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Posts posted by AidenDeshde

  1. I think that's a good idea. You can cycle between Allies more easily using the F1-F4 keys, and although this doesn't help cover Heals to *every* member of your Squad in an Op or PVP; I find it useful enough (If you have proper communication, and coordination with your team) to heal the player needing it the most. This isn't as predictable as it used to be, however, I've found that even in large groups if people are cooperative, and *plan* an attack methodology then Heals doesn't have to know anything more than "F1's our Tank F2's Ranged DPS-they may not need to healed as frequently" etc. etc. (Also depending on the battleground...) That's just how I play, but again it *does* require cooperation and, in many FP's etc. nowadays people can so easily do some Solo they just want to barrel in without speaking a word... just my thoughts.
  2. I agree with everyone that this level sync thing sucks like hell! Why would you want all the high level players, who took hours and hours, some of us even years to get to the max level, to drop down to the level of the new players. This means any low level player can take on a Darth....A LVL 10 CAN TAKE ON A DARTH!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE BIOWARE??? :mad: Also for all those players who are now running through this game with ease complaining "Oh its so hard to do", you will never understand what it was like to fight through everything, die a hundred times, ask for help from strangers to do Heroics and then you ask us why we are mad about this feature? Why would you do that?? Why would you make the countless tiring farming and leveling of us committed players for years, count for absolutely NOTHING!! I really really hope Bioware reads these things, because if they don't they are going to start to lose a lot of players due to this, trust me they will. It has become WoW, boring, useless, stupid WoW. I started playing this game 4 years ago BECAUSE it wasn't like WoW.


    Unless EA has now bought Bioware, I fear for the developers right now. FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:



    I'm quoting your entire submission to this thread, because your outrage is as red-hot as my original post-reply was; also, I STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY! How long do we have to complain, bi***, and moan, asking for help from the Devs, on what has truly become a pandemic in the SWTOR community before they do something?! ANYTHING?

    JUST ALLOW IT TO BE OPTIONAL! There are literally hundreds of thousands of 'old-school' players who loathe, hate, despise, the lvl Sync. And, if they *are* trolling our forums to try to "Be of any assistance possible. -Protocol Droid 9Billion and 3." why in God's name can't they simply announce (Hope springs eternal...) that they're:


    "Working on resolving the Level Sync, issue that has caused unimaginable, frustration, so now any one of our millions of Customers (to whom we'd like to thank for all of your money and support throughout our last half-decade decline in gameplay quality; that we've used to make SWTOR unique for 'each and every player!' as we slowly yet steadily shift what made the entire purpose of the Legacy System such a lovable success) can Toggle on or, yes! even off! the Level Sync! We thought it would be polite to tell the millions of our dedicated fans and players, who pay for our bills, house payments, car payments, grocery bills, electric bills, 3 story, palatial, estates (Even better than Karagga's you betcha!) and SO, SO, much more; that we've heard your protests against Lvl. Sync being a mandatory, non-changeable, function and that we will be actually doing something about it in the unpredictably, distant future. Rest assured that your frustration will soon be over and [WARNING! SERVERS ARE GOING OFFLINE IN 2 MINUTES! YOU'D BETTER FINISH THAT OP. YOU'VE BEEN WORKING ON FOR OVER AN HOUR, BECAUSE, I SAID SO! WARNING! PLEAASE FINISH YOUR 16M HM OP. AND LOG OUT!] that the initial ideals of creating an Immersive, realistic, game-play style, unique to each & every Player (Especially to the Chiss species, chosen players. We know how much you love 4 shades of Blue, BLUE, Bleu, and Blew-it.) will fall in line with all previous Advertising. Please, bear with us. We have a series of 70 update patch Repetitions, that will, and I seriously mean, WILL lead to a stalemate where we shall henceforth require that the entire gameplay UI be Re-configured again in the hopes that someday.. in a Galaxy Far Far Away we get it right.

    We appreciate your continued frustration, money, and time, and promise to keep every Player VS Player Que Including but not limited to: Warzones, GSF, Group Finder, and Operations, to an absolute minimum 45 minute wait, alter all in-game currency from names, to colors, to soon-to-be ineligible hieroglyphs, and ensure that the newly created Protocol Droid 9 billion and 3 shall remain in-tact, at the ready, to reply to your every question, complaint, query, and need with all his proper, due, vague, dedication. Thank you for your continued patience. [WARNING ALL SERVERS WILL BE GOING OFFLINE IN ONE FOURTH OF A MICRO-SECOND. PLEASE FIN /\\||??!!????....."


