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Posts posted by Red_Penny

  1. It is still available, it can be a little tricky these days. The mob is hardly a world boss, it's a big nerf that breaks out of its cage while you are fighting the one guy that comes down from the shuttle IIRC. So the trick is to not kill that guy too quickly and therefore give the nerf time to break out.


    If you completed the mission and the nerf didn't break out, you can do it on another toon, or be in a group with someone else who has the quest. Just make sure to keep that last guy alive until the nerf comes out.

  2. Last night on Harbinger:


    After a couple of "group member has declined the invitation" false pops, i got a real pop for ... Master Mode Battle of Rishi. I thought well this won't take long, probably one or more people will insta-quit, but there we all were standing on the dock. I was on my Serenity Shadow; we had a 70 Guardian DPS, a 70 Sage healer, and a level 50 Vanguard tank.




    Anyway, we were apparently all there to play, so we dove right in.


    Things went fine for the first while (the "easy" part of the flashpoint): the trash was fine, the first boss fight was fine, i stealthed the three bunkers just fine. The second boss fight was a little less fine, the tank was tunneling Lord Vodd, and since i was DOT spreading to and from Master Obai, he was glued on me for the whole first half of the fight. I died just as Vodd went down, got rezzed, and we finished ok.


    Then on to the last boss. I've done this FP enough times (with guildies and PUGs) that i was not optimistic. But my personal policy is never to out-loud rain on the parade and ruin the mood.


    And everyone seemed to have a fantastic attitude. After a handful of wipes, no-one complained or made any noise at all about quitting. The tank asked if either of us DPS could switch to tank, since at level 50 they didn't have all their good tanking abilities yet. It so happens i'm equally happy to tank or DPS on a shadow, so i said sure, and the both of us respecced...


    ...And proceeded to down the boss on the next attempt.


    It was the first time clearing that FP for at least two of the group including the healer, who did a great job.


    It's not every group that will even stay together for a Battle of Rishi pop, let alone keep a can-do attitude and go on to finally clear it.


    Those are some of my favourite and most memorable runs, where we can all have a good attitude and have fun and overcome adversity!

  3. I've been maining a shadow tank recently, but i had occasion to dust off my DPS gear and play Serenity for a bit. Since i've been grinding my GC ranks for tank gear, i still have mostly all my 220/224 DPS gear from 4.0. I got on the dummy and did 6500. Then i upgraded all the augments to the new 228 ones, and parsed 7200 DPS on the dummy. Cool.


    So i wanted to get my Hatred Assassin to the same place. I sent the legacy gear over (armors, mainhand, offhand) and re-augmented the left side gear with 228s. And i got on the dummy, and did 6700. What gives?


    The legacy gear is obviously shared, and the left side gear is identical except the Shadow has a 224 earpiece and the Assassin has a 220. Implants and relics are identical, all 220s.


    The Shadow has 18 more mastery, 21 more endurance, 13 more power, 8 more crit than the Assassin, but i don't see how that translates into 500 more DPS.


    All my utilities are the same (well, faction mirrored of course) and my controls likewise.


    Does anyone have any ideas of something i could be missing? There's no chance some bug is making the Shadow behave differently than the Assassin?

  4. /signed.


    This is ridiculous. If you're going to re-run the event later on, call it "Dark vs. Light II" or archive the last event to "Dark vs. Light I" and get on with it. I can't imagine it would be identical anyway, they would have to update the level to 70, the crafting to 600, include the KOTET chapters, maybe some different world bosses and ops bosses, etc.


    Achievements are there to be a record of our achievements in the game! And getting to 100% Dark vs. Light was a doozy. It's just plain insulting to take that away from us.

  5. I completed Legend pretty early, right after they fixed the FP Master bug for the 2nd time. I had saved out the 10-round Eternal Championship for very last, just so i could control the toon and the moment when the achievement popped.


    The most intimidating part for me going in was the crafting and PVP (i had never done either before), and the HM flashpoints (i hadn't done most of them ever.)


