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Posts posted by Churb

  1. It is critical to understand the motivations of the OP, expressed here and based on past behavior, and my conclusion is that it is not in the interest of the overall community.


    First, a little background into past behavior. The OP and current co-GM of Triumph used to be a player in an Empire side PvP guild called Infinite Darkness. ID members used to post extremely arrogant, mean-spirited elitist posts on the SWTOR forums, and their guild not only dominated ranked PvP when it first came out, they pretty much wrecked it for everyone else. Instead of building a sense of PvP community by working with other PvP guilds to create a ladder system and/or teach players how to play, ID only concerned themselves with ID. Then, they packed their bags and headed for a "real" PvP server, Pot5. ID members tried to get PvPers to leave Shadowlands and insulted the server on their way out.


    Don't believe me? Check the posting history on the Shadowlands server forum. Ask anyone still left over from PvP back when ID dominated.


    With that context, I start from the proposition that the OP primarily cares about the OP and the guild Triumph. This is bolstered by the following facts/analysis:


    1. A nerf to crafting points would benefit the giant guilds like Triumph, for at least three reasons:


    a. Triumph would in the future have little reason to fear a craft bomb from an upstart again. Last week, they felt compelled to maintain a 5 million point lead because they were worried about a last minute craft bomb from WOOK.

    b. With sheer player numbers (200+ active members) and even assuming equal participation per player from other guilds, Triumph would overwhelm the nerf to crafting by other Conquest methods and Triumph would more easily stay on top.

    c. Triumph would not have to risk as much player burnout and resource exhaustion if crafting is nerfed, especially if a hard cap is imposed.


    2. The OP and others in this thread acknowledge that crafting is a huge materials/credits/time sink. Bioware has wanted to get credits out of the game, and this is about the most effective way to do it (at least until the GTN commission system is revamped). Once materials are crafted into War Supplies, they lose most of their GTN value. Gathering missions also slowly drain resources, which must be regnerated with time and/or selling on the GTN.


    3. The OP has stated that they are in Conquest to win. They certainly aren't in it just for the competition. This is demonstrated by the fact that in the first seven weeks of Conquest, they have not directly challenged the prime Republic competitor on the Shadowlands, the highly organized and undefeated Old Republic Dads (ORD). ORD even challenged PvP guilds to come face them on Hoth, a PvP planet, one week; Triumph, a PvP heavy guild, did not rise to the challenge.


    TL;DR 1 Triumph benefits from the current system, but would benefit even more from a nerf to crafting.


    In conclusion, as it currently stands, it is in the overall Conquest community's interest if guilds like Triumph, WOOK, ORD, and Covenant of the Phoenix have to risk and ultimately incur player base burnout/exhaustion to win planets. Their player bases have the option of voting with their feet by turning on their leadership and telling them they won't craft relentlessly any more.


    Crafting, under the right circumstances, is currently the only way for smaller, more organized guilds to compete with larger guilds. TDT has done it twice, but as our GM has already stated, we know the odds of taking down one of the big four are very low.




    The community's true interest is in finding balance in Conquest, so that smaller guilds could compete on an equal footing with the behemoths. I'm talking guilds with maybe as low as 20 active unique players (there does come a point where a guild isn't really a guild, and I admit I don't know where that is). I'm also interested in ideas where some planets are tilted towards smaller guilds, while one or two are tilted towards larger guilds, so that big guilds can't avoid each other and must directly compete. It is a real complicated topic, and the solutions aren't simple, but some good ideas have been posted.


    You will notice that Triumph's co-GM provided no serious constructive advice on how to achieve actual balance, just lip service to the concept. In my opinion, that is because Triumph has no current interest in it. Their primary, overwhelming interest is to win planets. Balance puts that in jeopardy.


    Triumph has little to worry about. Balance efforts are probably two to three months down the road, if Bioware responses are to be believed. By that time, Triumph will have conquered most if not all of the planets they need.


    For those guilds such as ours who can't presently expect to beat the behemoths, the top 10 is still easily achievable without crafting. At least it will be until everybody behaves like WOOK and Triumph circa week six - and no guild has up to this point. Finish 2nd or finish 10th, the rewards are the same.


    TL;DR 2: Balance first, nerf crafting as a component of balance. System stays the same until balanced.


    Calling B.S on you




    hey look, you guys only won because of a craft bomb a couple hours before the end:rak_03::rak_03::rak_03:


    so basically, you're accusing the OP who has a more then reasonable and logical post and problem to discuss and instead of contributing in any way, decide to call him out for being self centered and onyl doing this for his guild.


    yet look, you want crafting to stay as is because its the only way your guild can win:confused::confused::confused:



  2. You represent a minuscule minority of people who have far more skills in game than they ever will out of the game. When servers go down, you return to whatever miserable existence developed such a hateful player. This is a community where people try to enjoy a video game... If you're so elite, why are you not on a PVP server showing your true abilities, instead of harping on part-time gamers who play to enjoy the company of friends they've made.


    If you are indeed in Triumph, I feel sorry that victory is bittersweet having to ally with the likes of a terrible person such as you. WOOK may not be the most elite players, but we laugh our asses off and we enjoy one another. Can any guild you've been in say that about you?


    while its true, i am an elite player, that doesnt mean i should gonto a pvp server which is most likely going to die off, people harp on wook because you arent just bad, but you literally set the bar on how bad a guild can be (pub side dark jesters) the only good people in wook are the ones who leave it for literally any other guild. Now get off the forums and go rp on your website or something

  3. Thanks! We really enjoyed the competition! More so if we had won, of course... But in the end, we always do our best to be respectful both in victory and defeat.


