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Posts posted by Budderderrange

  1. Well, you can't fix stupid or impatience. And in your case it sounds like the group would rather not take the chance of a longer queue due to impatience than have a smoother and more enjoyable run.


    Along your story, I was playing my healer once and couldn't figure out how this tank was taking so much damage. He was in the right spec (he was a shadow and I main a shadow/assassin tank) from what it looked like. Then I looked at his gear and he had no tanking gear on.... now even a shield generator. I asked him if he could get into his tanking gear.... he replied back with "I am". Needless to say I dropped group.


    What level were they? Now you can get tank gear as low as level 17, and an adaptive shield at 7 at the old Tython vendor.

  2. The problem is that it's a AoE cc attached to a ability that a sorc will use on himself nearly constantly anyways. For melee classes it basically a case of either A) you let the sage freecast and you get wrecked or B) you try to stop the sage but get CC'ed everytime you close the gap.


    Also Lightning shouldn't have it anymore than any other sage spec since all the sage specs have amazing kiting abilities to begin with. Seriously sages are already a hardcounter to the 4m classes, and bubblestun just makes it stupid, especially since that kind of CC is extremely frustrating to the melee since it's literally something that can't counter in any way.


    2 words for you. Glass Cannon. After a few abilities (lightsaber throw, force choke, project, etc.) that have a 10+ meter ranged on a melee guy, the bubble simply breaks.

  3. This attitude ticks me off so much. Yes there are some DPS that are straight dumb. But I really flipping hate tanks that assume that since they are the sole determent of flashpoint pops that therefore everyone must grovel before their every whim.


    I'm sick and tired of waiting hours for a pop just to get some mediocre tank that plays and behaves in a manner that would have earned a instant votekick if he had been a DPS, but since he is a tank nobody will argue with him.


    Yes, just yes. 1 time I tried to initiate a votekick because we have a powertech in tank stance but dps spec. I explained to him first but said ''l2p nob lol''. After that, before a boss fight, he went afk for 10 mins, so we started the fight without him. We won, but the other said I was the one that started the battle. Ended up me being kicked.

  4. It's a L2P issue that is not exclusive to Marauders.. As I pointed out Juggs have Force charge as well. Again, this is an issue of an individual player mentality. People who play a certain class aren't monolithic.


    I haven't seen juggenauts leap in front of the tanks, only ones that do something to start battles before tanks are operatives that go to stealth behind the target.

  5. I've recently purchased Treek for my whole account, and noticed that her tooltip says:


    X'ekra Stance

    Rank 23


    Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.


    Treek enters a protective combat stance, increasing threat generation by 100% and shield chance by 20%, and taunting enemies whenever possible and necessary.


    She doesn't come with a taunt, and her ''quickbar'' is full.


    Is it a hidden ability or what?

  6. Korriban is actually not as important for the things about the Padawan, so I'll skip that.


    You have to go to Dromund Kaas. On Kaas you have to get this guy frozen in carbonite from a hangar in Kaas City with Lanklin. He is a Republic spy and knows about the network of spies that Baras has made, and knows even more about the Jedi Padawan (Jaesa) that has discovered all these spies with her special power. Well because this guy isn't saying anything you have to get this "Ravager" thing out of the Dark Temple, which will empty his mind so that he will say everything. He says what he knows: that there's a spy on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa, and because Baras asks about the Padawan the spy states she was trained on Tatooine and her homeworld is Alderaan. Then you get your own starship from Baras and you are send to Balmorra.


    So: you need the spy because you want to know what the Republic's learned.

    The spies are Commander Rylon (on Balmorra) and Agent Dellocon (on Nar Shaddaa).

    You want to kill the Padawan because she threatens Baras' network of spies in the Republic.


    Hope this will clear things up! :)


    Massive spoiler. Clear it up please.

  7. Oh look another troll and the classic accusation that DAE FORCE LEAP MOBS.


    People who do that are in every class. As a tank here's what I more likely experience than a Mara jumping into the frey before me: Snipers firing before anyone is in range. Mercs firing first, Jugg force charging (not often), PT DfA on any mob in sight, Sorc FS spam beforehand, Sin having to spike everything first, Ops as well, and other crap. It's players not the class.

    You Maras? Lol what do you mean you people? Most of us play other classes so this is an absurd persumption.


    Please think before you post such drivel.


    I'll admit, I came off as too harmful here. I'll explain like this:


    Group just finished battle with low health, the marauder (also low health) leaps to the enemies without time to regen health.

