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Posts posted by GyakaFAF

  1. The thread title made me giggle, I give you that.


    The sarcasm about a free goodie feels unwarranted to me though. It's oibviously a tradition that they make an astromech pet for 4th May, as already pointed out. I think that's totally fine and I actually appreciate it. Better than nothing for sure.


    Yeah, I felt bad about this post after I made it. Like when I forced Vette to watch...


    Then I thought, well, if they surprise us by not surprising us, they MAY deserve some appreciation.


    Fortunately M4-Y8 is a good man. Or droid.

  2. ...is my sarcasm detector faulty?


    Well, at least it detects something ;)


    There are so many pet designs they could reskin....who are you people that keep begging for a dozen more astromechs? Show yourselves!!


    You have to learn to love these fantastic astromechs. For me, it was a hard lesson.

    First droid: "cool, I get a nice astromech droid."

    Second: "eh, droid again?"

    Third: "I don't want more astromech droids"

    Fourth: <sandpeople sounds>

    Fifth: "There has to be a hidden meaning behind all this..."

    Sixth: M4-Y8 love thread

  3. It’s got a triangle lightbulb this time too! How creative!


    EA Jack and Bio Jill worked overnight, even against the black magic of the original game creators to implement that lightbulb.


    I mean, it's almost like a tradition or something.


    Yes! It is the best tradition ever. Who wants double XP, when you can get your very own astromech? Who needs new content when you can buy items like Major Anri's flowers in hair or Tau Idair's old man shaped 'lightsaber hilt'?

    WITH 50% OFF!


    Anyways, happy Star Wars Day everyone!


    And just to be fair: i'm not dissatisfied with the ongoing game changes, I actually resubbed after leaving the game for 2 years. But seeing this may 4th event reminded me some... 'good old times'.

  4. I simply cannot wait to get this year's may the 4th gift.


    It is an astromech droid. Can you beleive it? It is so EXCITING. I haven't felt this kind of excitement since opening grandma's gifts*.


    I mean really, this year the developers trully put some effort into celebrating Star Wars Day. They do not give us some cheap recolored item, not some junk that ends up like spam in a mailbox, no,

    it is M4-Y8 A-S-T-R-O-M-E-C-H!


    Can a Star Wars fan ask for more? I don't think so!


    Best Year for SWTOR 2019!







    *Gloves every year.

  5. Dead? Not yet. Dying? Absolutely.


    I left the game last year (after 2-3 years of playing), when the Galactic Command System was introduced, like many others.


    I just returned to check things. Everyone is saying that a lots of players is returning for the double xp, CXP bug and such, and the servers have "population spikes". I don't know, on every planet I see less players when I left the game, so if this is a spike, i don't want to imagine a normal state.


    I don't think SWTOR is a bad game, in fact, it's a good game, that's why it's still alive. However, i don't know what happened to Bioware, but the current game/marketing policies are ridiculous and killing the game. Short-term opportunism (douple XP, free month) will not work on long term and cannot save the game. Revamping the whole free to play system and solving the dead servers problem might.

  6. Best: Sith Inquisitor. You are fighting for you life from the beginning to the end, great suspense, unexpected twists.

    Also good: Imperial Agent, Jedi Knight (after Chapter I.)


    Worst: Jedi Consular. Extremely boring. I went full dark side doing this -which i don't usually do- for some cheap laughs.

    Also bad: Trooper (intro and Chapter I. is decent, everything after that is horrible)

  7. You are right of course, but it seems you are a bit too optimist :)


    I'm a returning player too, but won't stick around for long. I had high hopes for this game too, but that time is long gone.


    Last year when this "Galactic Command System" was introduced it became clear to me that this game's marketing team has no clue how a modern mmo works. They do not understand the importance of free/preffered players. They view them as free riders not as company for subscribers or potential customers. In fact they do everything to alienate them.


    They do not understand their subscirbers too. Obviously a subscriber would like to get some extra for his/her money. Extra XP, bigger inventory or something. Instead they can participate in the wonderful grinding of 6 year old content, and can access stuff like 'hide helmet' option. Yeah there are some new stuff like uprisings, but even those feels like recycled old content.


    There are many threads out there pointing out these problems, I could go on and on, but simply think it's pointless, they won't read it, and won't do anything other than the same 1000x XP boost stuff. Enjoy the game for what it is, but do not hope for bigger changes.

  8. No.


    My sub will run out in a few hours (0 day(s) left), but I'm not even thinking about resubbing right now. To be honest, in it's current state I wouldn't play the game even for free, even if everything would be available as a preffered player (with lower CXP).


    I will check out the changes next year with a 7 days friend referral. If they really fixed the system, i will resub. If they not, maybe I'll come back next summer when they offer 12x CXP and such.

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