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Posts posted by Dysfunxtional

  1. Love how you don't mention the stalking, crying, and rejecting parts. swtor e-stalker confirmed?


    Well I mean since Jasca came to talk to me and the last I heard from her was after I cleansed the game of Juggertwat after releasing his lovely little story. You seem to be grasping at straws. You can continue to make up stories about me but at the end of the day we both know that's all you're capable of mean while everything I'm stating about you and Gladias is true especially since Koality is confirming it right now along with two others telling me about it yesterday. Poor Poison and Koality.

  2. da*** are you talking about? poison quit swtor ages ago, sometime at the end of 2015. is this some sort of ptsd relapse from jasca leaving you?


    I'm sorry m8 but stalking middle aged married women on swtor then crying when they reject you is probably not the best way to live.


    Where do you get your stories from? Last I heard Jasca wasn't middle aged o_O nor married. awkward.

  3. I think you beat a kickball team you crashed once, but that must feel like farming to you since you never win. It must be nice having a selective memory to not recall all the horrible losses because you struggle to break 2k. Ausarik and Koality are good players, and they had asked to join LW for a while, but it was tough to see their skill when they lost having to try and carry you so we didn't invite for a couple months. I have to thank you though for all the jokes we have gotten to make about your double ap team and aus doubling your dps every game, and also thank you for all the 7k games it made me feel good about myself healing <3


    PS sorry for stealing your 4s team, it must suck. maybe do better next time and your friends wont leave you?


    pps claiming ddos lol, what is this 2015?


    ppps The only team running a sub 2k dps merc is feken's and well you know how that goes... I think we ran merc/pt a couple times because aus wanted to see how running that comp with a merc doing 2.5-4k would be


    Deny deny deny. Saving face on forums lol. cringe. It's okay. Koality spills it all to me anyway :rolleyes: it's a shame you treat him like you treated poison and where did that get you? blocked on his fb LOL. Gladias and Solow the abusive controlling parents of Koality and Posion.

  4. At least my healer doesn't need to make 'theyll ddos me' excuses for not wanting to play with me and my 1500 dps merc in teams :rolleyes:


    Shame you got farmed in prior to me quitting before the season now everyone runs the comp I created lelelele.


    Pretty nice globals on you on your pt too. It's fine though you can deny it on the forums but we both know you threaten to ddos koality so he doesn't play with anyone else. I have logs from him myself and multiple other people from tauntauns have confirmed it to me. You guys tried so hard to poach ausarik and koality while we were farming you then when i finally quit they gave in l0l.


    I mean it got so bad for you guys all you wanted to do was kickball lmaoooooooooooooo awkward.

  5. I'm sorry dude but comparing those 2 is bogus. The ops are literally hacking to auto win matches.

    Just because you have a bubble doesn't mean you will get to use it for that purpose. These people can win whenever they want there is no hoping to go to acid. If they want to go to acid and win they just do it at what seems like a click of a button.

    Sorcs bubble is nothing compared to this


    Basically this .... Solo ranked hardly even comes down to acid wins. I do believe he was trolling though :p

  6. There is now 3 Operatives who are hacking on The Harbinger during solo ranked games. No I will not be posting the video evidence because I'm not interested to get an 8th forum account suspended/banned. The very much lack of acknowledgement from Bioware is disgusting. @Eric and Tait, how hard is it for you two to make a statement on this. This is your most populated server being disrupted by this bs. You guys have clearly had people delete threads and videos on this matter so you know it's out there yet you can't make a statement on it to let us know anything (hopefully) is actually being done. It's been going on for 4days now and it's quite pathetic their accounts are still not banned.


    This hack they're using is extremely easy to find on google. I found it myself after 3mins of browsing. It requires zero effort to install and get it working so absolutely anybody can do this. Within 4days it went from 1 person to now 3. With free 60 tokens and the fact if you create a new account and sub it you instantly get a free 60 token it and the fact xfers are now back and 90 cc for the last week it won't be long until every sever is plagued by this. How much longer is this going to be a thing before Bioware can/will actually do anything.


    Now before anyone comes onto this thread saying "omg hacks aren't real!!!!1111!" This hack is very much real. Unlike the other 99% of hack claims this one is actually happening and multiple people from the ranked community can confirm.




    Answers now otherwise you're about to lose a fair amount of subs from the last solo ranked players left in this game. I myself resubbed the day prior to S7 starting and I'm sure many others did too if not the day it started. I'm not going to pay for the 1 thing I actually enjoy in this game to have it ruined by a handful of people that you can easily get rid of.

  7. How do you counter 3 Madness sorcs and a DPS Powertech in solo ranked. (Which was my last game prior to posting this)


    Anyone wanna tell me how to counter that, when they can phasewalk, barrier, polarityshift and heal2full. Well I was (according to the leaderboards) #1 Merc until 3 games in a row vs dps sorc stacked teams in 4 dps games, now lost 40~ rating. Time to l2p. obv.