    *Coughs* :D

    I meant to say a simple announcement on-site, that addresses the issue in *any way*; even if it be a disappointing answer. Some acknowledgment is better than none whatsoever. :mad: Do our inquiries go to an automated reply feed? Only Yoda knows. :eek: But, SOMETHING would be better than allowing so many people to become as frustrated as all get out without an answer, or clue for what has become a terrible riddle wrapped in an enigma.


    Don't take me wrong, though. I.. LOVE, this game, and I will continue to pay for it, because, I've been a fan of EA Games and Bioware products for YEARS... Yes.. not everyone is going to like some changes, but, to watch it devolve this way is simply maddening. Please, for the love of the Living Force, allow us to maintain some of our "treasures". All that hard work.. that yeah, did take some of us years, now holds as much prestige as a mirage of a tropical oasis hidden in the Sand Dunes of Tatooine. (That isn't actually a Sarlaac Pit).

    I also love KOTFE. I absolutely do. And many of the minor changes that were meant for convenience live up to expectation, but, cut us some slack here on the bigger issues, and picture... I hate going to the awesome new Heroic Terminal, grabbing the simple Tython Heroic, only to come to the planet and read in the Gen. Chat all these new players actually... COMPLAINING?! Are you kidding me??? You.... have.... no.... clue... what "Difficulty" in SWTOR actually looks and feels like in-game. No offense to ppl who find such things difficult; this was my first MMO ever, and, I'm dam proud of what my Legacy Panel says. Well, used to be... I still feel good knowing all the work I put in, but to talk about it with newer players? Forget about it. They can't comprehend, simply because they've only seen "This Side/Version" of the game. Props to your accomplishments, (You have to give credit where credit is due..) but those same accomplishments took thousands of us 2-3 times the effort and time.. cost of creds for stims, med packs, plus all of the glitches the game had *then*... and it really meant something to finish and see in your Leg. Panel. all those Titles, etc. Now every Achievement that pops is just: "Meh... cool I guess...". Now everyone is the same.


    Why rob us of what was once valuable to share? :confused:

  3. just thought i'd throw in my thoughts,


    speaking as a fairly new player, i've been a sub just over a month and got into this game after moving on from a previous MMO. i have to say, i was close to quitting before i learned of the level sync, it was becoming a very frustrating situation where i'd be levelling on a planet and some higher level player would just rock up and annihilate everything around me, especially when it was bosses.


    one guy actually stood around and kept defeating a boss i was trying to defeat for a shared area before i could even lay a finger on him. I'd constantly get challenged by level 60 players to duel on a PVE server when i was some 30 levels lower, then getting called a scrub and other expletives for ignoring their 'challenge' (more like curbstomp)


    it's giving new players more of a chance, without knowing that level synch was upcoming, i think i'd' have quit as it was becoming really frustrating.


    I understand players wanting to enjoy the fruits of their hard earned labour, but there was abuse of this as well by some. Higher levelled players don't lose abilities with level synch, all it's doing is making areas less of a trivial area. I seem to remember reading in the FAQ for it that they wanted their game to always feel like you were in danger or in a battle that needed to be fought, just like the films. In real life, if you get stronger, that doesn't mean that others don't get stronger so if anything this promotes realism to some degree (i know it's a fantasy game) to allow creatures to match your level.


    just my thoughts on it anyhow. TL;DR - as a n00b it's better as it stops griefing i've experienced


    I'm not going to say that you're wrong by any means when it comes to particular players stomping ground when you're trying to play. The unfortunate thing about MMO's is that there are just some jerks who do that. I know it's beyond irritating. Believe me it happens to me all the time, but the ironic thing is that it still happens to you when you're close to max level or at. It's a simple matter of jerk players just getting their jimmy's by ruining the fun for other players.

    As a player who likes to help other's I'll say I'm sorry about ppl like that. It can help if you join a Guild. Look at the leading Guilds or watch the Gen. Chat on the fleet for friendly Guilds Spamming for more members to join. I found help in that as you can use the Social Window to PM a Guild mate and, if you find one you fit in well with sometimes other members will come right to you to help you out.

    On the matter of level syncing... As I said before I see how it's beneficial for players in say your situation, absolutely. But once you reach higher level planets where your toon is level-appropriate and for whatever reason may come, you have to, or want to go back to an "older" planet; you'll understand how it's frustrating that we don't have an option to toggle the Sync on or off... You'll be the high level toon, and all your great new Abilities will have no greater power over enemies than your initial Abilities did when you were first on that world. That's a part of the irritation getting to people. (Just one example.) Unless they add a toggle-feature you won't actually experience what it was like to go back to those worlds and feel like your Character has made incredible progress, and become "powerful" as the stories impart to the player.

