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Posts posted by SteelieCZ

  1. For the past several days I completely forgot about this thread. Oops.

    On 1/11/2024 at 1:51 PM, SoontirMorillo said:

    Because of the simple fact, that you can uncheck the box for that flashpoint.

    YOU have a problem, and Broadsword has already a solution implemented to solve YOUR problem. No need to bother the whole gaming community with another unnecessary round of changes.

    "wäääähhh... but weekly.". dude, the weekly gives literally no reward in terms of extra xp, credits, or gear in any meaningful way. You are just better off to do a round on fleet with the taxi-speeder and the gain is the same.

    It's a YOU-problem. Learn to deal with it an adult way.

    Year after year just the same old threads appearing, because even with +5 years of experience they still can't deal with something, that already has a solution.


    But okay... counter-offer... Broadsword... just delete the weekly for veteran flashpoints. That will solve all problems immediately. Every little one of these people, can untick the box for Esseles and Black Talon without losing two credits, ten xp, and a piece of outdated gear.

    • Searching for Allies Weekly: 300 tech fragments.
    • Veteran FPs Weekly: 100 tech fragments, 30 FP comms, and an upgrade cache.

    Both can be done 3 times a week, so altogether 1200 tech fragments for just veteran FPs. If you have a point to make about rewards, at least don't resort to hyperbole. I can uncheck the box, sure. Get frags elsewhere, I do ops after all. But that ignores the majority of the player base that does play veteran FPs at level 80. Unchecking the box is a half-arsed solution as people aren't going to do that. They'll want the weekly rewards and out of the 9 FPs they do, they'll get the introductory FPs 4-5 times and have an overall miserable experience.

    And is it any easier on the newbies, who use the group finder for the first time, have to wait through the queue because people see they're sub-level 15 and keep clicking off only to finally get a group where 1-2 people drop instantly at the sight of [VETERAN] The Esseles? And when people stay, they have a run in with Cpt. Spacebar-pls. Very rarely did I get either Esseles or Black Talon and had a pleasant group that was willing to take things slowly when there was a new person. Calling it entirely a "ME" problem completely misses the point of the thread.

    On 1/13/2024 at 3:05 AM, cannibithobbal said:

    There are other FPs which can also be (or always are) extremely long slogs and I hate running as well, which is why my suggestion is definitely to just let us uncheck FPs and still qualify for the weekly rewards (then we can skip ANY that we want)

    There's good reasons why the devs didn't and won't do this. This would bring an endless influx of Hammer Stations all over again. I think being allowed to uncheck one box at the very least and still qualify for rewards would definitely alleviate the issues. As many boxes as you want, though? Not a chance.

    My other issue with the FPs is that they're extremely outdated and not scaled with the rest of the roster properly. The encounters consist primarily of one Strong with a few Standards and rarely Elites, like regular solo quests. The HP of bosses is also extremely low in comparison. Going through Esseles they range from mere 900k with the second droid boss to 1.6mil for Vokk, who's supposed to be the final boss. Compare that with HS, which unlocks only a few levels later, where the first boss already has over 2mil. Even if they weren't such a slog, they'd still be beyond boring.

    I would've loved for them to revamp these Flashpoints. They're still classics. Give the veteran and master versions the traitor arc FP treatment where cutscenes are turned off and significantly buff trash pulls and bosses. Unfortunately I don't see that being Broadsword's priority, in which case I think it'd be best to at least temporarily ax them until they do decide to revamp them, if they actually ever plan to.

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  2. Likely not the first topic about this, likely not the last, either. The starting flashpoints are entirely designed for a primarily 2-man group with comps with a ton of story throughout. It's a slog to go through when leveling or just trying to get weeklies done. It's not even a good introductory flashpoint for new players anymore, either, as players will either spam the chat to skip cutscenes, pull all encounters on the way regardless if their groupmates have a mount or not, or drop out of the group instantly at sight.

    I guarantee to the dev team that people on the fleet would be willing to run it with newbies if they asked, which will be an infinitely better experience for them than forcing it through the GF. That and it shows up in the GF unreasonably often even for groups where everyone is lv. 20+ (even had it in a group where I was over 40 and everyone else was 80).

    Please give them the Colicoid War Games/ Kuat Driver Yards treatment and allow players to play them on their own time.

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  3. 36 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

    Out o curiosity though, why guilds/vc did not work for you?

    I'm antisocial, and it made me uncomfortable. This is still a videogame and I prefer when my games don't make me anxious.

    Granted I imagine it's important for the hardest content, but I draw a hard line at NiM ops anyway. That's the kinda stuff for hardcore raiders and I consider myself a midpoint between casual and hardcore. I want to try HM ops, but I'm not interested in anything beyond. And I know HM ops are very well doable in a pug without VC, as I've been part of HM EC and TfB groups before, followed mechanics to the letter and always close to the top of the parse.

