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Posts posted by ForjKlahaa

  1. That's because they aren't supposed to blink. It's their physical feature.

    Check out octopuses, from which Nautolans are inspired.


    They absolutely blink. What's the use of eyelids otherwise?

    See for yourself


    And just because the wookiepedia LEGENDS article says they RARELY blink, any legends author can write whatever the hell they want about the species until is confirmed in canon which it isn't... They are fictional aliens. No biological argument is going prove your point that they shouldn't. Their entire biology is fantasy loosely based on how science works in our galaxy which doesn't have space magic.

  2. There are lots of ugly human faces but obviously a few classically smooth and pretty/handsome/heroic faces for both genders but it doesn't seem to be the case for nautolans. There is one acceptable head for males and I'm not crazy about it and none for the females in my opinion. But I am in the same boat with male twi'leks. Three heads with different normal maps and they are all bad.


    Beyond aesthetics, which are subjective, the heads are broken. They are either not rigged properly or they simply don't use animations that other species, and even the NPC version of the species, do. They don't even blink....EVER. They look like Halloween masks.


    One last thing is that the head shape doesn't really change at all when this body shape changes. A BT3-4 male has a tiny pin head and it looks ridiculous.


    It's all just sloppy and disappointing and kinda gross that they would sell the unlock for money when they are clearly unfinished. Why would you want to play as a character that is incapable of making facial expressions or performing necessary biological functions like shutting their eyes once in a while.

  3. If you can't wait for the fix, you can use a walker armour cell from the rep vendor if you have the shards and the rep (friendly) and it seems to fix the scaling issue even though it's just a 20% boost. I killed all three in one go with it no problems. You might be able to buy them on the GTN too. They are not character bound and they don't mention legacy bound on the tool tip.
  4. Not good enough when this was reported 3 weeks before launch !


    If they couldn’t fix it in time, it should have been in the known issues thread MUSCO made at launch. This is sloppy work.


    • PTS Patch causes game breaking bug.
    • Testers report game breaking bug.
    • Testers are ignored.
    • Patch goes live with bug. Players cannot play through the MAIN quest.
    • BW stays silent for days.
    • BW finally acknoledges the issue and basically says "Some time next week. Enjoy your weekend running heroics instead of playing through the story to get to the new content we just released or not playing at all!"
    • I finally get a response from CS:


    Hello ForjKlahaa,


    My name is Jobin. Thanks for contacting the Star Wars: The Old Republic customer service team concerning not able to complete chapter V.


    I’ve replied to your ticket in-game, you’ll find the answer below too.


    I apologize for the inconvenience caused our team is aware of the issue and there is no workaround at this point of time.


    You can check back on the details of this case, and all your other cases, in-game.


    Click on Request Help or press Ctrl and / to open your case history.




    Jobin S.


    Star Wars: The Old Republic™ Customer Service

    We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the following survey which will help us to continually improve our support!

    Survey Link


    I'm sure they wouldn't love to hear my feedback on customer support. I wasted XP boosts trying to compete that impossible content and the thousands in credits on repairs and all I asked for was a few measly XP boosts to cover the loss and that got ignored as if it isn't just digital crap that costs them nothing. All my characters are stuck (Now on chapter 7) but the one sentence response is basically a polite way of saying "Sucks to be you."


    What a mess.

  5. I found a fool proof work around for the Chapter 5 fight.


    All credit goes to Its_broken on Reddit


    Basically there is an alcove behind you and if you fire once to start the fight and then walk back into the alcove you cannot be targeted and all the droids will come to you and you can kill them without getting hit once. It's pretty slow going but it works.

  6. Well the work around didn't work for me because 20% extra health wasn't making a difference when piloting the colossus droid on Iokath and going down in 4 shots.


    I want my sub fee back. I can't play the game because I can't progress on any of my characters. I feel like swearing my arse off and getting banned because what does it matter if the devs just pretend like it's not happening or it's not a priority.

  7. This is disgusting. The whole point of the PTS is to find game breaking bugs. It was reported then and nothing was done. There is a work around using the walker armor cell you can buy from the rep vendor. However people who just got to Iokath this week like me cant get the the reputation level required (friend) because of the weekly rep cap. I cant even do the workaround until next week. I am literally done with this game.


