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Posts posted by Deavastro

  1. Hi, I have been playing SWTOR for about 3 years and have some experience in nearly all forms of the game. However I have never been attempted Prog raiding. So.... I would like to experience that aspect of the game with a good guild.


    What I have to offer is


    1) Knowledge of game tips and tricks (be it achievement farming spots to how to earn creds efficiently)

    2) Multiple toons at level 70 with ability to switch specs based on fights (Currently have 1 of each jug/sin/sage/sniper/merc and their pub version at level 70)

    3) A good understanding of all 3 roles ( I have successfully tanked, healed and dpsed all bosses in the game in one mode or another)

    4) A decent level of PvP skill (while arena matches are my bane I have yet to have an objective I guard be stealth capped)

    5)A good GSF player (as it is currently one of the best ways to earn command ranks I can help players improve in this game mode)



    What I am looking for in a guild


    1) Helpful members (as I do not have much experience in the prog raiding aspect I would appreciate constructive criticism)

    2) Patience


    Dps parses can be provided if required. Raid times are flexible for me.

  2. NON STEALTH characters to STOP following stealth or go to node/pylons stealth are at. cause those idiots will pull people to were the stealth is and ruin any element of surprise said stealth has..


    So much this.... dunno how many times a game winning cap (knowing guard has used cc breaker and going for a sap cap) has been stopped due non stealths following me around and then fighting on the node, at least be a bloody distraction and fight them turned away from the node/door.


    I had drama time yesterday.


    Hammerstation, a VERY fragile group ... Me, level 63, then, another one level 40, two around level 20-28, as far as I can remember this, the Assassin Tank was level 28.


    We wiped several times, the level 40 one only spoke English despite being on an German-language server, and seemingly I was the one with the best knowledge of this FP ... Story-Mode, of course.


    We wiped several times, but the ones who died most of the time were the ones with the lowest levels. The level 40 Marauder was a bit too fast in attacking everything, but seemed to know the FP to a part quite well, too.


    The drama went in when suddenly, after several wipes and several deaths of the lowest level characters the tank started a voting to get the level 40 out, because of "not adhering to the group rules", or so I understood it.


    To me, everything looked like hard work, but doable, so I didn't vote at all. The Level 40 was a bit flabbergasted, and then started a vote to get the tank out. Again, I did not vote.


    My knowledge told me that these groups are *extremely* fragile, but still oable. And it really turned out to be so.


    Both low-levels still wanted to get the level 40 Marauder (complete with Tulak Hord's armor) out, but I really thought that he did his job relatively well, although not perfect. I have seen sooooo many wipes and fragile group compositions like this, that I was not at all convinced that this FP was not doable with this composition. I rather saw the problem with both low-level chars, which I had to heal with my Mercenary, too. ( I normally don't play imp side classes, I just did so for the DL Event.)


    We actually made it. As I said before, several wipes, and in the very last fight one of the lower levels died early, but I knew how to deal with the adds and the other two beat the main boss in the end.


    I still suspect that the level 40 was a bit undergeared, and I myself was surprised how much my own char's health could drop at times ( yes, my char died a few times, too ! :D )


    I didn't inspect everyone in the end, because I was simply glad it was over.


    My own biggest mistake was that I had completely forgotten that I could take out Droids with my Mercenary, too.


    I have noticed a slight tendency to carry low-level people through FPs in the recent times. :D ( Or, like this time, rather "drag" people through an FP. :D )

    I think I should rename myself into "Carry-Bear" now. :D





    Looks to me the problem wasn't the groups ability to do the content it's that the sin tank was trying to fulfill his class role against ougeared/outleveled players and with little help from the mara (in the mara's defense looks like he was following the mara's 10 commandments). Was the sin tank tank taunting adds off you guys? If so the guy is commendable and somewhat stupid cause I would follow the rules of "you pull it you tank it".

    You mention that you had trouble with the lowbie's since you had to heal them, but you also mention that the mara was attacking things quite fast. Do I take it to mean that he was not waiting for his group members to heal up? If so maybe take issue with the mara who probably had better gear/def cd's to mitigate the damage but wasn't patient for the low levels.

