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Posts posted by gregowen

  1. "Initial character transfers in early summer, group finder in 1.3." quoted from stephen reids twitter a couple days ago.


    to me it means we will not see anything till after june 20th (1st day of summer) at the earliest.

  2. We traded gonk droids for astromechs that are fond of toodling what sounds suspiciously like the old MIghty Morphin' Power Rangers theme song.


    Don't hate. I cannot be the only one who noticed that.


    the power ranger sound was a huge complaint during Beta which they completely ignored.

  3. they did this on purpose guys, there fiscal quarter is about to end may 1st, and for the most part everyone who started at release subscription end on the 23rd, forcing us to pay for may which inflates there #'s. if they had given us the free month now ( april ) it would have looked bad on there quarterly earnings.


    now next quarter is going to take a huge hit because a large amount of upset customers will be unsubscribing as soon as there free month is up end of june.



    they were also offering to reimburse us 1 full day for some other mess, what happened to that??

  4. Don't forget that the White crystal has now been put back into the game. Queen of the Desert I think it was called? The devs said they would keep its unlocking method different to a random drop when it was hacked into the game by a user 6 weeks ago.


    Everyone seems to have forgotten that they said it would be put into 1.2.


    NO, you are completely incorrect. they said it would not be available in 1.2 but would be available again sometime in the future.


    in mmo's sometimes things are only available once a year, deal with it

  5. Great feedback already; thank you for being specific and thoughtful. Keep it coming!



    Mostly I make it either/or for discussion, that's all. It's not a maxim.


    We hope we're letting you make more choices in Game Update 1.2 (and will continue down that path). That said, there will always be some players, I believe, who want to be able to wear the 'absolute best' or 'most rare' armor in the game - and we want them to feel that its default appearance is cool. Hence, this sort of discussion.


    I'm leaving the office so won't be as frequent in this thread, but keep the thoughts coming, people. Thank you!



    also pretty much none of the light armor is "cool" looking in fact the higher you level the worse it looks, giant shoulder pads and puffy gloves, giant funky hats?? really cool? or how about the jedi cloak that looks like beavis when he pulls his shirt over his head?

  6. Here's an open question in regards to that.


    We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


    On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


    The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?



    while this is traditionally how the graphic art has been done in most MMO's, it does not fit well in "Star Wars". SOE realized this early on, we don't want to be shoe horned into a look because you think that's how a "sage" should look, we want to invent that look.

    you should remove the light/medium/heavy requirements from armor at the least and let us mix and match.



    the clothing doesn't make the jedi.

  7. I am so tired of all the whiners.


    these kids are too young to remember launch day for SWG


    everything was broken, housing/vehicles didn't even exist, unlocking jedi was a 2 year troll,

    CH was bjorked and you could max level in just a couple hours. there wwere NO tutorials at all.

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