    It turned out to be not so bad at all. I read some tips about the quickest way to craft, and it was fine. I held my nose and joined the lowbie WZ queue. I knew i would hate it, and it turns out i did, but it was kind of cool to have a reason to actually try it at least once. About half of my HMFP runs were with guildies, and half pugs. Out of my initial DvL runs, there were only 4 FP's where i had a group fail and disband (Blood Hunt, Battle of Rishi, Korriban and Lost Island.) But going back through with experienced guildies in voice chat easily did the trick.


    Since my guild is full of great and helpful people, we've been doing tons of all the group content (HMFP, world boss, ops, eternal championship) runs to get people complete, and we have had at least 15 people get through Legendary.

  6. I can't find it now, but i want to say thanks to whoever had the tip of tanking Shae Vizla from range.


    It never ocurred to me to try that, and so i've been relying on offheals from DPS to live through this fight. I was even thinking it might be ideal to try it with 2 healers.


    It turns out she does not use her flamethrower ability if you're not in close. I was on a shadow tank, and tried to keep about ~9m from the boss, just taunting and throwing rocks, along with slow time and force breach. If she got a flamethrower off, moving farther out of range seemed to cancel it. It was the easiest run ever, in a good pug group with no offheals (sentinel & gunslinger dps).


    I have a lot less fear of this boss now.

  7. Been there, done that. IRL too!


    The urgency messed up with your awareness and you had to rush, leaving you not even serene (!) enough to check your fighting form.


    Seriously, a good deep breath is all it takes sometimes. To collect yourself and reassess the situation. Trust yourself!




    Yeah, that was certainly a factor. I was nervous from the start, and i was kind of panicking a bit in the moment.


    Anyway, i have a followup to my previous post about being a newbie tank and forgetting to switch to tank stance.


    I was on my "normal" shadow, hoping to get a complete KP GF run in, that would be better than ending the night on the disastrous note i described earlier.


    Again, i joined as DPS, but we were having problems getting a tank at all. Once again, i say i'm new to tanking but offer to switch. They say fine, so i respec, change gear and double check everything this time. :)


    And the whole run went really well. We wiped once when we somehow aggroed 3 packs of trash all at once in the open area with the anti-air guns. But all the bosses happened just like they should, and i think i did pretty well.


    So i had the chance to redeem myself from being the weird person! :)

  8. Oh my - i need to come and confess my sins immediately, before someone else comes to rat me out here. :)


    Preface: i'm just finished leveling a shadow tank. I'm brand spanking new to tanking, but i'm trying to learn more and get better. I recently tanked most of KP in a guild run, and it went really well, but i'm still nervous to try it with pugs.


    So KP SM on group finder, i'm specced as Serenity (which i know well) with my DPS gear on. Just before the first boss (in fact AFTER we've killed the cats and Bonethrasher is staring down at us) our tank mysteriouly quits. We requeue and decide to 7-man it for now since a tank doesn't make much difference for this boss. We lose one dps in the acid bath, and then some more later, finally it was down to 2 DPS and one healer to do the last, i don't know, 20%. Amazingly he didn't enrage, and we got him down at last.


    Interesting and fun run so far.


    So i nervously offer to switch to tank because it'll be quicker to find replacement DPS and i have actually tanked this before. The group isn't giving me time to respec, forging ahead through the trash. Finally we get to Jarg & Sorno, and i finish switching Disciplines and reassigning Utility points, switching out all my gear, and finally rearranging my quickbars how i want them for tanking. I'm nervous but i tell them i'm ready.


    I was not ready.


    We're still 7-manning it at this point, but we go ahead and engage. I notice i'm having some trouble keeping aggro on one or both bosses. I wasn't solo tanking the one guild run i did, but this seemed worse. We actually got them both down to the final 5% or so, and we lost a bunch of people all at once to AOE flames, so i don't think that was directly my fault. We wipe, and one healer leaves, followed by the other. Ah well, good try, better luck next time.


