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Posts posted by hof_th

  1. A dumb question, but, was there ever a charge to be refunded?


    IMHO not a dumb question at all.


    If it was a recurring sub it wasn't charged yet since it hadn't started and if it was "just" a time card they might well have decided to "refund" with a new code for gametime. I would advise the op to check the email address connected to his/her SWtoR Account, including spam folders.

  2. Short answer:


    That weapon is obsolete, sell it at the nearest vendor.


    Longer answer:


    Before 4.0 you needed to gear up your Character and your Companion. Back then you needed 7 Armor Pieces, 2 Implants, Ear, Mainhand and Offhand for your Companion. Depending on the companion an offhand was either a Blaster Pistol, Lightsaber, Generator, Shield, Vibroknife or Scattergun.


    With 4.0 Companion gear became mostly cosmetic. The only piece of gear (can be an empty shell) you need to equip is a weapon to enable a companions skills. Since then you can/need only equip offhands on dual wielding companions (Blaster Pistol or Lightsaber) all other companion specific offhands, including Doc's Scatterguns, became obsolete Vendor trash.


    Someone tells me matter of fact it's because I'm the wrong class... that makes no sense.


    That is most likely the result of a misunderstanding where the person that answered thought you were wondering why your character can not equip a Scattergun (used only by Scoundrels).

  3. Based on SWTORISTA's article, Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular gear comes from Ancient Artifacts crates. There are 11 sets that can drop from these crates, for a total of 77 items.


    Assuming equal probability of 1/77 for each piece, the probability of getting a specific piece is only 0.54 after opening 60 Ancient Artifacts crates. One needs to open 230 Ancient Artifacts crates to reach a 0.95 probability.


    RNG is not friendly to players.


    Not that it changes much, but there are only 10 sets of which one (Remnant Underworld Knight) has 2 chest pieces (hood up/down) for a total of 71 pieces.

  4. From the Article (emphasis mine):


    The Stranger From Kubindi


    While there are a lot of cool rewards available for players, let’s take a quick look at the new Kubaz Companion: Altuur zok Adon. All players will be able to unlock Altuur as a full time Companion Character, but Subscribers will end the Season with a more unique version of him.



    • Altuur at Rank 50 Influence. Subscribers will have the opportunity to walk away from Season 1 with a new, fully influenced companion character.
    • A high quality Weapon for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn a Weapon specific to Altuur.
    • A high quality Armor Set for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn an Armor Set specific to Altuur.
    • A Companion Customization for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn a Customization option for Altuur.


    As I understood the announcement the Gifts are only available for subscribers while the companion is available for everyone. Since he would be useless for Preferred Players if they could not increase his influence and Commanders Compendium for preffered is, realistically, only available from the Cartel Market it seems logical that it can be used on him.

  5. Working as intended.


    A Commanders Token completes all story content(1) to it's level(2) with default choices. Since there is a point in the Story below lvl 70 where you, temporarily, loose your companions and, more or less permanently gain others you have a different crew then on a vintage smuggler.


    2 ways to get your original crew back:

    • Run your companion alerts to get them back (Might require you to complete the Mission "To find a Findsmen" first)
    • If you have done nothing, and I mean nothing, with the Character you can delete it and get the Token refunded. Then you can create a lvl 60 but you will loose your crew within minutes if you advance the story.


    1. Contrary to that a Masters Datacron sets your existing Characters to lvl 70 and unlocks your Spaceship but let's you play all Story lines.
    2. Lvl 60 places you at the start KotFE and completes Class Story, Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor. You can still play Hutt Cartel. Lvl 70 places you after Jedi under Siege(3) where you already lost your Crew.
    3. Not sure if that's correct since the last time I used a (free) Commanders Token they were still lvl 60/65.


    Edit: Steve was once again faster and posted while I typed my response.

  6. That has nothing todo with this specific Heroic.


    It happens sometimes(I'd estimate for me about 1/1000 Heroics), what normally helps in this case is abandoning the mission and picking it up from the Terminal again. Or taking the quick and easy path of simply ignoring it and initiating the Quicktravel with a right-click from the mission inventory.

  7. This assumes that there's no way for one person on the dev side of things to view more than one chat. I hope this is an incorrect assumption. There's no reason at all you couldn't have just one or two people watch an entire server.


    The question is not how many chats a person can view, but how many can (s)he actually follow?


    Even if we assume that one person can watch an entire Server there still need to be at least 21 persons working 40hours/week to achieve a 24/7 coverage for all 5 Servers.

  8. Exactly. I don't check my watch when in game to make sure what time the boost will end and sometimes activate another, thinking that it's over, but I lose the remaining time of the first one.


    Everything you want is already in Game. Shamelessly quoting myself:

    You can't use a second Eperience Boost of either Type anyway while the first is still active and you can see the remaining time of the active one by pointing at the XP Buff in your characters buff bar. Ontop of that, as far as I recall, the Cooldown counts down while you are offline while the Boost does not.

