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Posts posted by Craydingus

  1. Spent more time waiting between PvP matches than actually in them since 7.2 launched, while seeing mostly the same players in each Warzone and arena.

    You can queue for 4's and 8's simultaneously, and there is a substantial increase in the number of new players in queue from both F2P's who have unlimited PvP matches, and previously uninterested casuals who want in on PvP seasons rewards. 

    The only thing that could possibly slowing down pops this badly, and making match-ups this repetitive is the stupid "skill-based matchmaking" algorithm implemented in 5.9.2, which only seems to have become even more excessively specific with the latest update. Nix this thing so we can have first-come-first-served PvP games without repetitive matchups.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Why nix this feature? It served as a slight boost to anyone grinding valor, and was another incentive to perform well (even if you don't need valor, MVP votes were still a badge of honor). 

    Did the underperformers cry to the devs that decent players getting MVP voted when they weren't was hurting their feelings?

    Please bring back MVP voting, there's no reason not to have it.

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 4
  3. Do not spend your slow-earned PvP season tokens on PvP flags from the vendor. Not only are you unable to plant them on the corpse of a fallen enemy player, you can't plant them in PvP at all. Total bait of a vendor item.

    PS, Devs, please bring back MVP Votes. This was always a crucial element of PvP, and its absence gives one less incentive for players to perform well.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. This is the most brain-dead overpowered type of ability that has existed in any game ever. Knock-roots have low opportunity costs to spec into for any class that can use them, they consume laughably small amount of class resource, add basically nothing to resolve, and are a deciding factor in too many map types. Even if you sacrifice DCD's and CC's to maximize mobility, it's impossible to play against a team that has 3 or more players specced into this degenerate ability type. If the enemy team has multiple snipers or inquisitor advanced classes, you're stuck RPing a paraplegic. 

    This is beyond unbalanced. Get rid of knock-roots, or make them infinitely more costly to use (user deals 75% less damage for the next 6 seconds, costs 50%+ class resource, make the user give up a crucial DCD to spec into them, or something to that effect).

    • Confused 2
  5. For the past 2 years and several months, ever since they made maps pop based on category instead of trying to give each individual map roughly the same frequency, vodistar and for some reason huttballs have been spammed to infinity and beyond. Just last night I had 5 voidstars in a row before I called it quits out of boredom with the repetition, with 4 out of 5 of my prior matches to that having been buttballs.  The fix can't be that hard, there was code that didn't cause this garbage to happen for 8 and a half years before we got stuck with it. Pls fix.

  6. Surely this so-overpowered-a-lobotomy-patient-could-play-it-to-avail class is the Devs' way of trolling and not a serious example of what any class in any MMO should ever be, right?


    It was already broken in 6.x, and its power ceiling only looms higher over that of everything else by virtue of how little it lost from ability pruning. The only truly difficult choice it has to make is its level 60, deciding between lower CC break CD and easier heat management. Giving up hardstun for hydraulic is basically a non-issue as carb is always a thing, and if that's not enough for you, well, somehow neural trigger is still in the game (seriously, do you devs pleasure yourselves to a Jango Fett centerfold every night!?) As if the laughably small nerfs weren't enough, PT"s straight up got a new DCD when basically all other classes got gutted in the facet of defensive viability. PT's can live nearly as long as their fellow bounty hunters and do basically twice as much damage, that's straight up wrong. Not to mention that AP can dish out 120k Crits consistently. A pull, a rooting gap-closer, an AoE slow, and an AoE hardstun, don't you think this class has more than enough s**t to keep enemies in its vicinity?


    The upcoming attempt to balance this abomination of a class will not be adequate. Either revisit Powertechs with the same aggressive intent to nerf that you took to everything else in 7.0, or give back some abilities to all other classes.

  7. The "Skill-based matchmaking" started in 5.9.2 is an atrocity. It puts one or two highly-skilled players on a team full of keyboard-droolers with no thumbs against a team of 8 noticeably-above-average players. Outcomes of warzones are decided before they even begin. Roflstomps are the norm and close games are extremely rare. Matches on average seemed more balanced before this crime against gaming was added.


    Also, this game's population is small. "Skill-based matchmaking" with an ever-shrinking pool of players means that at least 12 out of 16 players in one warzone are likely to constitute teams in the next one. That gets stale extremely fast. On top of the monotony of repetition, the algorithm's insistence on only putting specific players in matches together needlessly slows down pops, something that again is only exacerbated by a small playerbase.


    Lastly, it's UNRANKED. Casual mode. Secret Elo or anything of the kind shouldn't be a factor.

  8. TBF, credit to Bioware for listening to player feedback and adding mods that can be purchased with credits at lower iLvl's than initially intended.

    Now, what do I actually do with these mods? All that's at the vendor is enhancements, and the 328 Thrysian gear doesn't have a slot for them. Are we supposed to play with only enh and leave armorings and mods empty? Was something not added that should have been?

  9. At best, all it does is slow down queue times. Utterly infuriating to be waiting 5-10 minutes for an unranked pop, when I know there are more then enough other players in queue to create a match. Just make it totally random, first come first served. Besides, it's UNRANKED. You know, casual mode? Factors like "Secret Elo" and "Skill-based matchmaking" shouldn't even be part of the equation. Make it random, if for no other reason, so players can get into matches quicker.
  10. Yes the random lotto gear vendor in 6.0 could be annoying at times, but at least chasing BiS mods/armorings/enh gave me something to pursue in endgame. And even when I had BiS gear on a character, I still had a ton of options to experiment with new minimaxes. This unmoddable gear is so... ... drab.

    Excluding augmentation slots, we went from 148,005 different ways to modify a 3-slotted piece of gear in 6.0 with all the different mods/armoring/enh, to just one in 7.0.

    Bring back mods for all gear iLvl 318 to 332. If you want to make the very best gear in the game exclusive to NiM raiders, fine. At least let those of us who don't play that content still customize our gear.

  11. I don't want to misquote so I won't say who said it.

    But, generally along the lines, the response was that they added it to wins only to prevent "lose farming" for conquest. A quite terrible fix imo.


    I've suggested multiple times this as I will here again.

    Change it back to 8 points, 2 per win, one per loss. 4 wins is a weekly, and 8 losses is a weekly, I think this is fair and remains rewarding for players with an incentive to win.

    Then they can remove the medalist conquest objective if they care about mass conquest farming aka "lose farming" as it was said - because this is far more abusive for conquest. Then only give conquest for the daily & weekly to further support winning. It'd also remove the infinite farming potential on just one character (aka lose farming / medalist farming currently) creating further use for alts in guilds and more content to do for conquest as it'd no longer be best to just spam pvp en masse.

    (Also, side note. I don't feel infinitely repeatable conquest objectives are balanced well, causing conquest to generally be laughable and a whose got more numbers kind of thing. So the idea of lose farming really being the reason feels out of touch at the very least.)


    This guy always comes up with sensible solutions to in-game problems. Devs please take note.

  12. As unhappy as I've been with 7.0 as a whole, this is one thing that got better.


    Last season, Most GS Objectives were random garbage that often had very little to do with most players' niches. I facepalmed whenever I opened up my seasons log to see "Kill 75 insectoids" or something comparably ridiculous.

    Now, about 80% of seasons objectives are activities that line up with or are in some way incidental to end-game content and avenues of earning gear. And you can nearly progress GS at its maximal weekly rate while skipping some of the bizarre ones that still come up.


    Credit where credit is due, you got this right, Bioware.

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