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Posts posted by RDSmokey

  1. I've actually been meaning to suggest this for a while. Considering that the game does absolutely nothing to give the player a "record" of their journey through the game (at least making note of any huge decisions or accomplishments), a cinematic viewer would be a great way to relive at least the great turning points in their development from scrub to Galactic Powerhouse. Now, I'm assuming that the game at LEAST flags major choices or events or keeps a if/and/or or maybe a 1/2/3 record of the big stuff, a cinematic viewer would be even better for making videos or retaking screenshots of past accomplishments. And it's not like they'd have to make the effort to remember what you wore. Dress your character however you want (especially if you were just dressing them plain or silly at that point in the game).


    Or, y'know, just give us a f''n journal and stop referring to my male Inq as a she in Codex entries.

  2. (The above is intended as a sort of sideways message to the developers. I'm not totally giving up SWTOR, and I'm not letting my sub drop, but I am in a reduced mode. No cash for CCs. I'll rely on what I get from referrals.)


    This. I've done the same. I used to enjoy throwing them a bit of the extra for costumes because I liked having different outfits for different points in the story. Now? Now that they've f'd up my storyline with bad design and absolutely no care or proper reasoned response to players for what is obviously effecting a large number of players in a myriad of ways and, on top of that, providing absolutely no solutions or alleviation for the complaints? I'm less excited. I'm less psyched for new content. I play the KotFE chapters because I am enjoying the story, but I have very little interest in anything else anymore. They'll get my sub, I can dump a bit on that. But that's it. Not like they're giving us any extra space for storing all our random crap from the random Cartel insanity-generating cubes anyways. I'm just going to continue on with KotFE, do a little extra alliance junk, help out guild once in a while, but why do more? What do we gain from making the effort beyond that if they aren't listening to people who are trying to actively participate and let them know there are things we are displeased with and actively offering solutions?

  3. First question, in the cantina, when the camera is pointed at Theron do you have these options?


    1. (Flirt) Id like to speak with one of you.

    2. Id like to speak with one of you


    If no, there is no line that says "(Flirt) Id like to speak with ONE of you" then you might be bugged. BUT, there was a post a while back from the devs that said certain flirts were required to flag the Lana romance, you might have missed one/some.


    If you did have the line that said "(Flirt) Id like to speak to one of you", congrats on assuming it meant "Oooooh Theron I want to jump your bones!" :p


    The devs mistakenly thought that most people would realize saying ONE of you meant you wanted to speak with one of the three people you were talking to. If they had meant "Ooooh Theron I want to jump your bones!" They would have put "(Flirt) Id like to speak to you Theron"


    (Myself im still imagining a bunch of homophobic guys seeing (Flirt) and Therons face and immediately panicing and skipping reading the rest every time this comes up :p)


    This all doesn't bug me as much as they've made it the ONE chance to start a romance with Lana because they can't be bothered to insert any other points where you can either have a chance to replay the conversation or even cheese it by doing a KOTOR-styled version of it. You get the one, badly designed, incompetently framed opportunity and that's it. Even Bioware single player romances aren't all so badly designed (although DA:I comes close).


    Edit: And oh yeah, apparently there IS a bug concerning this scene that people have been running up against even if they nailed every flirt right anyways due to one of the last few patches (or at least that's what's been said) so you could be screwed anyways if you did everything right. Again, another reason for devs to actually think less about putting their story entirely on rails and maybe giving some second opportunities as a roundabout way of fixing their own screw-ups.

  4. I wish there was a way to be sure to examine previously made choices in the game. Like a functional journal. But I know for a fact that I always flirted and used Valk's power only once (when he first offered it) and refused elsewhere AND told Lana the truth. So. I want my romance. I am not starting a new character over. And the blaise way in which ALL the romance system problems have been written off is pretty insulting.


    edit: I'm going to keep kicking this dead horse until my foot gets stuck two feet into the decaying carcass.

  5. Hey everyone,



    I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!





    Okay, at this point I can't even remember if I got the actual flirt option for Lana on chapter IX even though I flirted with her to almost obnoxious levels (meaning flirting at inappropriate times). I want all that work recognized. I want it fixed. A questionable scene that was so vague that I'm not even sure how it was supposed to work or even if I got the right options should not squelch an entire important plotline that I paid careful attention to from the moment Lana was introduced alongside Lord Red Squiggly Face betrayer. I want that romance acknowledged. Please fix this. Don't care how you manage it, just please bloody do it. Thanks.

  6. I thought of one possible option for those of us that chose the wrong option because it was not clear or did not get the flirt option at all:


    During the trooper story there is a side mission to visit an NPC that he/she has already worked with earlier in the story. There is a flirt option, depending on your gender. This mission is completely optional - you can abandon it if you don't want to do it.