  8. The map is utter trash. Favors Sorcs immensely chronic leaping issues getting people instant killed. Lost 2 games because the PT tanks I've had lept and got stuck in boxes and the game was like lololl /stuck for you and dead. There isn't even any LoS on this stupid map either absolute joke. It's like Bioware needed to buff Sorcs again and make his arena and have it pop 80% of the time. The worst part about the map is, I've been standing on my sides bottom ramp and have been lept to from across the map because of someone underneath like what?? Lmao. Smh.


    I'm a Merc I play handicapped enough as it is let alone losing elo because of ******** like this.




  9. They do seem a little too strong in ranked right now not damage wise, but the amount of mobility combined with off-healing and utility kinda makes them a little ridiculous. If the damage was nerfed they would be under-performing in PVE that's for sure.


    The worst part is really just the fact so many people play Sorc's right now, and when the other team has 3 madness sorcs, and a healer its almost impossible to kill one because they can just off-heal with no real penalty since their resource management is so forgiving.


    Sorc is a squishy class, it does need a substantial amount of self heals to survive, however, I think when a sorc is pulling over 1500 hps and 2500 dps something needs to be toned down. Operatives literally have to stop and waste global's to self heal, sorcs have a huge self heal off the GCD, and their spammable dark heal which can also heal for a large amount. Mercs are kinda in the same boat as ops in terms of self healing, especially in IO.


    Sorcs definitely need to lose something, they just have it all right now. But their damage is definitely not OP, and its not under-performing by any means. It would be hard to balance sorc without destroying it. Reducing the amount of heals they gain from their dots, and force leach would be a good place to start imo.


    Their damage is insane. The dots are incredibly strong force leach is critting geared players onwards of 12-14k (I've seen it from the scoreboards @ the end of solo ranked arenas) The fact sorcs have huge off healing abilities, I've gone into a solo ranked game and just off healed and done 3700 hps. 3700 HPS as a dps off healing lol.


    It's quite easy to balance Sorc DPS. Nerf their dmg by 5%, remove Phasewalk (Not a single clue why the hell they got Phasewalk totally unnecessary buff) Nerf Dark Heal exactly the same way the nerfed the Merc/Commando healing abilities for DPS specs add a buff to it in the healing tree. There is absolutely no reason why a DPS spec should have a spammable 8k critting heal along with 15k self heal. 4-5k at most is more than enough like Mercs have. To even further lower the spam of it being used to spam off heal the force cost should be increased a fair amount and once again the healing tree should have a talent tied into it to lower the cost back down to the current cost.


    That would be more than enough healing for DPS sorcs especially since all of them take the bubble heal from barrier. The class currently is an absolute joke in solo ranked and needs to be adjusted.


    Let's not forget TK/Lightning needs some love!


    Yes of course lightning needs to be buffed :p Do it Bioware


    Do it.

  10. For the sake of 4 dps solo ranked games and the fact the new Rishi arena heavily favors dps Sorcs plz nerf them.


    Tone down the their dmg (mostly their dots) and remove Phasewalk thanks.


    oh and *********** nerf their stupid asf op offhealing abilities ***.

  11. I like that these threads keep popping up stating that it's the final nail in the coffin for swtor pvp. Swtor PvP has been dead since s3.


    Not to mention the new map is completely fine I don't know what people find wrong with it but it's perfectly fine. It is a welcome change from the stale warzones I've had to endure for the last 4 and a half years.


    Once you can learn to farm damage and watch an objective you'll win at pvp. nvm no1 here actually did competitive 8s.

  12. Does it even matter both have been dead for over a year now Bastion was worthless after Season 4, Pot5 long before that. World PvP never happened minus the circle jerk of the mediocre players on tatooine 1v1ing. Since level sync has been implemented thats not even worth while anymore for those players.
  13. This is why we cant have nice things....

    No offense but come on whats to be gained by trashing it at this point.


    Because the Dev team are incompetent fools. Months ago they had a stream with "upcoming content" They stated they had no idea about Season 7. Later on they said there was pro's and cons for Season 7. The Pro's - The people left who enjoy solo ranked will be happy. Cons - They have to reskin some new awful rewards and put effort into anything that isn't their garbage story content.


    This is an MMO not a single player console game. If these devs can't be bothered to do MMO content they should sign the game over to someone who can/will. No one asked for a story driven expansion but that's what we got and that's what we're going to have to put up with until the end of the year and probably next year as well as I'm sure they'll make another story expansion because it's less effort than doing class balance, new raids, new warzones, new rewards for ranked pvp ect ect.