  9. Really Stupid Question : is the guild at the Guild Commendation limit?


    Expanding a bit on Steve's question:

    Guild Commendation Cap is 600 and if you are already full only the first character that logs in gets a Message in Chat that the Guild has reached the Commendation Cap. There is no easy way for a Guild Leader to check if you got them, like a mention Guild Log for example.


    I had the same suspicion in this Thread (wouldn't suspect it from the Title but it's mostly about Commendations).


    There seems to be a bug where some Guilds don't get the Commendations while others do.

  10. Du musst nichts freischalten.


    Du öffnest einfach nur das Vermächtnissfenster (Standard y-Taste). In dem Fenster ist auf der linken Seite eine Art Inhaltsverzeichniss, hier findest du den Menüpunkt Stammbaum. Hier ist ein älterer Screenshot aus dem Netz (Stammbaum unter der markierten Zeile), das Menü hat sich seitdem etwas verändert aber du solltest zumindest ein Gefühl dafür bekommen wo du suchen musst. Ich werde später im Spiel noch einen aktuellen Screenshot machen und hochladen, passiert aber erst nach 20:00.


    Erwarte dir aber nicht zuviel, der Stammbaum hat nur grundlegende Funktionen und ist nur für dich persönlich rollenspieltechnisch relevant.


    Edit: Ein aktueller Screenshot lohnt nicht da die Änderungen an dem Fenster nur Unterkategorien der 5 Hauptkategorien betreffen, würde also genau so wie der alte Screenshot aussehen.

  11. Why does it matter anyway?


    You can't use a second Eperience Boost of either Type anyway while the first is still active and you can see the remaining time of the active one by pointing at the XP Buff in your characters buff bar. Ontop of that, as far as I recall, the Cooldown counts down while you are offline while the Boost does not.


    The Cooldown of all Experience Boosts (Starfigter, PVP, Complementary..), usually avaiable as Major and Minor, has been 1 hour since at least 3.0 when I started playing.


    They are not the only items with a shorter Cooldown then the Time it Lasts. A few Examples that I found on first glace at my main:

    • "GSI Triangulation Enhancer Mark I" lasts 30min, Cooldown 15s
    • "GSI Triangulation Enhancer Mark II" lasts 30min, Cooldown 15s
    • "Class Buffs" last for 1 hour, Cooldown 6s
    • "Major Social Boost" lasts for 3 hours, Cooldown 1 hour
    • "Complimentary Major Reputation Boost" lasts up to 24 hours, Cooldown 15s
    • "Rampage Achievement Boost" lasts 30min, no Cooldown

  12. why not remove the legacy reward part more and ask more if there wane remove the light/dark side restrictions for the outfit designer like on the other thread that the class restrictions from gear sets not are working for outfit designer is more the same but then with dark/light side restrictions.

    there for you not need to have the max level legacy lvl to get it.


    I don't think the OP was talking about gear at all but abilities, for example for a Sage Type Character one could decide to use Force Lightning instead of Telekinetic Throw (shooting Lightning from your fingertips vs a stream of pebbles, I know which one I would choose).


    In this case the question is, do you mean to pick Skills only from the mirror spec or from all specs or even all classes?


    In the second case I would see the problem that you need to ensure that you pick Skills that depend on each other. Lets stay with the hypothetical Sage mentioned earlier:

    Everything that I chose from the Telekinetics/Lightning Trees is relatively easy to implement, you only need to make sure that both the light and dark side version of the skills proc each other.

    But now I want to add an Immortal Juggernauts Crushing Blow(CB), for maximum effect I also need Aegis Assault(AA). My Sage uses Force as his Resource while CB consumes Rage and AA generates it, how does Resource Management work in that case? Which Skills do I lose from the Sage Tree? After all this, hypothetical, custom class also needs to somehow fit into the overall balance of the other classes.

  13. It hasn't *ever* warned about this, and it *is* consistent:

    * A bonus mission indented under the main mission and in slightly smaller type will drop off if you finish the main mission.

    * A bonus mission that is in normal-sized text and not indented will stick around. (They are also usually of the "turn in the doodad you looted at the drop box" type.)


    That is, you can predict what will happen from their appearance on the on-screen mission log.


    There is a rare 3rd posibility where the 1st Type of Bonus Mission gets removed if you advance the main Mission. For example at the Face Merchants Heroic Mission on Coruscant the "Kill 15 dudes" Bonus gets removed once you advance the main mission from "Access the Clinic" to "Destroy 4 Surgery Droids".

  14. As far as I know....


    What is in the crate is determined when you open it, but the item rating is set when you received the crate.


    So No, if you keep a crate with a gear rating of 260, it will not become 300 when you open it. It will still be 260 rating.


    Incorrect, as stated before the iRating of the Items is only determinated when you open it or, for modable Gear, when you move it from the Stash to your inventory.

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