    In my opinion, something like the above mission could be added. If you were not able to romance one of the KoTFE companions for whatever reason, you can get your second chance. Obviously the real problem needs to be addressed, be it a bug or just broken.


    See, I've suggested that this be a possibility elsewhere. And it would actually make some logical sense. I know this is a game, but it's not like real life has a specific point where you can fully express your feelings for someone and if you miss it one day you don't get a chance to do it the day after or ever again (unless that person, I dunno, suddenly dies or is abducted by aliens or the world ends or whatever). Hell, even being able to just walk up to Lana (or Theron or Koth) in the Alliance HQ and start a conversation that gives you a second chance to bring up the topic would be just fine.

  7. You could argue, based on what Tait said, that they intended it to be what it is, but it's a defective design, for sure.


    No. They have, like everything else that is broken in the game, a responsibility to the players to fix it. Like it or not, the idea that gamers have an "entitlement" problem is wrong, especially for those of us who are shelling out monthly to support a game. Think about it: we've been subbing to a game that for the past few months has somehow been getting more broken, have had little communication from the team working on the game itself, and when we do get that communication it's to get announcements for stuff that is immediately questionable or for delays or to give us barely-detailed reasoning behind broken mechanics. There's so much that isn't working now that I'm actually considering unsubbing. I don't want to, I like the KotFE story, but with so much not doing what it's supposed to and the game degrading quicker than a 30 year old used Pinto being driven down a straight-away at 100 miles per hour (while on fire), I'm not sure how much more I should be putting my money towards these guys. (edit)


    Back to my point, this part of the game is a huge turning point for many players and their characters, and they both did a terrible job at presentation and execution, but like many of the other issues that are legit wrong with the game they are either acknowledging the problem and then letting it rot for a long time or they're outright ignoring it. This was supposed to be a big point for my character. He didn't romance anyone BUT Lana because I felt he (as a grey sith so to speak) appreciated her approach to things. ...and then the game stealth screwed me via bad design and nil communication. I think I'm starting to see a pattern, frankly.

  8. Now Lana is a romance that Bioware says definitely works from what they can tell, I have been trying to work out if there is another reason as to why the romance may not trigger as there are comments in the romance thread in the bug section too.


    I am part way through SOR now doing Lana's romance and hope I can work out why some peoples don't trigger a option in chapter 9, the only thing I can think of is whether or not you choose to try to hide Valkroians presence in your head or not.


    It's a badly designed conversation event that you don't know is a conversation event. At least when you spoke to your pre-KotFE companions and were trying to do their romances your conversation choices with them were pretty clear because you knew who you were talking to and didn't have to navigate vague descriptors and risk fouling the whole thing up, unlike the the Theron/Lana/Koth section which is an unclear outright garbage mess. It is NOT working right, I don't give a damn what they claim. It's broke purely on the way it's arranged, and that's before random choices made during KotFE are taken into account (and it's not even clear if pre-KotFE stuff even MATTERS). It's broke. I. Is. BROKE, FULL STOP

  9. What RDSmokey said, plus the issue of completely opaque criteria as to whether we are offered:


    1. I want to see one of you.




    1. I want to see one of you.

    2. [Flirt] I want to see one of you.


    (My Smuggler was presented with these options. It's "see one of you", not "talk with one of you". Observation: doing it this way avoids a potentially jarring Americanism. In British English the "talk" version should be "talk to one of you". It's already jarring enough that all these Brit-accented Imperials talk about Lootenants instead of Leftenants, thanks. :cool:)


    And really, regardless of past character choices, the way that whole scene is arrange is just plain BAD. A confusingly fixed angle on the start of the conversation that gives priority to Theron, then two conversation options that are vague (One flirt and one not) that give you no indication that the choice you're about to make does, in fact apply to all three. And once you choose and move on, it's not like there's a damned rewind button for the whole thing because you're only continuing on with a conversation line that you think is the "Not Flirt With Theron" option, so the whole ESC to cancel "solution" is not a solution. The whole thing that is supposed to be the culimanation of both romances for three important characters and even introduces a new "confirmation mechanic" for those relationships to let you know- it's all stuff you simply would not be aware of unless you had decided to spoil everything for yourself ahead of time or if a friend or someone somehow managed to give you an early heads up.


    It's frankly rather amazing just how incredible of a screw up it is because up to that point, all the conversations and set pieces and and so on are actually pretty clear about what's going on and what will follow from your choices. And you know what I call something that doesn't work as intended? BROKE.