    I'd consider myself an above average player but it's not my business trying to explain that to random pugs. I probably miss out on many an evening of running veteran content this way but to each their own, it's not the only thing in my life.

  4. Interesting. I've only started playing ops mid-july this year, so I guess I missed out on quite a lot of stuff. I'd prefer running vet ops but no one really likes to pug those (and when they do they generally demand a chieve for it). Guilding isn't my thing, tried it once, got nothing out of it, hated the vc, so that's not a way I'd prefer playing it.

    Re-adding the mechanics into story ops would liven it up, as I've mostly stopped playing as DPS since healing them is more interesting. But it is a double-edged sword. Easy may be boring, but it is comfortable and most annoyingly so, efficient. Making story ops more difficult might make people play them less, but it's hard to judge from an armchair like this.

  5. I have only started running ops very recently and was interested in their stories. Much to my dismay the quest givers from KP all the way to SnV are locked behind an ops instance that I cannot enter solo. I know people have been running them for years and 99% of the playerbase has seen these dialogues millions of times. I did not, and I want to experience them myself without having to scour Youtube for almost decade old videos or having rampant ready checks in the middle of them.

    My suggestion is to either move the quest givers that are inside the ops instances outside of them or allow us to enter the instance solo if a quest points inside. I expect this isn't high on the priority list considering how old the quests are, but it would be nice to accommodate people who prefer running with pugs instead of having to guild with people, or ask for hours if someone would lend a few minutes of their time on fleet over a single conversation.

  6. Not to mention that getting through these expansions is a significantly greater slog than is usual even for this game. Do you want to fight skytroopers or shade stalkers who can stun you every 5 meters? How about the endless hordes of Zakuul Satele told us about at the end of ET? (For real though I can understand the skytroopers, but why do the Knights even bother fighting us when their Emperor is dead? Satele makes a big deal out of how they derive power from obeying Arcann and Vaylin, but when they're gone the Knights are still around and clearly not powerless. How does that work, then?) At some point it gets repetitive and unfun, and the various gimmicks they tried introducing to liven the gameplay up (walkers, the mouse droid puzzle) either break the flow or are not fun from their own issues. 

    I can appreciate that there is a built-in skip button in just selecting Jedi Under Siege which autocompletes all of FE and ET including Iokath, but I would prefer if it were customizable instead of using presets based on factions. Do I really want to go through it all just to have Vette on my non-Warrior Imperial characters?

    In short the story is ok with some obvious flaws that have been pointed out many times. Gameplay is the dealbreaker for me.

  7. 7.0 and its subsequent updates were a major disappointment for me personally when it comes to the story. Since Onslaught concluded it began to feel more and more that your influence on the galaxy is becoming minimal. You're being shut out from investigations by who are supposed to be either your faction or your allies, depending on if you kept your Alliance or not. Depending on origin story you might get told to keep your nose out of Jedi business after Dantooine. Like, what's that guy's problem? It's not like I shot a galaxy-eating eldtritch abomination in the head twice on my smuggler or anything.

    It's gotten much worse with Ruhnuk and Interpreter's retreat. I feel like a glorified NPC in those stories. With the list of achievements each of the 8 origin classes managed to do by that point in time, any of them should be able to solo Heta Kol or any of her cronies. Instead she fights us to a standstill on Spirit of Vengeance and gets to throw us around like a chump in cutscenes on Ruhnuk. Like people mentioned earlier, Ri'kan should've been dead the moment our PC looked at him funny. That's the kind of plot armor that makes villains tiresome to fight against. Then there's the whole of swiping floors in a cantina for the Voss. You don't have to do it to progress the story, so I never bothered after doing it once. No headcanon in existence can possibly explain why a Dark Council member or a Colonel is Republic's SpecForce should be doing it in the first place.

    The Three's sugarcoating me with how I'll decide the fate of the whole galaxy just feels hollow after everything that's happened with Legacy of the Sith so far.

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  8. Hello, so I'm more or less just completely dumbfounded with the boss mechanics on this specific FP. I've only recently tried my hand at tanking and while I'm not the best of them I wouldn't say I'm utterly miserable either. My perception mostly started to change after getting Rep-side Meridian three times in one day, twice as tank, once as deeps, with both tank runs being utter failures. First run we couldn't down the first boss due to me not having a clue where to kite the flame circles and others not really sure what to do as both DPS were also melee-range and died really quickly. After two wipes we disbanded and I was left feeling rather sour. 

    Second run went better but we still had wipes on bonus boss and Malgus, but at least we succeeded eventually. I tried to take the knowledge from my DPS PoV forward to the next pop on my tank loadout, naturally Meridian pops up again and I sighed heavily. This time I kited the flame circles fairly well and interrupted the walker's inferno attack as often as I could. But on the bonus boss with the two Sith ladies, we wiped twice due to our healer being one-shotted each time by the Ranged Sith of the two. Each time with both bosses on me, and having no clue where it's gone wrong?

