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Posts posted by Heavy_Time

  1. I had something similar happen and ended up putting all the gear I was wearing into legacy storage, (also had plenty of inventory space) and was suddenly able to change combat styles. Do you remember what you were doing before it broke? It'd be nice if we could give enough information to find this bug. I've only had it happen once and was unable to replicate it. The loadouts are very temperamental.
  2. This happened to me as well, in my run through. I logged out right there, back in, killed them again, and it dropped. It's been a while since I've done this chapter, but I think I've experienced the same thing on live before. There have always been a lot of bugs.
  3. creating 2 loadouts of the same class and spec seems to break things. moving abilities around in quick bars, primarily swapping 2 or more abilities will make changes in all loadouts of the same class and spec.


    I had two load outs of the same class most of the time I played on test, since I had a bad habit of accidentally overwriting one, and never had this issue. I think you are just experiencing another quirky hard to duplicate glitch with this buggy load out system. I've had several. I wasted an hour trying to duplicate the one that locked out my initial load out and made it impossible to even change my combat proficiency.

  4. I broke it. I think I completely broke it. I have a greyed-out loadout that I cannot use. I can no longer switch between combat styles. No amount of logging in and out or restarting the game seems to fix it. I can create new loadouts and change disciplines in the combat style I'm stuck in (scoundrel), but I cannot use my main load out or switch combat styles (vanguard) to create a new one. My suspicion is that the missile I still had loaded from the shoulder cannon when I switched load outs mid instance is at fault. It did not disappear and carried over to scoundrel. I will try to see if I can duplicate it.


    edit: Ok. Odd resolution. Apparently, un-equipping all gear and putting it in the legacy storage seems to have made the load out accessible again. I was able to change load outs, keeping all the scoundrel gear on, then put the gear back on and resave it to the load out. Really unsure why the gear would cause the issue. I really hope these bugs can be worked out. As is, this system is a mess.

  5. Something seems to be off with the drops of the Underworld Syndicate Plans. I just received more plans speed running through Koriban (just class missions, finished level 10) than I did through the entirety of all the chapters of the Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne. I might have gotten one grinding through all of those chapters, and four dropped on my time on Koriban. I did see a couple on Ossus and more on Mek Sha. It really seems as if there is a much higher chance in certain areas.
  6. Switching combat styles without changing your load out shouldn't permanently break anything. It will just wipe out the current load out and save what you switched to in that load out slot (i.e., your ability locations on your quick bars and your utility choices).


    Where are you trying to switch your combat style? It's supposed to only work in a "sanctuary" (which I've found to be a cantina. stronghold, and some other random locations) unless you have field respec, though I've not tested that. A very common bug (for me at least) is not being able to change anything after selecting a second combat style until after you re-log.


    I hope some of that helps. I also hope some fixes will be on the way.

  7. Oddly enough you should just have to click the choices to change them. However, for most things you need to be in a cantina/stronghold/sanctuary to do so. Also, there seems to be some bug where you need to re-log the first time to get the thing to work. Every character I've created or when I've gotten the second combat style, I've had to relog to change anything. I've been able to change the utility choices in my current discipline on the fly in the field between fights. Now that I think of it, though, I should try to change them mid fight and see what happens.


    Edit: You can in fact, change the utilities mid-combat inside a flash point.

  8. At level 60, the option to choose loot discipline finally opened up. This seems a bit late, since after you unlock the second combat style once, you can then unlock it on any other characters at level one. It also seems a bit hit or miss. Sometimes I get gear for the discipline chosen, sometimes for the one equipped. I really hope there will be a pass-through lower-level equipment before this goes live. Using combat styles from the opposing faction, and other story lines seems to cause some issues with some random gear. I've still yet to come across a blaster pistol or a shotgun to actually use my second combat style. I know there are ways around it, but you'd think with the loot discipline selected I'd get something, but I've not even seen a shotgun through the lower-level content on the empire side.


    Just finished Makeb as a Bounty Hunter running as a Vanguard Shield Specialist with the Scoundrel/Ruffian loot discipline selected. My reward was a blaster pistol with defense stats. :confused:

  9. Couple of points.


    First off, it would be really nice to be able to drag loadouts to a rarely used quick bar to make it easier to find the ones you use the most.


    Secondly, there is not a key bind option for the load out menu. You have to go to your one size fits all character sheet and then click on the tab. It should be simpler to switch load outs.