    Thanks for posting the work around regardless. I will look to see if I have the rep but that doesn't help you and I'm not the greatest player in a walker so it might not even help me if it is still way over tuned.


    There needs to be a gold post in dev tracker. We need a timetable on a fix but I guess Musco is down for maintenance unless it about the Cartel Market.

  8. They've basically broken the story for any character over level 70 that attempts these chapters but what is worse is that this was reported multiple times on the PTS and not only was it not fixed, it wasn't even acknowledged and STILL hasn't even been acknowledged in the the Known Issues thread and my plea for help to customer service to has gone ignored.


    This should be your number one priority to fix because it breaks progression for every player who is 70+ in KOTET and that is basically everyone, old players and new. You took the servers down to hotfix people losing gear currency but without fixing, or acknowledging this problem, I literally cannot play the game!


    It's not just hard to complete it's impossible because of the messed up way level sync works when you are in a walker.


    I'm not really one to rage but this is unacceptable and BW doesn't even care enough to even respond.

  9. I'm not sure if I can even reply in this thread as I unsubbed last month.


    The only thing that keeps me coming back to this game is the amazing story and it's been so thin on the ground (a few minute (literally) here for a companion return and a few there to pad out a flashpoint.


    I basically need a big chunky xpac with several chapters to tempt me back and take all my characters through it. I realise that I might not be your targeted demo but it is what it is. I basically subbed non stop for years and spent a fortune on the CM as a solo player just consuming all the content. I really miss it.


    Sorry if that's not what you want to hear.

  10. Hello KEITH, MUSCO, ANYONE!!!


    This a crappy change to make (and not even tell anyone) and you know it. I just subbed again today on a whim and created a new warrior and I can't dye the academy shirt or whatever it's called dark red and black like I always do because.... reasons?


    There are so many simple and elegant pieces that are not dyeable because.... more unknown reasons (they dye perfectly well when colour-matched) but the work around was to do it in Outfit Designer and you took it away.


    Tell us WHY? Please don't keep ignoring this thread. Don't give me another reason to walk away from this game. If you can give us one good reason, we'll listen but it had better not be "We want people to purchase more CM gear so we had to make the cheap and easy to obtain gear a less attractive option."


    Seriously, stop making things worse for players. Just stop it. Please.

  11. I would appreciate feedback on which brown should be darkened to help inform that decision. I would also like to invite your input on what new colors you would like to see in game. We will draw from your suggestions and see what we can do to make more options available.


    I like the lighter brown but it's in the wrong place as the darker brown to the left (on the human slider) should take that place. Perhaps swap them or offer one free eye change to all characters created before a certain date (or make them free for a limited time.


    As for new eye colours, I would like to see a very light blue (like Senya and LS Arcann) and a light green that is more mossy coloured. The light blue particularly is very dark and desaturated for me and I don't want to go bright white as that looks unnatural.


    I'm a big fan of all the DS colours that have been introduced as permanent colours that aren't affected by your alignment so thank you for that. :)

  12. What happened to me was:


    I pressed Launch, transported to Odessen, met with Lana and the mission told me to complete the FP but I couldn't enter so I used the terminal and selected STORY and it let me in. I competed the whole damn thing which is a nightmare playing as a tank with a Lv1 DPS only to find my mission lof hasn't updated and no sign of Theron.


    Turns out I should have selected SOLO (which makes no effing sense) and then I had to do the whole thing again and I actually got the story beats and the cutscenes.


    So I had to do it twice.


    Seriously though, Umbara was bad as a tank and so is Copero. If you tank, you have micromanage the DPS comp, deal with all the mechanics yourself and try to keep them out of stupid AND top up their health with the kolto power ups... as well as trying to maintain aggro. I know I could have switched to DPS but I barely know that spec, I hate having to reset my bars and I didn't have the right gear on that toon.


    If I had set her to heal, I would have sailed through but everything would have taken 10 times longer.


    I never have this problem in the other SOLO FPs with the Bot.

  13. Aside from the obvious colour switches (my human warrior had yellow eyes and now they are.. green?), all of the eye colours are dark and drab. If I want light blue, my options are medium grey or bright white.


