of silver but you've still got your wits and your health.

  2. You hear Luke talking about, how they passed on all knowledge (lol lol lol) to Rey and she still can't make her own lightsaber. She just uses some saber-clip to have Anakin's lightsaber whole again.


    They show off Kylo killing some random dude in most idiotic way with lightsaber, trying to make him look cool..but he got rekt vs Rey 2x with no training in span of less than 10h. And then people freak out about helmet, like that helmet is something we should care about.


    Lastly it's like "let the past die" thing , but let's bring everyone back because their movies suck and let's profit on nostalgie and **** all over SW. Why are people excited about Palpatine. First it'll ruin his character like it did every other old one. 2nd it's ruins Anakin's redemption. 3rd NO ONE WILL EVER FKING DIE. Get thrown down into reactor and be blown apart with whole fking Death Star...no just walk away from it. Trash Phasma never dies...so why would Palpatine,right?


    Title is crap and just bait to get people into cinemas. And here's the kicker...watch this video on YouTube :


    (all the way back in 2012 !!!!)


    Send them a message and boycott this turd. And let them buy tickets,like they did for Captain Marvel. Watch Clone Wars when they come out and give Mandalorian a chance, but wait till episode IX is on net do dl or till it hits tv. You won't miss much and since money is all they care about, MAKE episode IX WORST box office bomb in history of SW !!!


    Good luck with your boycott, you utter moron. Honestly, get a *********** life, getting THIS bent out of shape over a *********** star wars movie? an adventure movie made for KIDS? Count yourself lucky that you don't have any REAL problems.

  3. I


    If EA makes an offline version of SWTOR when the servers go down for good and they sell it on Steam, I will eat nothing but canned beans for two months so I can pay $500 for it.


    If EA makes an offline version of SWTOR and they sell it on GOG, they can have my $500 and my left kidney.


    This is never going to happen. Not ever.

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