    I went back to my stronghold to lick my wounds and noticed:


    I had not changed to Combat Technique. I was still in Force Technique. :facepalm:


    So my AOE taunts were actually dropping threat, and my high-threat skills were DOTs instead. Arg.


    I'm sure i am on some ignore lists now. All i can say is Mea Culpa. That's one mistake i won't make again.

  9. I had a really nice GF Explosive Conflict run this weekend on my gunslinger main. It was about half a guild run, i think 4 people were from the same guild. If i remembered the name, i would give them a shout out here. I didn't inspect anyone's achievements, so i don't know if anyone was new, though a couple of players said they were rusty on the details of the operation.


    We made it through the first bunch of trash ok, with maybe a death or two, then one-shot the Drouk bosses, no problem.


    We took 3-4 tries on Firebrand & Stormcaller, while people figured out their best positioning to handle the spikes and yellow circles.


    On to the minefield, one of the tanks knew how to work the tower console, and one was more comfortable on the ground, and it went like a well-oiled machine. One-shot, no deaths.


    It took us two tries to beat Kephess. Everyone knew the fight, we didn't lose anyone to reflective shields, but the first time we lost a couple of people to the fire from the walker, and we hit enrage. We had him down to like 1%. One more try, and it went fine.


    Never any complaints or ragequits. Just a really pleasant group which made for a fun EC run, which seems kind of rare.

  10. Bump because it's still happening.


    This happened to me twice in a row on my sniper. After riding the elevator down to the skytrooper production level to fight the Praetorian boss, i could no longer enter cover for the rest of the FP. It just said "not useable in air." It wasn't cured by /stuck or dying.


    A workaround is to NOT ride the elevator down. Wait until it's at the bottom, then jump down and try to land on the floor next to the elevator platform. This worked for me the last few runs.


    Still, it's pretty irritating.

  11. I can relate to the fear a lot. They say online games are for people who have social anxiety in "real life," but i seemed to have worse anxiety in the game! It took a long time, but i got through it.


    Here's how it developed for me:


    I come from a background of single player games, and SWTOR is my first MMO. I nearly pulled the plug when i walked out of the very first cutscene instance and saw all these other people running around in my game! What if i screwed something up and they saw me? What if i somehow screwed something up for someone else?


    For the first 8 months or so, i was very strictly a solo player. I knew that if i was grouped up with anyone else, i'd get so scared of being the one to drag down the team, that i'd get all spastic and forget all my abilities, rotation, everything. That was confirmed, exactly once, when someone talked me into trying an H2 on Alderaan. So after that i stuck to my guns and played solo. I never did flashpoints or heroics.


    Until i reached Oricon, and i just could NOT beat the H2 champions there to get through the story quests. I tried all kinds of "tricks" to avoid having to actually group with anyone. I would stick in the hallway and help people who were soloing the mobs in there, and then i would jump one myself in the hopes that other people would come to my rescue and help finish them off. And it worked a bit, but of course not predictably. At some point, one person sent a group invite as they were joining my fight, and i accepted just to get the invite off my screen. And the fight went exactly the same - without me getting all scared, because it was just one mob that i had done before, and i knew we could take it down easily. And that was the first hurdle.


    So from then on i would group for the Oricon H2 daily, even after i got to the point where i could solo it, because by that point i felt like i had something to contribute. I would join people who needed help with the Bothrium beast, and explain how to do the fight. I finally reached Social rank 1 at about 9 months into the game!


    Then i kind of got hooked on Heroics. My next toon, i made a point of answering every LFG and getting all the heroics done at-level, rather than coming back 5-10 levels later and just facerolling them. And to my surprise, i never felt like a dead weight. I was learning a lot about team play, and using a bit of strategy to get through some of the tougher missions.


    Then i started queueing for tactical FPs (this was during 3.0, so at level 60 tacticals were super easy.) I was nervous at first, but i got the hang of it as i learned each instance. Again it turned out i wasn't the "weird person you meet," although i did meet some of them myself. :)


    Then i started queueing for HMFPs, only one at a time so i could learn the instances & mechanics properly, and again most of the experience was positive. All the time i was gaining confidence and improving my own gameplay.