    We decided to skip the boss but still wiped on the second one due to the red circles. Somehow the kiting red circle was on me but circles kept popping up under the DPS. I also don't understand how the fission round mechanic works, despite fighting the boss multiple times. He just roots a random player in place and is about to fire a shot. Or not. Can't stun break, can't interrupt him. Does attacking him stop it? The game doesn't say. He just shoots or doesn't. After that wipe I just saw the group leave one by one and I closed the game with the most miserable feeling I had from this game so far.

    There just seems to be no documentation on this FP. Nothing on Swtorista or Vulkk. One video I watched the guy pretty much admitted he's not aware of any special mechanics on the bonus boss in particular, and offered different advice compared to when I asked on the fleet later. I found nothing else. I had easier time tanking Shrine of Silence. Any advice is appreciated. Or tell me I suck, that's probably also true.

    • Like 1
  9. Incidentally I made a thread in this very forum about what would be adequate preparation for MM flashpoints. Have I just been lucky with pugs so far that I haven't struggled with them much beyond the occasional wipe on an avoidable mechanic (knockback bosses yoo-hoo)? The groups were always a mix of people geared as low as 324s all the way to top-notch raiding gear. Definitely didn't let myself get carried as a DPS, at least according to StarParse. Heck even 3-manned Sav'Rak when our other DPS got knocked off the stage after our first wipe. I tried it from a different point of view and rolled a brand new healer sage as well. While healing MM Blood Hunt may have been the most challenging thing I've done in the game by far, haven't had a group fail a MM flashpoint yet.

  10. Hello. To preface this I'm a fairly long-time player who's spent the last few years primarily playing solo content (it was simply easier to rank up renown doing heroics and dailies, so I fell off from group content completely). It's only recently that I decided to return to the swing of things and started queueing for veteran flashpoints again. In some time I managed to figure out the current endgame gearing quite well and got a few toons fully geared with blue 336 mods from Hyde and Zeek.

    I still gotta ask though, how difficult are the current hardest flashpoints? Are they tooled to be doable in 324 gear with enough effort and anything beyond 336 is utter overkill, or are even augments strictly necessary? I'd want to say I play my characters well enough, but wouldn't want to stumble with gear and get booted from the first flashpoint I queue to. Feel like my already dreadful social anxiety would kill me in that case.

    I assume everything from the older days applies, with the classic trinity, kill order from weakest to strongest, etcetera, etcetera. I'm asking only about MM flashpoints because I was never too keen on running ops in any difficulty. It was too much of a spectacle with so many players at once, and my PC likes to drop frames like mad with 8+ players anyway, as I've learned fighting world bosses.

  11. A bit of a shame this thread isn't as active as in the old days. Always found some interesting reading here. I have only recently gone back to playing flashpoints after a very long period of solo play starting around the release of KotET. Queueing for veteran FPs has been a breeze, and most of the content is a lot easier than I remember with how it's been retooled into the tactical model.

    On one hand that's probably a good thing, being able to pick up a group without significant waiting and playing content that can easily be 2-manned with companions gives it a certain levity. On the other there are people who make this game their second job and what should be a fun experience can get downright frustrating when they rush through chainpulling everything while annoyed that the other 3 members of the group have a hard time catching up.

    Such an experience I've been given in a Black Talon PUG a few days ago when I was levelling an Inqusitor-origin Serenity shadow. A mid-20s Merc in flashy armor riding a basilisk droid showing up to the instance with an exasperated sigh probably should've clued me in this person was not here to waste time and indeed, they were chainpulling all the groups all the way including the bosses, wouldn't wait for people to move through lifts to catch up while pulling everything ahead, forcing them to just stand and wait until the fights were over and the classic "please spacebar everything" mantra. I tend to keep up the pace as best I can and have no issues spacebarring through if everyone else does so, but I ended up dropping the group after Commander Ghulil because this experience was actively unfun, and I don't drop groups lightly.

    Lo and behold, about two or three days later when I finally hit 80 on the character, I popped up the group finder, got Cademimu and who's there? The same merc, in early 70s, doing the exact same tactics from before. All 3 of the other members weren't even loaded in, no hellos were spoken and all the encounters until the very tall lift were pulled already. Like, what the heck. At this point I knew exactly what to expect, dropped the group instantly without saying a word and for the first time in a very long time had to put someone on ignore. I'd rather play with people who don't suck all the joy out of my game, thank you very much.


