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Posts posted by Jesperando

  1. Hi,

    I'm currently looking for someone for a friend and I don't have a lot to go for.

    I want to find someone with the Legacy name Darksiders. But since there can be more than one with that legacy, the only thing I can go for is that she had 3 alts on rep side I know of. Kovaac, Ka'reyna and Lo'rea.

    She belongs to the guild, Council of the Unchained on those characters but hasn't been online the last 3 months.

    My friend who's looking for her said that she mained on imp side but that he didn't get to know any of them in time.

    Anyone who knows someone with that information to go on?

    Any clues at all is appreciated as my friend really want to thank her for her support.


    Kindest regards

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