  4. Exactly. Had this situation lately. Friend of mine (sorc healer) is stuck in blood hunt hm @Shae Viszla. The useless juggernaut tank keeps dying, I ask her wether the tank was outranging the flamethrower: of course not. One dps leaves, I list and join (great thing about low population servers is one can join gf groups). Officially I'm dps, though I brought my tank equip - just in case. I cautiously ask wether I should tank... No: the tank insists it knows what it's doing. Well then...

    Naturally, the juggernaut still dies within 30 seconds of the fight sleeping in lava, so I switch to dark charge and tank the mob between 8 and 10 meters range. B-Rez, juggernaut instantly taunts with ~25% hitpoints, gets charged, eats a flamethrower, dies. The other dps appears to be doing nothing anyway (at least it doesn't die), so I let my dots wear off, vanish, tell my friend to kite Shae away and stealth-rez the juggernaut. It immediately taunts, gets charged, eats another flamethrower and dies again.

    Alright, I had actually expected something like this and exchanged my focus for a shield generator prior to re-entering combat, so I switch back to dark charge and tank her at ~9m (outranging her flamethrower) until the next B-Rez four minutes later. Juggernaut has 30 second timer, then gets up during a fire wheel... drops to the ground instantly. Shae does the same shortly after.

    Healer tells me she was doing damage the whole time the "tank" lay on the floor where it belonged. Obvious lesson: Movement > [Gear + Discipline + Rotation]

    Let's hope the juggernaut took note. It left without a comment.


    To be fair nearly every boss in the game is tanked at melee range and whenever you do have to tank at range you are given warnings, where as vizla does her flame thrower without warning(and not interuptable like the 2nd boss on false emperor). I only discovered tanking at range is the way to beat her after checking damage taken on starparse..... so maybe tell the tank to tank at range when you entered the fp since you already knew he wasn't doing so. Just my 2 cents.

  5. Isn't it just a get out of jail (semi) free card for pvp like the knockback with root or bubble stun? Its not a must have utility but is an easy way to put some range between you and a pesky melee dps(the only type of dps I enjoy playing so I'm gonna love this utlity).
  6. I don't know if you are already doing this. but you should send someone to activate the turrets when you start the fight for extra dps. Then drag the boss between the 2 barrels at the front of the room. As long as you don't mess up the timing their respawn timers are generally good enough for you to just keep using those 2. Finally wait for frenzy and shield buff both to be on the boss before using barrels.
  7. if you're going to TDM at least be good at it. None of this 800dps nonsense.


    Pretty much this. If youre good at TDM go nuts, I don't mind doing 0 damage ,while you guys are running around their spawn, and scoring all the objective points. Only TDM'ers I (and I assume other objective players) dislike are the ones who are bad and need 4v1 situations to get high numbers.

  8. I don't get why the TDM'ers are getting defensive about this topic, no objective player is telling you to stop farming kills, the problem is when you are farming kills at the expense of the objective or if you are just bad at TDM'ing but insist on doing it anyway.

    Examples : 6-7 players at the top of quesh huttball chasing the odd enemy player while I try to grab and keep a ball from 4-5 of their objective players ( who can also farm kills effectively).

    Keep dying on mid in AH instead of coming to help me stall a cap on their pylon against 3 players.


    If you are good at TDM'ing then by all means go ahead, most of the fights should be done near objectives so 9/10 times you focusing on kills is a benefit to the team. However if what you mean by being good is running around in a group(whether preamde or just random TDM'ers) killing enemies when they are by themselves and struggling when the enemy team counters your group.... then why not give playing objectives a try


    By the way I make no judgements about bad players, I'm personally an average player hence why I play the objectives.

  9. Well said Despon.


    The same old arguments have been going on in GSF for the past 2 years. No amount of bickering or name calling is going to change the fact that people have different opinions on the issues. I wish there was a sticky post that outlined them so that we wouldn't have to keep repeating the same things over and over.



