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Posts posted by Bhaile

  1. My wife and I are looking at running a duo together and want to level fast so we can run in guild events. What is a good duo classes for us to run together? She usually likes playing healer classes. Also aside from storyline quests, what's the fastest way for us to level together? We play 4-6 hours per day.
  2. So I've decided to dust off my Merc. She's only lvl 19, but I plan on running mainly FP, KYD and PvP for levelling her.


    Reason for this thread is asking for advice on Spec to pick and tactics suggestions. I don't mind going healer if it's going to allow me faster ques. I'm able to adapt and learn( you don't become good at something without the willingness to learn and adapt).


    End game for me is going to be raiding and pvping.


    Please post suggestions.

  3. So I've decided I want to roll a melee PvP character because Sorcs and BH's are too mainstream . Looking for a class which has decent dps and survivability. also, please suggest race to go along with it as I have most races unlocked and reason for your suggestions
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