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Posts posted by Diblicus

  1. Idk about everyone out there, but I'm a subscriber I've nearly achieved legendary status, I have 4 characters over 65 and one just finished at 45. I've completed all the dlcs 100% except the newest which I only have a few missions left. But I can't help the fact that even with having 18 characters with all different original bio's and classes for each, I still don't feel like there is enough variety. I love this game and the dlc's are stellar, I love that they are free for subscribers, but I would suggest a little more development focus put on the f2p level 1-50 part of the game. I get that it's all about grinding, getting rich, buying everything, and selling the change. But what about the story, what about who your character is in regards to the other millions in the game? Games that offer decisions are great and this one is no exception but what if our decisions actually made a difference beyond the end of that mission or chapter? What if I could make two Sith warriors and decide one was evil and one decided to go good, and there was quests to do it? Besides alignment I am trapped in a robot story, perhaps I'll kill some people on one account that I don't kill on another but regardless it hardly makes a difference. Characters from the story that are supposed to help you in the future, disappear completely, and I am not in control of who my character becomes. I think it would revolutionize the game and bring in so much countless extra money if developers put some focus on the main play of the game, and give us long time players something different, something ours, and something original. The future focus of the game is to disregard the classes, as is seen in the dlc's where all of us do the same thing. But what if we could make something exclusive of ourselves prior to conceding to the single track dlc play? I know that I am not good with grammar etcetera, I don't even know if these forums are really even monitored? But I'm making this post because I really like what the makers of SWTOR have created, and from someone who is not upset with your game I really think that SWTOR could still be a much more full and complete game. If the makers reevaluated this unchanged f2p beginning and added some variety that made a difference, it would bring back a lot of old players that have lost interest. Maybe even make it an alternate story that you have to unlock by completing the class? Idk, hopefully you'll hear me out and think about what I'm suggesting, putting a little quality and originality back into the game, after all it is part RPG, and it's Star Wars, there's so much opportunity.
  2. Hey there, I just finished the mission, "The End of it All" on Ziost, which was part of the new dlc for Knights of the Fallen. It gave me the mission to use my ships mission log to start the dlc but said I wasn't eligible for the conversation, which I find hard to believe. This was not a boosted character, I have completed the last two dlc's with this character, I'm lvl 66, and a subscriber for multiple months now. So I abandoned it by accident the quest and I don't know how to get it back, but it wouldn't let me start it to begin with. What do I do?
  3. I think this idea is great, that would be awesome to have your characters as your companions. Perhaps in the future they could venture as far as allowing your character to have a relationship with them based off the decisions you made with that character and their morality. Hopefully they will give you companion holo's for your characters for the stronghold display as well. I really hope support considers this.
  4. Hey just an idea, I'm interested in the role-playing aspect of this game, I have backgrounds for each of my characters as well as their relationship to each other. The Legacy creation already provides a family tree in which you can connect your characters to one other character. This ability let's you set all your characters on a web chart that says their relationship to the others, relationships include; rival, child, spouse, enemy, sibling, and a few others. I think in addition to this family tree, multiple relationships should be able to be had between multiple characters, as well as the ability to add a bio for each of your characters. I think being able to add a bio that other players could read would add a larger role-playing aspect to SWTOR, as well as increase the personal experience for players who only play pve. Like I said just an idea, sorry if the grammar is bad, it's 3:00 am.
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