    A warning before you change your combat proficiency would be nice. If you change it, while still on your other proficiency load out, it seems to overwrite everything with some auto-save feature, and you will have to re-do all of your talents and re-slot your abilities where you want them on your quick bars. I'm sure I won't do it again, having done it three times already, but it's a good waste of time.

  10. I finished up chapter 3 of the Bounty Hunter story right at level 55. Once I hit Hoth, I stopped doing the planetary story arcs, and focused primarily on the BH story missions with a minor side excursion into a couple of space missions for the galactic season, and companion conversations. Even being on a "fresh" legacy (currently level 4 with only a couple of perks bought along the way) the leveling experience felt pretty much the same. Some fights were slower, especially at the beginning. The final fight in the story line was the usual mash whatever buttons with your face you want, you'll win anyway, kind of fight. My item level was 112 at the time, and I was 5 levels over (55/50).


    That said, upon finishing, I was presented with a new mission to choose a second combat style. The mission was well done, though the descriptions of the various options were a bit bare bone, if I was the mythical "new" player. I went through all the options to make sure nothing glitched and selected scoundrel to go with the vanguard I was playing through the BH story with. I was a bit surprised that you get the second combat style, but nothing else. No weapons, no gear with appropriate stats to go with it. It wasn't even selected.

    A whole new class added on with most all of the abilities, seems like it might be a bit overwhelming for that mythical new player. Especially if they can't even use any of them without the appropriate weapon. (Side note, it's been very difficult to find main hand weapons that aren't very under leveled. I've been using the initial shell and slotting green mods from fleet at level.) It's even more overwhelming when you switch to the fancy new combat style, have your quick bars filled up with skills in the most random order, and realize that the load out didn't actually save your quick bar keys from your old comfortable combat style (that you actually have gear for). Instead, it simply overwrote the "save" you thought you had. I think you might want to invest a bit of time in making a load out tutorial. It's probably too late to add an optional tutorial to the new combat style that slowly introduces new skills, like the old one for boosted characters.

  11. I started off in the Bounty Hunter story as a vanguard shield specialist and leveled from 1-39 so far and just started in on Alderaan. I did all the missions on Hutta, including the heroics before moving on. After Hutta I simply did the planetary story arc, class missions, and the heroics (once to try and get some gear). Pacing, as far as advancement, seems all right. Fighting in general is slower than expected, kind of dull, and a bit frustrating in the early levels. I encountered mobs that heal and stun in early heroics, and did not get my interrupt until level 31. The pacing of skills being added is awful. There are long swathes where you simply receive nothing for leveling, unless it is mid fight and you get your health and resources restored. Leveling is leveling, and it's mostly the same. Just with less skills. It's a bit difficult to judge on test, since there aren't a ton of other people around and there aren't even opportunities to group with others to make the process less tedious. I also have not transferred a character over to this iteration of test, so have had no legacy perks at all except those I've purchased with credits gained while leveling.
  12. If this is the spot with the two snipers, I've noticed it as well. I originally thought it was just one of many companion issues when using guardian leap, but yesterday I noticed that Lana did not want to go past the arch, even though I was in the far corner next to the door that opens and had not yet agroed the snipers. Even setting her to passive, I had to wait 15 to 30 seconds and move around a bit before she would pass the arch and move in. In previous builds, I've had odd incidents of the whole ambush resetting on me as well.
  13. I am not an elite player. I soloed veteran Hammer Station on PTS phase 3 shortly after it first went up, and again after the patch on Monday. It actually seemed a bit more difficult yesterday than it did when phase 3 was first introduced. This was on a defense guardian in I-level 306 gear with a level 50 Lana as a companion on healing. It took a bit to get through it. Especially the two turrets before the bridge. The final boss actually got me down to 60% health a few times, but never further. Other than that, the only times I had difficulty were the times Lana did her thing and just refused to assist.


    So, I just wanted to add that it can be done, isn't terribly difficult, not like whatever issue is going on with level synch and walkers and turrets, but it is harder than on live. I also wouldn't recommend it, as the rewards do not seem worth the time investment, (about 150 tech fragments), and I also wouldn't if it wasn't test and often takes more time than I care to spend to find people.

  14. I just wanted to add that I've actually had several items that I deconstructed last night not give me any tech fragments. Still trying to pin down if it was a bug or a critical failure. I seemed to get more jawa junk than usual on the deconstruction, and believe they were all mods, enhancements, and armorings that I pulled out of equipment that I currently had equipped, and all in the 278-280 item level range. I will try to log on later and pin it down.
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