    Finally i thought i'd like to at least see inside some of the Ops, and i started reading the server forums, researching guilds. I joined one that specifically mentioned newbie-friendly ops nights, and it has been great. You do have to be in voice chat, but only to listen, and they take the time to explain each encounter in detail, what to watch out for, what to do and what not to do. I've never heard anyone get chewed out for a mistake, and there have indeed been mistakes and deaths and wipes. But we pick up and recap what went wrong, and have another go. I was incredibly nervous at first, but it was easy enough just to do what i was told, and let myself be carried along by a 16-person group.


    As i got more runs under my belt, i got to understand the fights better, and at this point i know at least some of them well enough that i'm doing them when they come up in group finder. There are still some i don't join because i don't feel like i know them enough, but once i run them a few more times with the guild, i'll add them to the ones i'll be willing to PUG.


    Wow, i had no idea this would get so long! TL;DR summary comes down to a couple of points:


    - Go slow and ease into new types of group content when you feel like you can handle it. At the same time never say never, and do be willing to try the next thing. There are a lot of kinds of content to choose from, so it is indeed possible to progress a bit at a time.


    - Find a good guild that embraces newbies and is willing to really teach and be supportive as you get going in ops. (Also read the guides and watch the videos!)


    - Fear of being the dead weight can be kind of a good thing. It shows you care about being a positive part of the team. In my case it means that i tend not to join or queue for instances that i'm not confident about.

  12. I have some favourites:


    - When my very first character (Sage) got her lightsaber. After taking a couple of tries to get my crystal past the big beast in the cave, it was such an epic moment.


    - Then when they formally made me a Jedi.


    - With my Smuggler on Alderaan:


    Showing up to fight a duel with some irritating noble guy, then quickdrawing and winging him *twice* before he was even ready. Oh that was fun!


    - Farming and then giving away stacks of Rakata Energy Cubes every time i take an alt through Belsavis.


    - Duo-ing the final Seeker Droid H4 with a guildie, and neither of us had read any guides or knew what to expect about mechanics etc. So it took a bunch of tries, but together we figured out how the fights worked, and finally beat it. We felt like total bosses! (Plus we finally got that quest out of our logs.)


    - Getting encouraged and thanked for my heals in a random Tactical FP. I said i was new at healing, and this one person said i was obviously a natural at it, and he was hoping to see me in HMs soon.


    - Being nervous to start queueing for 60HM FPs, and having my first run turn out to be probably the best FP run i've ever had. We were like a well-oiled machine.


    - Getting invited by guildies to my first-ever Ops run. They were halfway through HM SnV, and i said i was nervous but i'd give it a shot. It was crazy fun, and i gained a lot of confidence. Now i'm still not much of a raider, but i do enjoy weekly runs with my guild.

  13. (A few months necro, yes i'm aware.)


    I just wanted to say thanks for this thread and the encouraging replies. I'm also in the process of reforming from mostly solo-only play. Recently i've been facerolling the 60 tacticals, with the exception of a few unlucky and/or sub-par groups here and there. And i feel ready for more challenge but was afraid of the HMs. (Specifically i don't want to be one of "the weird people.") I've been reading guides and watching videos to prepare myself as much as possible.


    Thanks especially for the subjective difficulty ranking - i plan on working my way up the list. Yesterday i queued for only Rakata, and my very first 60HM was a great time! Yup, it was a little tougher than tactical, especially the trash pulls, but it felt like we had a group of total professionals. The Shadow tank would sneak in and CC a gold, then pull the pack away so we could get to work. DPS didn't break CCs (pet peeve of mine), healer was right on top of her job. Even some fun chat during the cutscenes. Just a really good group, and it felt like a textbook illustration of a good FP run.


    So thanks for the encouragement and the idea to "ease" into these. I hope i can look forward to some more runs like that!

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