    I love that you added the DS colours BTW, but I would have preferred to have them look the way they did before. I kinda like the new multi-tone textures but they need brightening up so we can actually see the colour. At the moment, it's hard to tell the difference between all the browns/yellows/oranges.

  14. I've been desperate for these changes for ages. In particular:



    • More face options for Twi'leks, ESPECIALLY males who are all, let's face it, butt-ugly.
    • Eyebrows for male Twi'leks. Lore-wise some have them and some do not. Even if they can't grow them, as some posit, they can draw them on. All the eyebrows look drawn-on anyway. And who cares about lore? It's my game.
    • Eyebrows for Troguta. EVERY NPC female Togruta has eyebrows but our PCs don't. Please fix that.
    • Longer Lekku for male Togruta. Let us worry about the clipping with armour. The stubs look ridiculous.
    • Makeup for female Togruta so they can look like Ashara. Why does she get to look so glam and talk about how pretty she is and our PC has to walk around barefaced (and with no eyebrows no less).

  15. Given the current US regulatory climate, I think it's probably more likely (in the short term at least) to see Joe Camel make a comeback than to see Loot Crates banned.


    Regulatory changes, either through agencies or passing new laws, are the result of lobbying -- concerted efforts by organized interests pushing to see them passed. I certainly think plenty of game companies will band together to lobby against any such changes, but I'm skeptical we'll see the sort of organized push on the other side to make regulation happen (especially given the current disfavor for regulation in general). U.S. consumer advocacy groups have some 'bigger fish to fry' at the moment, not the least being the Net Neutrality news recently coming out.


    A state legislator in Hawaii (he's not a U.S. Congressperson) made some headlines for himself by jumping on the EA news (which made CNN and other nationwide outlets). Maybe he's got enough clout to push something through in Hawaii, and if so that could hopefully start to build some momentum behind greater transparency. But I think we are a long, long way from any sort of regulation on the federal level in the United States.


    This ^


    The law won't change because the industry that makes 100s of billions of dollars from these boxes doesn't want it to change. The men with the most money make the laws. One state legislator complaining won't change anyone's mind on Capitol Hill if Industry lobbyists carry on making "campaign contributions" to the right people.

  16. wow....thats a lot more complicated than any of the other classes. I have a Sith warrior and Inquisitor, bounty hunter and smuggler (though I rarely play him as the combat is just as boring as IA) and I can play those characters with one arm behind my back and still get a good amount of dps from them.


    Sorry if I made it seem more complicated than it is. It really isn't. You're mainly pressing two keys if you are one target. It's just lac, lac, lac, shiv, lac, lac, lac and then the only other things you have to worry about is keeping your DoT up, and using backstab and volatile substance on cooldown. Obviously there's more to it when you need to be mobile or CC a target or heal yourself but when you're behind a boss with a healer and a tank, the rotation is quite boring. In solo play everything dies really quickly. For tougher heroics the tools are there is you want to use them but it's not really mandatory.


    There are much tougher classes with way more active abilities and buffs you have to watch don't drop off or certain abilities that you should only use under a certain buff so you have to delay it and come up with something else. The tactical advantage mechanic is just like the rage/focus mechanic but it has a smaller maximum. You use one ability to build it up and another ability to spend it. Energy management isn't an issue unless you're trying to use everything on your bar at once to burn down a target and if that happens you have a cooldown to deal with that.


    Edit: I should add that for me, it's part of the playstyle of concealment that you're zipping from one target to the next, killing, swapping, killing, swapping. It's part of the fun. If you want a zerg spec where everything just dies in your AoE, go with marksmanship, set your comp to tank and just use suppressive fire on everything. The single target rotation is a bit more complicated than concealment but if you just want to play though the IA story, you can basically press anything and the target will die in a few global cooldowns. If you want to play that spec better, I'm not the best one to ask, but there is a good guide here.

  17. I have a level 14 (sorry, not a power leveler type, I play and level slowly) Sith Assassin on Begeren Colony server, with a very obscure and unique name that I put a lot of thought into. My character name WAS Xodar.


