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Posts posted by Vollezar

  1. It happened a couple of times before but I thought I was just mistaken. It happened again today and I am sure I am not nuts.

    Today I sold 12 items on GTN. By the time I logged in back into the game I received payment for 6 of the items. There were still 6 mails sitting in my box telling me that within an hour I should get money for the rest. I decided to play another character so I logged the other character. Played for a couple of hours, sent the crew to do their thing and logged back into the first toon. Checked my mail and there is nothing there. No payment. Not even the mail that I left in the box with information that payment is coming. The items are also gone from my sale list.

  2. I get massive lag input and sometimes commands do not work at all. My companions stop healing me and sometimes just stand there and even NPCs won't react to them. I can't even finish the Heroic missions for the alliance because of this and the fact that no matter what I do the bosses concentrate solely on my companions.

    Sometimes I am standing right in front of the target but it does not register so I can't attack while taking fire.


    Every other flashpoint and heroic works just fine. I did 4 or 5 random heroics yesterday and they went smoothly. As soon as I go into star fortress everything goes haywire.


    Also is it intentional that companions are dismissed every time you go through a door?

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