    Fast forward to today, when I had a Black Talon run on the same toon which was essentially a polar opposite. The other groupmates being a lowbie Juggernaut, a lv. 80 Shadow and a lowbie Operative. The group was fairly competent, and there really isn't anything to screw up on BT anyway. The op was the least patient, rushing through for the most part, but had no problem slowing down when the other half of the group wanted to take the Bonus boss. All in all a fun run, one clearly not played through gritted teeth for the weekly checkmark and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    More interesting was my second encounter with the same lowbie Juggernaut from this BT run later on in Mando Raiders. The group consisted of me, a Serenity Shadow, the Juggernaut in mid-20s, an Assassin in early 60s and a lv. 80 Marauder who clearly mostly does PvP. The run went incredibly smoothly throughout the first part all the way to the first boss, but things got awry in the large room with the overhead bridge and turrets on each side. While getting through the first time went well enough, someone in the group, couldn't remember who, had the unfortunate luck of pulling one of the patrolling elites on top of the bridge. The lowbie jugg got knocked off, pulling the whole room downstairs, while the sin got burned by the droid and their adds which followed him and the marauder to the boarding party room. I was still on the bridge fighting off the last of the adds when all hell was let loose.

    Around that time the mara became utterly unresponsive, probably went afk but never mentioned anything. I quickly burned the droid that killed our sin friend and ran downstairs to save the poor juggernaut who was running around like a headless chicken at about 10% HP. After killing the smaller adds and getting back to the boarding party, we realized that the turrets in the room kept the sin from rezzing, and since the mara seemed completely catatonic, we had no other option than to take them out. With me at around 30%, the juggernaut at around 1-2%, I sheepishly Force cloaked to reach a kolto station, hopefully without provoking the boarders, and off I went with the juggernaut to take out the turrets.

    After succeeding in this misadventure, we all regrouped at the boss, unfortunately with the mara still unresponsive. Fortunately this is a vet FP, so we 3-manned the boarding party without much trouble. The sin then threw a votekick on the marauder which went through. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess there was nothing much else to do. Since no one else pulled out a comp, I took out Talos to heal and the rest of the run went pretty smoothly, with me and the sin CCing through all the groups up to the final boss and finishing up without trouble.

    All in all, a total mess. But it was a fun mess. Definitely more interesting than completely facerolling everything, which is almost every other flashpoint I queue for these days. Maybe I should try master mode. 

    Addendum: This was a lot more words than I expected to write..

  12. Force Cloak and its respective abilities for Shadow, Scoundrel and Operative should make the cloaking player invulnerable to all damage types and have a cleansing effects on all DoTs. I've had it broken way too many times because of an annoyingly placed AoE or DoT effect on my companion. The many faults of this ability make it completely obsolete to use a lot of times and I hope it can be fixed.
  13. Sometimes on startup it happens that lightsabers and projectiles, both mine and NPCs', appear as white and the only fix is restarting the game and hoping it corrects itself. I've seen this bug reported in the past, but it never happened to me until the 5.9.2 patch after which it happens every other time I start the game up.


    https://i.imgur.com/HpJWUZO.jpg - screenshot of a bugged lightsaber, which should've been red

  14. ...making it seem like the people I'm talking to have their identical twins do something random next to them, or better yet, INSIDE them. I have never seen any bug that is as bizarre as this, and to my surprise, I haven't found anybody else experiencing this glitch on the whole internet.


    I'd post pictures, but it doesn't always happen, and I can never really know when it happens. It seems to be specific to certain conversations, especially if they're in an instanced area. Probably the biggest offender has always been Jedi Consular's intercom when I talk with the members of the Rift Alliance, with Nadia Grell's face sticking out of senator Grell's chest like a xenomorph. I've been avoiding rerolling a Consular for the last year or so only because this glitch ruins the immersion so much.

  15. Oh yeah, and since I'm here, one more. I play a Sentinel currently and I seem to have gotten a bit too many Focuses as Heroic rewards (I'm only on Taris and so far I counted 3), which I doubt is intended in any way. I haven't checked if it's the same with Gunslingers and Mercenaries, but I wouldn't doubt it.
  16. Simply put, he doesn't charge forward, just sits on the same spot as when the fight started. Didn't work even when I used it manually. What comes next? Grappling Hook from under your nose! And then running all the 30 meters back to T7 just so you can land a few more hits because Knights certainly aren't ranged classes. Gets even more annoying if you're slowed down.
  17. In the EU Sidious can leave his body at will. Was capable of creating wormholes that could destroy entire planets. Was feeding off the life force of the billions of people on Biss. Capable of moving so quickly that Leia couldn't follow him with her eyes and force lightning strong enough to turn even other force users into ashes. Not to mention was a complete master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat. I think you underestimate EU Sidious severely.


    Well that just sounds like the greatest Gary Stu ever. Comparing these two makes no sense. Valkorion is inside his own canon, and even 3 thousand years apart from Palpatine. I'm not choosing a side here, though I'd be on Valkorion's. I just find these discussions redundant, and wanted to give my 2 cents.

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