    Apparently someone else got to keep that name (and I'm not angry with them at all, the fact that they also used the name means they are a fan of similar fiction).


    Still, it was shocking and annoying.


    I'm a bit of an RP-type player, so I've got to come up with another character (probably change race) and a new name for a new character.


    I figure the least you guys could do is credit EVERYONE who had a 'forced name change' with the server migration the # of Cartel Coins required for a character name change.


    You can get a brand new character up to 14 in less than an hour and the name change was free. I'm not totally against BW giving away a small amount of CC to everyone as a gesture of goodwill for those who have been inconvenienced by the merge but you're not really making a case for it here.

  18. So I recently started playing an concealment IA and I constantly seem to find all my abilities constantly being unable to be used i.e running out of energy or whatever it is way too quick and having to rely on the default ability. This never happened on any of my other chars and always have all my other abilities ready.


    Am I doing something wrong?


    At low levels, laceration is mainly what you'll be using to do damage and not much else. This consumes tactical advantage, so the basics are:


    Single target: backstab from stealth, lacerate until you can't, shiv, lacerate until you can't, overload shot if you have the energy or rifle shot until shiv is ready, shiv, then lac lac lac, shiv, lac, lac lac etc. If you think the fight will last long enough to make a difference, use corrosive dart at the beginning to apply a weak-ish DoT. Refresh this if it falls off.


    Multiple targets: backstab from stealth, toxic haze, lac, shiv, lac, shiv etc. I don't recommend carbine burst because the damage is really poor, it's hard to aim right and it uses too much energy. It's quicker and easier with trash just to kill them one by one.


    Basically you want always be spending your TA on lacerate and when you have none you want to get it back with shiv. Backstab also grants TA. Toxic haze (which requires TA also) will incapacitate and CC a group of standard enemies (and apply a damage-over-time) so you can pick them off one by one and get out of the fight without being hit. On low level planets in decent gear, one lacerate will one-shot a standard enemy. It hits pretty hard. If you're moving from group to group, you might still have TA from the last fight so you can use toxic haze straight away from stealth and then backstab, so you go straight into lac without having to shiv.


    Overload shot hits hard but drains so much energy that it is only worth it if the fight's about to be over or you have a lot of energy. I rarely use it early game except to finish someone off.


    If you set your comp to tank you can also use backstab on cooldown, to do a lot of damage and gain TA. If they heal however you won't be able to get behind the enemy until you get crippling slice at around level 40, which will stop them from turning for 4 seconds so you can run behind to backstab them. This is a good way to fill up your shiv/lac downtime - shiv doesn't take very long to come back up and should be ready after 2 GDCs. You can also use debilitate and flashbang to get behind the enemy to get in an extra backstab or two but they both have pretty long cooldowns.


    Eventually, you will get volatile substance which is basically like putting a poison bomb in them which goes off after a few seconds causing massive damage. Apply this at the beginning of the fight and reapply on cooldown. It will be your hardest hitting ability.


    If an enemy is ranged outside the main group, use fragmentation grenade to knock him down until you can run up to him to kill him. Only standard enemies will be knocked down but it still does damage in the meantime. Later, you'll be using holo-traverse and exfiltrate to quickly get to ranged enemies but frag grenade is still useful if either is on cooldown or your enemies are ranged far apart. Don't use frag grenade in melee range as it costs too much and the damage isn't worth it.


    If you need TA in a hurry > stim boost.

    If you need energy in a hurry > adrenaline probe


    If you are doing heroics where there is one or more elites/champions, take one of them out with sleep dart from stealth and kill the others first before tackling him. Do not use toxic haze or any AoE or you will break the stun and wake him up. A tank comp also has an AoE they will use that will wake him up so if you really need to keep him out of the way, use a healer or turn off that ability (which kinda gimps them). If this happens, use debilitate and then flashbang when it wears off to give you some breathing room.


    You don't really need to worry about self healing in solo content but if you need to heal in a pinch, if you don't have TA, use stim boost > kolto infusion. If you have TA, use KI first then stim boost to get back in the fight. The only other healing ability I really use is toxic scan which will cleanse most effects but I use it mostly to get out of any slows as you always want to be moving.


    Didn't mean to write so much. Hope this helps.

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