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Posts posted by srtaskyywalker

  1. I've been having the same issue since monday night, I can't log into Satele Shan after a transfer failed (It just straight up failed and it's been more than 24 hours since then). The transfer was from Leviathan to Satele Shan. I tried to log into the other servers and I can log in just fine. I was able to transfer that chacter from Leviathan to another server (I sent it to Darth Malgus and login on DM is fine for me) and still can't log into Satele Shan. I even called Customer Support, they were looking into the issue.


    Last night I decided to check on website, if I try to transfer anything off Satele Shan, that's the message I get:



    So I feel like what happened in my case is that the failed transfer didn't get recognized as a fail and just made my account on some "infinite" state of having a character being transferred, as I can't log into the server and that's the status it shows for Satele Shan for me.

  2. <Failure> Guild on Satele Shan is offering sale runs again.

    We offer quick and efficient sale runs for pretty much all the NiM raid content in both 8 and 16m (both imperial and republic side). Our team has done hundreds of successful sales since 4.0.


    Here is the list of some sales we offer with the prices, if the sale you're looking for isn't included, message me for a special request (This is for 8m, we consider 16m sales a special request if they aren't listed and timed run isnt included on 16m runs). Screenshots with titles and mounts are included on this post.


    Dread Fortress (Nightmare Mode)

    Brontes + Wings: 10,000,000,000

    Timed Run + Title "Gate Crasher Name" + Wings: 13,000,000,000

    Full Run + Timer + Wings: 17,000,000,000

    Full Run + Wings (16m): 25,000,000,000


    Dread Palace (Nightmare Mode)

    Council + Rancor: 10,000,000,000

    Timed Run + "Dread Master Name" + Rancor: 13,000,000,000

    Full Run + Timer: 17,000,000,000

    Full Run + Rancor (16m): 25,000,000,000


    Scum and Villainy (Nightmare Mode)

    Titan 6 mount is only a chance drop

    Styrak + Titan 6 Mount: 16,000,000,000

    Timed Run + Title "Dragonslayer Name" + Titan 6 Mount: 20,000,000,000

    Full Run + Timer: 23,000,000,000

    Full Run (16m): 30,000,000,000


    Explosive Conflict (Nightmare Mode)

    Avalanche tank is only a chance drop

    Kephess: 10,000,000,000

    Timed Run + Title "Warstalker Name": 13,000,000,000

    Full Run + Timer: 17,000,000,000

    Full Run (16m): 35,000,000,000


    Terror From Beyond (Nightmare Mode)

    Helix Hyperpod is only a chance drop

    Terror + Helix Hyperpod: 12,000,000,000

    Timed Run + Title "Name from Beyond" + Helix Hyperpod: 14,000,000,000

    Full Run + Timer: 18,000,000,000

    Full Run (16m): 25,000,000,000


    Valley of the Machine Gods (Veteran Mode)

    Full Clear: 7,000,000,000

    Full Clear (16m): 25,000,000,000

    Par 3 Achievement - 1,000,000,000


    Valley of the Machine Gods (Nightmare Mode)

    Izax + Wings of the Dragon + Title "Slayer of the Machine Gods": 18,000,000,000

    Timed Run + Title "Destruction Incarnate": 30,000,000,000

    Full Clear (With Timer): 44,000,000,000

    Full Clear (16m): 50,000,000,000


    Nature of Progress (Hard Mode)

    Full Clear: 7,000,000,000

    - Add any mark of mastery (8m VM Only Achievements): 2,000,000,000

    - Achievements include all other available besides "I Guess We Win?"

    Full Clear (16m): 25,000,000,000

    - Add any mark of mastery (16m VM Only Achievements): 4,000,000,000

    - Achievements include "Probably Impossible"


    Nature of Progress (Nightmare Mode)

    Anything including the Apex Vanguard includes the Bantam Dxun Reaper, drops on timed runs

    Prices for anything including Apex are subject to change based on difficulty

    Apex Vanguard + Title "The Dxun Reaper": TBD

    Achievements "A Dxun Style Barbeque" and "Mathematically Impossible": 14,000,000,000 EACH

    - Titles "Delicious" and "The Transcended"

    Timed Run + Titles "The Apex Predator" and "The True Apex Predator": TBD

    Full Clear (With Both Timed Runs): TBD

    - Add "Tour De Beast" or "Picky Eater": 4,000,000,000 EACH

    Full Clear (16m): 100,000,000,000


    The R-4 Anomaly (Story/Veteran Mode)

    Prices will most likely change based on difficulty/length of the raid, gear drops will also be sold

    Full Clear: TBD


    Temple of Sacrifice (Hard Mode)

    Revan + Title "Name the Revanchist": 7,000,000,000

    Full Clear: 10,000,000,000

    Full Clear (16m): 25,000,000,000


    The Ravagers (Hard Mode)

    Full Clear: 10,000,000,000

    Full Clear (16m): 25,000,000,000


    Geonosian Queen (Hard Mode)

    Kill: 7,000,000,000

    Kill (16m): 18,000,000,000


    Colossal Monolith (Hard Mode)

    Kill + "Of the Ruined World" Title: 10,000,000,000

    Kill (16m): 18,000,000,000


    Toborro's Courtyard (Hard Mode)

    Kill + "Furious" Title: 7,000,000,000

    Kill (16m): 18,000,000,000


    Hateful Entity

    Crest + "The Eternal Warrior" Title: 10,000,000,000

    For hateful we sell to 4 buyers at a time, if you are pubside you may have a long wait, you may buy multiple spots to make this go by faster


    *Any other Dxun achievement/clear is a special request, contact for info


    Master Mode raids decorations: message for prices, we have them in stock.


    These runs are only done on Satele Shan server, if you are looking for Star Forge, go to our allies sales thread: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=987298 (same prices as us)


    For more info, special requests or schedule a sale, join our discord server: https://discord.gg/nSgGdzNYgv

  3. Hello, this is Jaydenz from the guild <Failure> on Satele Shan and I made the long time requested MM Dxun guides (I receive daily messages with questions and guide requests). They are video guides using the strats my group made during progression (There are so many different strats you can do for each boss).


    You can find them here:


    I hope you enjoy them and if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

  4. So the old Hardmare Tyth was totally killable in 242 gear and you pretty much didn't even had to worry about enrage since that was a 4 mins fight (around that, enrage is the same as NiM or used to be). The fight was more about executing mechanics and not dying to inversion.


    Tyth NiM is doable in 248 gear (my team were wearing 248 gear when we did it, and I'm pretty sure Tyth is supposedly to be tuned for 248 gear). NiM Tyth is a long fight, around 7 minutes (high chance of hitting enrage) and requires more execution and optimizing dps on the boss/adds.


    I feel like comparing difficulties, NiM Tyth is a lot harder than Hardmare Tyth when it came out due requiring better execution and more dps.

  5. Hey folks,


    Quick heads up for the MM raiders out there. The three Achievements tied to Master Mode Gods from the Machine are not tracking properly. When completed, they will show as being earned until you relog. Then they will flip back to uncompleted. It impacts the following Achievements:

    • Defeating Izax (8-player)
    • Defeating Izax (16-player)
    • Doom's Delay (the timed run Achievement)


    The team is aware and planning to fix in 5.10.1. Thanks all.




    That's good to know, so what will be done about those people who already cleared Izax Master Mode and got their achievement reset? I sent a ticket about that after I lost my achievement but no reply

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