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Posts posted by Abygale

  1. Yes, basically their idea is to make healing cost more, and reduce ways to regain resources/force.


    Well I got that. I'm just wondering about the force management compared to the other two healers management. Operatives have diagnostic scan, cool head as well as their basic attack that either generate energy or conserve energy. Mercenaries have kolto shot, vent heat and their basic attack. So if sorcerors consumption gets put onto a 3 minute cd, I'll be looking at it as more along the lines of operatives Cool Head or mercenaries Vent Heat. Sorcerors basic attack is.. in melee range. no use at all. I'm looking for the equivalent to Diagnostic Scan and Kolto shot. Crappy heals but not energy consuming.

  2. You'll find the mobility increases when your sorc hits 16 (?) and gets force speed. (Or is 16 when you get bubble?) anywhos sorcerors force speed > mercenaries hydraulic overrides in terms of speed. However hydraulic overrides has its upside with being immune to physics and such.

    PvP-wise, I honestly prefer my sorc. I feel that she has more survivability with force speed and overload and bubble and barrier. (Not to mention stun, slow and myriads of stuff with the right utilities). I usually play a healer so when the opposing team understands the significance of focusing me, I need to be able to survive long enough as my team peels them off of me. I dont feel as ... durable on my merc healer. Hydraulic overrides is nice but for me, it isnt enough to outdistance my attackers.

    PvE-wise.. I'm not into the whole "I do this much damage per second!" but rather up to my mood of whether I want to shoot stuff or zap stuff. (I believe there's a thread floating around somewhere saying that the damage for sorcerors is currently on its way downhill Or has already hit the lowest compared to the dps of other classes.)

    I may be a bit biased as my merc is my newest class and Ive been spoiled by the my sorceror and operative.

  3. For me its vanguard. I just don't see how you can do all of that heavy weaponry damage with a gun lol..........


    I admit some animation on PT are freaking awesome but damn handgun........... hell no

    Thats what I feel like the vanguard animations are like. How are you doing mortar volley with that weapon? Pulse cannon? The way the vanguard stands as they're about to do said skills doesnt seem to... "fit". The other vanguard skills make sense more or less, but those two just get to me. For a commando though, with that big clunky weapon of theirs...

    In Blood Hunt cutscene when you meet Shae Vizla, the way shes nonchalantly shooting out flames, or in the Sacking of Coruscant video when the bounty hunter flies in to do Death fron Above, it all seems plausible as they arent using a gun but rather... their armor? Those wrist thingamabobs.

  4. Wait... so how are sorc healers going to manage their force..?

    Ops have diagnostic scan, mercs have kolto shot... sorcs have.. that melee attack that I dont have on my bar anymore?

    If I read correctly, theyre also increasing the force needed for sorc heals along with this consumption business?

  5. We are a melee class and have grapple as a gap filler so why would you need this skill? if you was using this skill during close combat then please stop playing the class :p.


    Pt = Melee

    Merc = Range


    Please tell this to the pt/van tanks I've been forced to group with. :( They see a gun... and the word "tank" and think they'll be fine with trying to range tank. Who cares if that melee dps over there is constantly ripping aggro? They should be watching their dps and stop trying to tank! Duh... meanwhile, I get the fun job of trying to keep the poor melee alive because the tank thinks they're fine as ranged.



    I couldn't care less that they took away Unload/Full auto. Only time I've ever used it on my vanguard was when I was getting rid of a trash ranged mob. The world didn't end for me when it disappeared from my bar.

    Should they have just removed a skill? I don't think it was a smart move... but they did it to my scoundrels flyby so... I've resigned myself to /shrug and move on. Chances of them offering up a new skill for PT/vanguards? I feel like its very low... If they do reinsert the skill with a "My bad!" or add a new skill (which I believe is highly unlikely) they'll also have to deal with other classes complaining about their skills, favoritism to the van/PT and/or complaints from the van/PT community about why they took it off in the first place/how the new skill isn't up to their expectations.

  6. Just had a hilarious run on my healer. An operative in the group was also spec'd heals, so I offered to respec to DPS as I had field respec. She responds with a "No it's fine, I queue'd as a DPS because I don't want to heal." I ask her why she's in heal spec when DPS spec would probably be a better choice if that was how she felt. She tells me that she does enough DPS in heal spec and that the extra healing is nice. ... Well it's her character. ... So we continue on in the FP and she's spammed Recuperative Nanotech, uses auto attack from afar, doesn't bother to do her DoT nor any sort of melee attack, pulled random groups, threw an occasional grenade. The whole run was a .. bit long.


    In conclusion, found an interesting way to play DPS operative as a ranged semi-healing character.


    Does anyone else feel like this 2x is a waste as more and more people don't know how to play their classes at higher levels? (Such as tanks who like to tunnel a trash mob instead of the gold. Or DPS that don't know how to stay out of shiny flashing red circles.)

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