    However, a lot of Churb's posts would seem to imply he is a member of Triumph, even though he hides behind the anonymity of the forums. It certainly detracts from Triumph's image and your accomplishments to have someone like that being associated with you. Admiration can quickly turn to begrudging acknowledgement, or worse, you know? That being said, you can't separate the person and the player from the comments and opinions, and it would really detract from your image if you were hiding the same person whose comments you wish to distance yourself from behind a very carefully worded response. If I am off base in that suspicion than I apologize in advance, and we can all rest easy knowing Churb is simply the forum's biggest wanna be.


    So quick to assumptions huh? that's fine, honestly id much rather you post on here in your RP style about wookies getting ready for war etc, but alas it seems i wont be entertained in such a fashion. Guilds and Conquest are beneath me, meant for peasants to waste time ignoring the blatant lack of content in this game.


    The reason OMGitsCHARLIE said what he did was most likely because he didn't want anybody for any reason to think i somehow represented triumph (lol)


    that being said, for a long time now wook has had its own reputation of being, well bad. the Dark Jesters of pub side you could say


    in regards to your presence on the forums, i suggest you do as the following quote suggests:


    Yet the enemy would not be denied. For every inch gained, another was lost, and though all the might of every WOOK was spent, the battle turned against them. Bent, yet not broken, they retreated to Kashyyyk.


    I think i represent the vast majority of The Shadowlands when i say that you're bad, your guild is bad and we don't want you here, go to a RP server or something.

  4. if you bads wanna speak your mind feel free to join the real shadowlands pvp group we'll tell you completely uncensored about how to get gud. also lul at these kids talking to churb like they know whats up :rak_03:


    The peasantry is being disrespectful to the King, its shameful really.

  5. Lacking the confidence to let your accomplishments speak for themselves is one thing, but having to delete and hide from your own words? Damn.


    hide from my own words? not at all, i can repost what i put if you really like, rather i was asked to remove it to prevent too much drama, apparently some wooks are very sensitive to being trolled for losing, so you're welcome for taking down a troll post instead of leaving it up to make fun of you guys for losing :rak_03:

  6. PvP have not been nerfed in some ways. 250 each WZ, 500 if you win! 750 per WZ if you win. They did that to stop the PvE'rs running in & standing on a node or in a corner.


    They did not nerf the Operations, you could run them on each toon & get the GF reward each toon & it counted for CPs. When it changed Ops, start all over.


    :rolleyes: Still reads a lot like you're QQing.


    "IF" you do NOT like the "crafting to win" route, then why did you do it?! I & others have already stated how you can do it with out it, but you refuse to acknowledge that route. Instead you say you don't like it, but yet you did it... Hmm interesting...


    And just a thought: IF it it's NOT working as intended to go the crafting route, since you brought that up, then you do realize, YOU & your WHOLE guild just majorly exploited a bug?? :confused: You better hope it is working as intended. ;) Or you might be in trouble.


    this post is so full of stupid, le sigh.


    1. without a doubt having to craft to win is undesirable, yes, as you mentioned you can do without it, if you want to lose.

    2. not liking something doesn't mean you don't do it, that mentality is for children and imbeciles, many people don't like going to work, but they do because of the benefits of doing so. We very much disliked having to craft in order to win, but we did it because of the benefit of winning.

    3. the question for bioware is not "is crafting a bug", rather "seeing as crafting is the only way to win against another focused guild, is your intention for it to be the only way to solidify victory"

  7. He raised the issue because both he and his guild can't keep up much longer, nothing more. If he could persist in spamming crafting to oblivion to conquer planets, I'm sure he would.


    You falsely and without substantiation think we cannot do it again. The only issue at hand here is that conquest is simply too powerful a point gain, due to being so easily repeated and can be done when not even logged into the game.


    le sigh

  8. Your post has been edited, so I guess you are now technically correct. Well, you have gotten all the attention you will be getting from me, I have said all I need to say.


    Thank you for your continued interest in Churb™, the #1 swtor player NA


    Any further questions about sir Churb™can be directed to Fatedd, Donna or Kirito.


    Thank you for your continued love, support and admiration of Churb™

  9. *golf claps*


    If winning is that important, you'll find away. @500 million credits there are few guilds willing to put that much time and effort into it. Let alone the 24hours spent crafting and buying mats to keep said crafting going.


    We bow to you and your guilds superiority. The rest of us will enjoy our top 10 finish while still enjoying the game and feel like we're contributing with out it ruling our lives.


    Enjoy your week in the sun, hope you have saved up another 500 million credits for this weeks conquest.


    Sadly, its ignorant posts such as this which enable BW to think that having a broken system is acceptable.


    For shame.

  10. I do not speak in the "I aint got no" language displayed here, but yes, that is what I am saying.


    Please elaborate then, the glorious name of Churb™ is almost as respected and well known as Fatedd™, so please explain why you think Churb™ gets carried.1

  11. Triumph: 42,481,375


    Wook: 36,965,070


    A close and fun race that a lot people, including myself, enjoyed watching.




    Not carried




    There is the real correction you were looking for.


    u wot m8? you saying Churb™ gets carried?

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