  10. I flirted with Lana every chance I had on four different characters. In the cantina, the only option that I every got was this:


    1. I want to talk to one of you.


    That is a bug. I didn't pick the wrong option. In order to do that, I have to have more than one option. I watched the scene on a YouTube video. To some degree I can understand why it might have been confusing to others. However, it was clear to me that if I say "I want to talk to one of you", it is giving me a choice - one person out a group of three. In fact, Lana asks you who you want to speak to (at least in the video I watched).


    Thing is, that it doesn't matter if it's a "bug" or not: At worst it's a bug. At best it's a really badly designed conversation setup that that is, quite frankly, confusing enough in the conversation presentation and on top of that introduces a new notification mechanic regarding the romance progress that was was neither previously announced, introduced, or even remotely hinted at. It comes out of nowhere and evidence of it has to be shown to people via screenshots and YouTube. I'm sorry, but no, I'm not letting this issue go because it could easily be an indication that in the future Bioware is going to throw in further new conversation mechanics that are vague, and out of nowhere with absolutely no information provided ahead of time that we should be looking for these things in the first place. I'll say it again:


    If it's a bug int he design, in needs to be fixed and players need to be either offered a way to flag their romance of choice.


    If it's a matter of design then A) it needs to be REDONE and players again need the opportunity to either approach their love interest again on the top at a later date(chapter) or they once again need to be given the opportunity to have their romance of choice flagged.


    Oh, and a very specific message to Tatt's half-assed answer: If it isn't a bug then that makes the problem WORSE because then it's A) a matter of really bad design and presentation of conversation choice logic not meshing with what we're seeing as the focus of our attention on screen when given that choice and the fact that this was done on purpose instead of accident and then trying to write it off is quite frankly pathetic. At least a bug is a honest mistake in design. This situation, if created on purpose, and then refusing to fix/ the conversation presentation, give players another opportunity, or just flagging those who report the problem with the romance being in progress is quite frankly rather insulting. (Side note: doesn't matter if there were people who interpreted the situation correctly, there's clearly a significant amount of players who did NOT and thus that makes an issue (one that affects the player's career narrative rather significantly. It matters.)

  11. Hey everyone,



    I have also seen mention of not being able to romance one of the new characters (Lana, Theron, Koth) being a bug. As far as we can tell, this is not bugged at this time. In order to romance these characters, you must consistently choose flirt options with them throughout KOTFE (having a relationship with Theron or Lana back in Shadow of Revan also contributes to their romances, but is not required) and you must choose a particular option in Chapter IX to pursue a full romance with one of them. If anyone finds that this is not the case for their character, definitely let us know!






    Okay, this MUST have bugged for me. I was completely loyal to Lana, non-stop flirting from meeting her day one with no other companion flirting. Then when Chapter 9 came up, I don't recall a flirt option for the characters being available, just a an option to talk in private. If there was a flirt option then it was clearly NOT indicating Lana. There was array of choices for (Flirt) Lana, (Flirt) THeron, or (Flirt) Koth. And with the screen only focused on Theron I assumed everything was about him. I romanced Lana from Forged Alliances, my intentions to her were clear, and they should not be undermined by ambiguous conversation presentation, nor when I took Lana aside in private the "Start Romance" option never came about either. If this isn't a bug, it's clearly bad design in the conversation tree and it's pretty apparent that a great many other people have the same issue. The romance with her was more natural that any of the others (to me) and it shouldn't be undermined by a bug that doesn't give the option when taking her aside or by a case of bad cinematic conversation presentation. I therefore am requesting either a status change for my character with Lana as my selected relationship companion or another opportunity be inserted into the game in which to have a second chance to take her aside and bring up the relationship. I believe this is a perfectly reasonable request.


    I hope this makes it obvious what the issues that I, and many others, have been trying to make plain as day. Apparently some people got it right, but if you've got a vocal enough number of people making constant threads about this issue, then there's a problem. Think about it: there's two ways in which you take someone aside to have what is essentially the same conversation with them and one apparently is supposed to include a flirt and one doesn't? And the initiating conversational (based on vids I've watched) look like "Flirt with Theron" or "Take someone else aside to talk". I thought I WAS taking Lana aside to talk and flirt.


    Do the right thing here, Bioware: give us a second chance to do the conversation (maybe ask Lana to speak to her in the Cantina when she's down in the Alliance control center) or just flip the damned flag for me because it's everything I said to her was supposed to elicit my character's feelings for her and hers for my character and after all the moments shared from the start of Forged Alliances I think my intent was pretty damned clear. Just...give me the fix or fudge a second chance. Isn't too much to ask now, is it?


    Sorry for the tl:dr rant: Fix option to flirt with Lana and provide a second chance, or just fix the flag for me because I never got the pop up "one time" magical window to start the serious romance in what was essentially a duplicate string of conversation options.

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