    I'm not disagreeing with your statements. Again it's helpful for creating new toons or for new players, but whether or not the benefits outweigh the losses is a hard-pressed issue to figure for the time being. Good luck to you, though and have fun. (Check into finding a Guild to help out with XP and the other benefits that come with it.)

  4. I couldn't agree more in regards to this entire Thread's posting. This is the MOST ridiculous change I have ever seen in SWTOR. :mad: The creation of this Level Syncing plays numerous roles in the game and I'm digging and racking my brain to figure out which of these the Developers prioritized first and why.


    From my perspective it was done to allow and help low level players (especially new players.) to level up more quickly, and perhaps, just perhaps keep them from feeling like noobs when they see a lvl 60-(65) maul through a mob that took them several fights, medpacks, stims, etc. to do themselves.

    My response to this would be "That is the bloody point!". For those of us who had to fight like hades to get to where we are, to look at our Legacy achievements with pride and feel good about all the hard work we've put in to our toons etc. It's like a huge slap in the face. Now I look at my Legacy Panel and I see all that work completed and think "And now a new player can jump to my lvl as quick as you blink and call themselves "Jedi Battle Master/Dark Council Elite."

    Wasn't the introduction of the Legacy System (Which I love to death.) supposed to make your personal play experience feel, well... "Personalized"? Everything, from the Family Tree to the nitty gritty like killing X amount of NPC mobs on planet X, etc. has been made moot. I feel like my Legacy holds NO prestige now. The vast majority of new players I talk to in-game don't even know what the Legacy System is, or what Crafting is or how to do it. (Another thing spoiled by the update by crashing the "Stock Market" concept of the GTN by making all this once great gear you could craft for your Comps or for a friend worth nothing to other players).

    I'm generally one of those players who likes to offer advice to newer players, help them out, join them in a difficult FP/Heroic if they ask for help, and so on. That part of our Community in TOR has been removed now apart from the endless, tiring, and, exhausting questions all these "I'm a brand new player at max-level! ... What is all this stuff, what do I do?" have. Why give that option to anyone who's going to jump headfirst into an ocean of questions and confusion? I'm primarily referring to players that Subscribe and create a lvl 60 player without much knowledge of how the game really works. This is a by-product of the Level Syncing as these players try to figure out what was once a progressive, and fun learning process.

    They literally post on this site, OUR site as Community Members & People who Pay to Subscribe to "Show off your great achievements and rub it in your opponent's faces." (That's not verbatim but go read Leader Boards; it's darn close.) What do we have to "gloat" about now? Admittedly I did enjoy what the majority of people like to do: show off their Titles, Cartel Toys, etc. (Especially in PVP WZ's.)

    The Developers (Who I hope troll these threads for our opinions because, they're "Constantly trying to make the game a more enjoyable play experience for players.") did this (In my opinion.) to draw in more players to the game for obvious reasons, but overlooked the consequences and opinions of thousands of players who are against this concept. The cold hard fact is that the majority of players do NOT like this change. I agree with the numerous comments that this should be made OPTIONAL. Here's a good suggestion: Allow Level Sync to be toggled on or off. Oh wait, it's already been suggested by hundreds of your committed players.

    Completely removing this stupid change at this point would mar the concepts of numerous other changes they've made and the game would simply be non-functional. If they're actually listening to all of the complaints about this then it will be some time before they provide a solution.


    I can understand wanting to give lower level players a bit of an edge so they can reach max lvl more quickly, and be able to compete with other's in PVP battles, Areas, and Entire PVP Servers (Which was already mentioned by another Player.), yadda, yadda, yadda, but they've basically created a problem for everyone. Part of leveling from 1-60 (now 65) is learning as you go. There are in-game tutorials for the basics and hundreds of thousands of players who are willing to offer help. Hence one of the concepts of joining a Guild. But, what do you do when all your toons on a server are at max level? The fun of "Exploring the Galaxy" and being a "Top Dog" player on a low-level world is ruined. The idea they planted of pumping up your Character to max level and being some sort of supreme player is now self-contradictory.


    I used to enjoy that "Prestigious feeling" when a friend, or Guild mate at a lower lvl is on a Low-Level Planet and PM's me for help. I can provide knowledge on things I've previously worked on myself, but I can't help them (As easily as before.) get through, say a giant field on Balmorra to help them wipe out NPC mobs that are killing them off to help them reach wherever they're trying to go. Just one example.