  8. I know I'm not the only one that has complained, but seriously, Marauders and Sentinels are starting fights with mobs without giving the rest of the group time to heal up. You guys really need to L2P, let the mechanics flow as they're supposed to. You're dps, nothing else.
  9. The title says it all... While this doesn't worry me that much... I'm seeing lots of rage about it in the general thread section...

    Bio, stop ignoring your pvp players... Haven't you given the PVE community enough already this year... It's not like making a new WZ is as hard as programming boss mechanics and a whole world... Most of the requests from the pvp community could be easily implemented... Ie ranked 8 man... Better queue systems... And a new WZ or 2... I'm sure that would require half as much time to do as adding new PVE content...


    Cross server ques maybe?


    I have an idea for a new warzone, simply stacking kills, 4v4, first one to 50 kills wins.

  10. I want to purchase some things account wide but I don't see the option anywhere. Am I missing it? Is there a box somewhere to click or something? Any help would be appreciated.


    You can only do this with cartel market items.(need to be on a player WITHOUT the item already unlocked, hence, the one that did not equip it first) Steps are:


    1.- Open inventory.

    2.- Open Collections at the bottom.

    3.- Scroll down until you see the item category (armor, crystals, mount, pet, etc).

    4.- Flip through the pages to find the item.

    5.- When you've found it, click it and press the icon at the bottom left corner.

    6.- Purchase.

  11. I am sick and tired of the imbalance in this game, yes marauders are bad but that is only pre lv 45 after that are completely unstoppable and BROKEN!!! They are following the lead of Vanguards/Power techs by coming to the forums and fabricating parse sheets and information to trick bioware into thinking they are under performing and NOT nerfing them!


    Look! Here I have proof! I was pvping in regs on harbinger and JUST take a look at the match results! lookith!




    Look at the measly damage I did!? Obviously they are resposible and must be nerfed! if there were more people to kill my damage would have been hire but they stole ALL the kills!


    These people are disgusting! I worked hard to read every toturial available about darkness assassin only to be out done by keyboard,face smashing; booty scratching monkeys in pseudo fotm classes and I WON'T have it 1 second more! As of now I am cancelling my sub until this issue is rectified!


    FURTHERMORE! I will not tolerate any desrespect from anyone in this topic concerning issues of:


    1. L2P Issues- because I KNOW my rotation it's: shock, wither ,discharge, melee attack then face to face maul then fully procced force lightening plus recklessness ,rinse and repeat so please close your mouth thank you very much.


    2. Trolling - the picture is there and so is the evidence so no one can say I lied SEE FOR YOURSELF!


    3. LOL noob - I have been playing this game for 2 years and have 2 characters each with a total of 100 VALOR POINTS so I know what I am doing so please shut up!


    Please nerf Marauder by increasing the CD of force leap by 10 seconds , removing ravage root and stealth (their not a stealth class! why do they have this?) and reduce overall damage by 20% and then maybe I'd be satisfied, MAYBE.


    Failure to meet my demands will result in my permanent retirement from this MMO. IMMEDIATELY!


    Few things to tell you:


    Marauders and Snipers are SUPPOSED to be the highest parsing. They're a dps only class.


    You're darkness right? If I'm not mistaken, that's the tank spec, you will always deal less dmg than dps specs, at least in most cases.


    Canceling your subscription is barely $15 less for BW/EA per month


    100 valor points across 2 characters? I sure hope you mean levels...


    Marauders don't have stealth, it's just the animation.


    Their force leap is basically their opener, nerfing it by a whopping 10 secs would bring inbalance.


    Reducing overall dmg? seems fair. 20% no. 1-5% would be fine, but 20% man, geez, it's already hard enough to level one, let alone have a tough one in this case.


    You say you won't tolerate disrespect, then why are you a troll? It's clear enough, from your ''rotation'' you're not using taunts. That's a measly 1.4K in protection, are you taunts 2 seconds long?


    EDIT: Frankly, I'd be more concerned about that 1 million dmg dealing Juggernaut... with WAY more protection rating than you.

  12. Hello all,


    Returning player here, been on and off since launch and when I logged back in today there's something off with playing. Its kinda hard to describe so bear with me.


    It's almost like a lag problem but lag meter is fine. What I'm noticing is that I'm hitting keys on my mouse (Razer MMO mouse) that are keyed to the bars but for some reason they don't always respond. I played with the time interval for the ability queuing feature but that doesn't do anything. I wind up having to hit a key a second time to activate the function which causes a noticeable delay. Where combat used to be smooth it's now halting. It also seems to be 'skipping' too,like some animations or skills. At first I thought it was the zone (Belsavis) but noticed it on another character in a different zone with a different class. Server seems stable (ebon hawk)


    Looked into the mouse and no problem with other games (like Wow) only SWTOR. The problem is subtle but noticeable. Did one of the expansions change something majorly with combat mechanics or something else?