    Quite frankly Bioware is lucky this is a Star Wars mmo if this was anything else and they ruined it as bad as they did this the servers would've been shutdown 2years ago.


    Anyone who isn't blind knew this game was done for the moment the cartel shop game into action in 1.5. Not even a year after launch, which says enough :rolleyes: Incompetent MMO Devs, lack of end game content absolutely garbage updates and bug fixes, Anybody left from 1.2 who remembers that annoying pos sound bug? that took them from 1.2 > 1.5 to fix? lmfao. Not to mention the countless bugs from 1.3 that are still in the game today, leap bug on any class that has a leap for 1, The Operative roll bug from 2.0 still here :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: The fact it's a Star Wars game is the reason why people are still here. Never forget. #Star Wars

  14. Ok i recently got 420 alacrity. Getting any more and i feel the the burst would be impacted too severely. But yes it kinda feels the class flows better, even if it has a little less of a punch.


    Running 500~ I still get 20-24k heatseekers along with 6k+ blazing bolt ticks. It's mostly just personal preference and play style since it doesn't really change your overall dps.


    It's the same as a Hatred Assassin, A lot of people swear by alacrity for faster dot ticks but the highest dpsing sin I've seen and played with ran full power/crit and was constantly pulling 4-4.5 dps in 4s


    I've been using Alacrity on most of my classes for a while now so with out it makes everything feel slow.

  15. Yeah ... I logged in today to do a reg or two. First game was an imp v imp Voidstar everybody was a sorc besides myself and 1 Marauder. Most were DPS but each team had 2 healers maybe 3. Don't think there is any stand out sorc dps left since Foxtrot quit would be nice to get some variety of classes in warzones though. Won't happen until Sorcs get nerfed for both dps and heals which will again never happen because the outrage would be unreal and all the mediocrity would go back to being exactly that on other classes.


    It's a shame the devs are part of that mediocrity so nothing will ever change :rolleyes:

  16. You cant compare class or AC performance between regs and arenas. Merc dps IS a bit OP in 8 v 8 regs not in ranked. Most ppl don't play ranked which is why I'm baffled that's it's always brought up as some kind of counter point. The best comp in ranked doesn't really mean anything when translated over to regs objective based wz. Merc are currently the best objective clearing class in the game. You can dominate nodes and force players in to poor positions consistently. Unlike burst melee you also have target freedom where you don't have to be very selective on who you target, and little fear of random cc or constant stun locks.


    when I read this thread I jumped in regs on a IO merc the worst of the two specs, without using dot spread and I unbound serrated shot from my keybinds. lol I had 1.7 mill damage topped dps and never died. Yeah it was a pug wz but still and I wasn't free casting I had shadows and sents on me all match.


    Overall dmg means nothing, what was the dps?


    The strongest classes in ranked will preform insanely well in regs as well .... It's always a counter point because balance should never be done from 8v8 regs lol which is where all these qq threads come from.

  17. Thanks babe for those tactics and the stats. I'll get mine back to those and start practicing those tactics.


    Np Pst me in game or msg on forums for anything regarding solo ranked if you want. Preferable in game whispers or if I'm not online send a mail since I won't have posting privileges for very long.


    I've found the best way to counter lethality is to listen to that tell tale sound of weakening blast, which will usually be activated the GCD before Cull. It kinda makes a grinding sound. If you have an LOS object nearby, you can usually block all but the first tick of the cull.


    That's actually really good lmao. Next time I do team ranked vs a Lethality Sniper I'll have to turn up my game sounds :p thx

  18. I think it's more of the case that people have gotten used to how easy Sorc healers are to play and used to the incredible healing out put they can do. Basically because ranked hardly ever pops I'll base this off regs .... (Since I'm sitting in solo ranked queue hoping it will pop)


    By no means are Merc and Operative healers useless. If you're good at either spec you'll do completely fine in regs I've seen it plenty of times. Once again people are just used to the overpowered Sorc healers and when you go from having one of those healing you to a Merc/Operative of course you will think the others are worthless. As far as I know Operative can still put out the highest HPS in game, I believe Solow proved that with HPS farming games on harbinger. Operative just lacks the burst healing a Sorc is capable of. Mercs are a fun healing class to play in both regs and solo ranked, Kick-Bot is a god and showed that a Merc healer can be played in solo ranked and win against Sorc healers, of any level of competence. Obviously not all players are Kick-Bot and Solow when it comes to healing especially on a Merc/Operative but they are when it comes to a Sorc which is wrong.


    Sorc is already easy to play in any role regardless of output it shouldn't be as OP as it is in both specs (DPS discussion will be saved for another thread) This game is incredibly easy to play new players should have no issue picking it up the basics.


    These types of troll threads got boring after 1.1 regardless Sorc healers should be toned down, Will that happen? Not likely.

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