    The first time I went to a lower level planet and saw that disgusting indicator that I'd been leveled down... I logged off after running headfirst into a mob that nearly destroyed me. Something that I should be able to wipe out with one AOE Ability.


    I'm left with a Legacy of toons that really aren't unique anymore, and the achievements in that Legacy aren't regarded as anything special anymore either. Everyone is the same player with exception to class running around doing the same things ALL at the same level. :rak_02:

  5. Verain;8196716]We are not "sharing". We are "telling".
    ^^^ (Rather uppity of yourself don't you think?)


    Your thread title is phrased like a fact.

    It is not a fact: it is incorrect.


    Don't try to pretend that we are all trying to "change your opinion". You came here to debate by stating things as facts that are not facts.
    And definitely don't try to change frame on us with weasel words.


    I think it's rather subjective to say that his opinion is incorrect... That is why it's someone's opinion... to be rough around the edges of what is or isn't correct about something. It's about wanting to vent frustration to the community & asking (without having to say so for those who can interpret intellectually...) for their own thoughts, and their opinions as well. It's intended to discuss something bothering someone within our game. It's not a thread for haters to post how "incorrect" he/she is by submitting statements to 'clarify how wrong they are' within the community. That is why this is all under "Community". Just thought I'd throw my own viewpoint of the ghastly replies in; since this is, as should be well apparent at this point, a thread for the submission of other player's viewpoint(s). :rolleyes:



    I love it when 2+2 is "4", but that's because it's also true.
    I love it when people think they're being a smart*** makes them sound intelligent making their intentions work in reverse, because, that's also true.




    So, each server is different, and each playtime is different. If you are flying against the same premade multiple times, you are probably queueing when they queue. As you might imagine, getting a premade together requires some effort, so normally there's a time of day, or time of week, or something, where these guys will meet up. What you should be doing is finding a group of empire to queue against them and beat them- but the very LEAST you could do, if that's not in the cards, is just queue when they aren't stomping your face in. Not that I suggest that: but it would certainly be more productive for you, I guess.



    Ultimately, your complaints are very narrow. YOU are discouraged because on one server, when playing one faction, at a specific time, without teammates, YOU have a rough game. But you phrase this like it's a game wide problem. You project your logistical issues onto the entire playerbase. That's simply bad logic. I told you right away, in my first post, what your solution is- play with a damned team. It is a team game, you are part of a squad. If your opponents are coordinated and you are not, you will lose.


    You weaken the argument further by implying that you even know what good coordination and play looks like. You might! You might actually have a pretty good idea, brought over from a presumed reasonably expansive history of pvp in other places, with good skill. But that's not really been my experience when people complain.

    Here's what I see out of an uncoordinated team:

    Ships that don't acquire scouts chasing down their allied gunships. Ships that don't support nodes. Allowing enemy gunships to remain roosted indefinitely. Allowing enemy deployables to stick around. Ignoring enemy hyperspace beacons. Staying in a turn-fight instead of swapping to peel. Valuing killcount++ over your teammates. Ship choice made entirely unrelated to other ships on the map.

    So when you claim to work with your team, how can you be sure that these things aren't plaguing you? If you don't do them, how can you know that your team isn't?



    If you want to win more, play with a team. If that's too hard, don't queue against whatever group of guys you are actually complaining about. I love that this started as "facts about the design flaws of GSF" and ended up as "...so there's this pub guild that bothers me".










    It's easy to be frustrated in these situations- I am normally frustrated in them as well. I often can make the best of it by trying to make them work for it, but I'm certainly not saying these games are fun for all involved or whatever. I am saying that they are not really representative of all games- and that you can absolutely choose your fate to a reasonable degree by queuing with other pilots that will coordinate.




    Like you say, it isn't happening- but it's absolutely insane that it is not. GSF needs cross server more than the ground game does, but that won't drive the development. It'll probably get dragged along if and when the ground game gets cross server PvP, but it should have shipped with this, period. Like, SWTOR should have never left beta without cross server pvp. Other games have spawned and died, with cross server in this time. WoW has expanded there cross server from "pvp instances" to "pve instances" to "each zone dynamically in the world". The last two have their opponents, but the first is trivially needed.


    So you can sort of blame the designers here- someone decided that this vital feature could be left on the floor, to very bad consequences. But that was certainly not a GSF issue, it's SWTOR-wide.

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