    Any insight you can provide would be great. Thanks for reading.




    That's 3.0 for you, especially Belsavis, Tatooine and Alderaan. 3.0 is a lagfest.

  13. New Masterful Utility:


    Defensive Training

    Reduce the cooldown of your Saber Ward by 60 seconds. In addition, your Saber Ward does the following:

    Juyo: Heal for 60% of you max HP over the duration

    Ataru: Increase the force and tech reduction by 15%

    Shi-cho: Reflect x% damage back to attacker for its duration


    gist of it is, marauders need a complete rework of our utilities list, these are ideas that i think will address our issues for survivability + Up time on targets reliably


    This is stuff we need, but bioware will never care about our suggestions.


    60% is too much. 50%-55% seems good. Along with a 20% armor increased passive?

  14. And once again, and we keep saying this over and over, there is no "best," and if there ever is you can be sure BW will nerf it after you get used to it. As we have seen recently for Powertech and Lightning Sorcerer, no spec is permanent and as soon as someone complains, the devs will dumb down the spec rather than tell the players to L2P. Powertech lost its unload ability completely and Lightning had its Power Storm cut by half, both high-scoring DPS abilities.


    The damage decreased is more than half. Bioware did this for 1 easy reason, money, they were getting a lot of complaints about people who were going to cancel their subscription if sorcs weren't nerfed... we were nerfed HARD.


    I don't know why and how we have these... ''developers'', they try to bring ''balance''. I imagine a BW meeting like this:


    Hey! how are (insert op class at the moment)?

    Dealing 4K in a parse.

    Nerf them hard. How about (insert op class at the moment)?



  15. So I haven't played agent/bounty hunter and was wondering which is better at dps. My choices have come to both advance classes of the bounty hunter and sniper.


    ''Durr, depends on your playstyle, durp''


    No, that's what parsers are for.


    If you do some searching around Dulfy, you'll see that some classes deal more damage than others.


    Innovative Ordnance Mercenary is the highest parsing, though Virulence Snipers have also shown some nice numbers. Innovative Ordnance has a very complicated rotation, Virulence is easy. Innovative Ordnance uses fire and 2 pistols, Virulence uses poison and a sniper.


    Innovative Ordnance Mercenary all the way.

  16. Just considering that almost every pvp advice thread or whatever I've seen suggests using predation over any other fury consumer in just about every situation, I don't find fury on the whole to be very exciting. Maybe if different abilities cost a different amount of fury, or if there were things that interacted with fury in a different way (more damage or more healing at higher stacks or something) it would feel more interesting but currently it seems to work out as essentially being a cooldown on predation.


    Give this man a cookie. I've also seen many, many threads saying ''predation is love, predation is live, never use Berserk''. It's our only self heal (and a very bad one at that) or our highest rage producing ability, or maybe even the source of alacrity for some.

  17. Hello!


    I've been thinking of this thread since yesterday (was also gonna include Sorcs/Sages, but they got balanced), though never got the chance to post it. Here are some tips that COULD help Marauders/Sentinels




    Dark Training (Passive, level 10) Increases your armor rating by 20%, and your damage reduction by 5%.




    Light Warden (Passive, level 10) Increases your armor rating by 20%, and your damage reduction by 5%.




    Protective Cloak (Passive, level 15) Cloak Of Pain now heals you for 5% health every 2 seconds while it is active.




    Turn The Tide (Passive, level 15) Rebuke now heals you for 5% health every 2 seconds while it is active.




    Strengthening Smash (Passive, level 14) Smash heals you for XXX-XXX per enemy around. (Small amount per).




    Inspiring Sweep (Passive, level 14) Smash heals you for XXX-XXX per enemy around. (Small amount per).




    Hold Pain (Ability, level 20) Reduces damage taken by 50%-0% progressively. Each second makes the damage reduction smaller by 5%, lasts 10 seconds.




    Remember Training (Ability, level 20) Reduces damage taken by 50%-0% progressively. Each second makes the damage reduction smaller by 5%, lasts 10 seconds.



    That's about all I can think of, hope you guys agree with me, we're missing self heals...

  18. Hello,

    I've been playing on my commando, so far so good, nearly have my droid companion (tank). So I was wondering where I could purchase motors, parts, cores and sensor units. All general chat was able to tell me is:


    -GTN. They're either for sky-high prices, or not there.

    -My ****. Do they even fit there?

    -***** ***** ** ** ****. Okay...

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