    1. "Spawn Camping" in TDM - some say it's unfair and unsportsmanlike, others explain that it's the only true way for scouts to counter gunship/bomber balls before they can set up. Also there are 3 spawn points so why not pick the one that isn't being camped?


    2. Gunship + Bomber ball in TDM - some say it's unfair and ruins the fun of the game, others explain how it's fun to play because it makes it a lot easier to have strong teamwork. Ironically the people who complain about (1) also complain about (2).


    3. Flying in premades - some say it's unfair and it's killing the queue, others explain how they enjoy playing the game with friends, flying with coordination/teamwork, and avoid missing pops.


    4. Bomber spam and bomber ticking in DOM - some players say this is "lame" or "cheap" while other players explain that it is easily countered with ion AoE and some BLC scouts and just a little bit of coordination/teamwork. Ironically the people that complain about (3) also complain about (4).


    5. Three capping in DOM - some say it's unsportsmanlike and prevents the other side from getting ship requisition, others say they would never want a pity satellite and they would rather the game end sooner so they can move on. Taking it even further, some people believe you actually give the other team more of a chance to gain requisition if you spread your 8 players across defending 3 satellites (2.6 players per sat) instead of 8 players defending 2 satellites (4 players per sat).



    People are going to disagree on these 5 issues. If you can understand and accept that, it will result in a lot less tears and wasted arguments. You are not going to change my opinions and I am going to continue to play the way I want.


    Question, If you are in a match against team composed of 50% or more new pilots (2 ships on bar/ known new pilots) do you think you should employ methods 1,2,4?

    As for 5, I am of the opinion if its a comfortable 3 cap win (1000 - <100 scoreboard type match) you should leave A and C unguarded, let them cap and then *****slap them hard to cap it back.

    3) One premade can be bad(depending on individual skill level) but hardly a queue killer in an of itself, even if it were I would not want them to split up just so I could win a match. A preamde in a stacked faction (or simply just a stacked faction) such that every match is around 7-8 veteran pilots vs 1-2 veteran pilots? maybe then someone should switch.

  10. Instead of just one event why not have a number of 'em at the same time? ie: If you have 4 events played at the same time.

    1)A medal heavy match (Based on what caederon posted)

    2)Someone being catnip (Something along the lines of drako/eudoxia b'day specials)

    3)Most assists (Would be fun spamming ion canon on my rycer, but disallow player using quarrel/mangler from participating in this event)

    4)Veteran with new pilot (I really like this idea but I dunno how to make it so people don't try to cheat by just having 2 veterans with one of them rolling an alt)


    Then limit the number of events a player can participate in (ie: 2 ). Probably will be more of a hassle to coordinate though.

  11. Yet you accuse GSFers of scaring players away.


    Jeezus, maybe I worded my post wrong, I wasn't accusing anyone of anything. In fact I was praising the gsf aces for contributing to making the gsf community much better than the ground pvp community.


    I wonder which server you fly on. I really do, no sarcasm here.


    Harb, mainly but I do fly around on other servers.


    What would you do in order to keep fresh blood in the game?


    I have no idea, thats why I posed my post in the form of a question. Obviously better matchmaking or a odessen style gsf map would alleviate faction balancing, thought it would just be a band-aid at best. The best idea I can think of would be implementing cross server so that gsf would have a decent enough population to have lowbie/midbie/endgame brackets. However those are stuff that devs should consider, I have no idea what more players can do to help retain new pilots.

  12. GSF is has no weekly limit for f2p/pref.


    Also while I don't agree with experienced players going easy on new pilots, do they have a responsibility to make it a more inviting game mode? For example the gsf aces are head and shoulders above their ground pvp counterparts in regards to trying to demean/embarrass the opposition(or maybe i just never met too many ***** of gsf). However is there more that can be done in terms of not turning off players after their first couple of games?

  13. I would agree about winning should be rewarded, but near the first week of DvL I heard a guild discussing throwing a game cause half of the enemy team were their friends/guildmates. I agree that medals are a poor gauge of contribution to team, but at least everyone who earns a medal has to do something worthwhile for the team, even if it is just dropping a repair probe on a sat and grinding out a savior medal.
  14. Hah of course I'm hitting adds, stuns, aoe taunt to heal/grab aggro, cleanse debuff when possible, and whatever else I'm supposed to do(that I know of). I'm an average tank not totally new :). The issue remains for me I cant pay too much attention to what other people are doing.

    Hmm ill give it a shot applying kinetic wards on cd... though that goes against everything people told me about shadow tanking.

  15. To prevent new players who'll go the route of being suicider's, ticks (or just bring in the good ol' pvp trash talk of the ground game and do nothing else), is it possible to tie the galactic command rewards to medals rather than matches played/won? This way even the worse/newest player would be incentivised to at least get on a legion to farm a savior medal. Drop drones so they don't get kicked for not contributing to damage. In a way contribute to the team without actually doing much..... and who knows somewhere along the line maybe they'll get hooked on gsf as well.


    Yes I realize I'm trying to put a positive spin on bomber spam. Ummm idea may need work.

  16. The problem for me, as a tank, is that I rarely can figure out what went wrong when we do wipe. Sure I can tell if I'm taking too much damage or if I'm not taunting the boss back fast enough. However I cant spare much attention to how fast the adds hp drop, how well the heals are coping, how much stupid are the dps standing in etc. Maybe I just lack awareness, I do main a shadow tank so looking at buff bar at the wrong time can be a b****.


    Surprisingly while my main is a shadow tank I've only had about 5/20 successful runs it for blood hunt., while on my (flashpoint geared) jug tank 9/10...


    I dunno if its possible but if they made combat logs available to the group so I could tell what the weak link(s) is/are it would be a massive help. I am aware of the pitfalls that would happen by implementing that... still I think its worth it.


    I could of course just check achieves/gear but I've had players in sub par gear and either cause they were getting carried or they just knew their class we one shot everything. I've also had players who keep flashing nim achieves who i wouldn't trust to dps EV 1st boss. As for going over each mechanic in painstaking detail.... I'm kinda burnt out on that after explaining the Manan bonus fight 25 times.

  17. Not that I haven't been in matches with bomber spam, buuut its mostly a response of below avg-above avg players to counter aces on the opposing team. ie if you are facing alot of bomber spam its probably cause of you/your reputation.

    The other case of bomber spam I see is not about the number of bombers but the inadequacies of the pilots/ships on the other side being unable to kill the bombers fast enough.

    Basically its a matter of team balancing (as is most problems). Ganging up to hunt down those flying bombers may not be the solution thats required. Despoon try running a lesser known alt, you'll probably face less bomber spam matches.


    This is based on my experience as an avg pilot flying about 5-7 matches a day on various times, multiple toons, on both factions for over a 6 months.

  18. To quote a certain politician "HUGE" engine. I'm not an ace pilot or play the meta too much, but I have had no trouble with killing stuff flying my rycer/star guard. Nor surviving enemy fire long enough to LOS an enemy ship and wait for backup. What does piss me off are enemy gunships and scouts invading our territory who manage to out run me when I start hounding them. I wouldn't mind if my strikes a were a bit slower in comparison to scouts if my engines allowed me to chase them to the ends of the earth (as long as I fly well). This may make strikes a viable counter to ion railgun walls. Never done this test before but I would expect in a race between a scout and a strike, the strike should be able to travel a significantly greater distance than a scout by the time strike runs out of engine power(before any engine upgrades on either ship).

    To reiterate I'm not an ace, nor have I read much of the posts in this thread so if there's a reason why bigger engines are a dumb idea would appreciate it if you could direct me to a post explaining why.

  19. There is not enough people in the queue to support a split que of pre-mades vs. pre-mades and pugs vs. pugs for one thing, and you can't punish people for grouping with others in a MMO..


    Would the queues be so damaged if we impose a new matchmaking condition saying "if one team has a premade the other team must have a premade of equivalent size" ?

    Why does it have to be premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs. I enjoy a fair competition, having a tank on my team I can pass a huttball to, a healer I can guard so that they can keep the rest of the team up. I dont have to be a part of their premade group but I can help out in implementing their strats.

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