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Posts posted by Blind-Defender

  1. Am I alone in thinking that it's not at all exciting method of dropping breadcrumbs of information during Cantina Tour to selected few and then see it trickle via random podcast, eventually to Reddit for more attention and then finally here to general discussion is just ********? Does someone think it's in some way "cool" or more efficient way of communicating?


    If the information is solid, given by a staff member to create some buzz through the community, I would claim it would be more efficient for a developer or community manager to post a new thread to general discussion and Reddit at the same time -or God forbid; create a news item on the swtor.com landing page.


    No disrespect, but this method of leaking crumbs is just (again) ******** way of communicating -even thought the staff might not be too liable for what they say on Cantina Tour. Not being liable could be achieved by a disclaimer on a post here or Reddit too. Just.. omg *** bmw.

    Dev-community relations have always been like this. EAware has always been on the lower end of the grading spectrum when it comes to communication, and the cantina tours don't really change that.


    In the past with each new community manager they've always claimed that relations with us would improve and that they would converse with us more, but give it a month or 2 and things go completely quiet again.


    Now we have a new community coordinator. Congrats for her for landing the job but I doubt it'll change much. I think she'll serve as a moderator assistant at best just due to the fact that communication from EAware has been really slow and bad for a long time now.

  2. I stand corrected on the quality of the PvP're. For me a PvP'er is automatically assigned classified as a superior player-being :) I am in awe, and wouldn't go near.


    As for lots of content, well, there are 8 class stories. Which can be done in two different way each, multiply per male or female alts. Plus a huge load of things after Corellia. There is also space stuff. And crafting. Five months into it, and I am still overwhelmed by the amount of things to attend to in this game. Used to putting 40-50 hours in a game, beginning to end. This is completely different.

    Us PvP'ers pride ourselves in our skill in the game with fighting against other players. In no way do we come off as being "superior player-beings" you think we come off to be.


    As for the "lots of content," I could point out in MULTIPLE ways how that is not true but I'm not even interested because A) you seem to be the casual player EAware is targeting B) I'm not interested in beating a dead horse for the 7th millionth time C) it would derail this topic.


    However, I respect your generally respectable (lol :p) positivity of the game.

  3. How can you get double ranked comms from regs? It says that they'll reward double ranked commendations so I assume it's going to include arenas.


    Yes, PvPers need this but the amount of trolls and leeches it's going to attract is going to be crazy. They'd rather queue rated because the matches are 3x-5x times quicker than regular warzones.

    *sigh* It's JUST for ranked? EAware really hates giving PvP'ers options don't they? I can see you have a point, but I must say that they really aren't concerned with it.


    In one of the latest SWTOR dev streams someone asked Musco about a non-advanced class player trolling ranked arenas and he basically said that his rating will get so low that he will be queued with other players of his same rating – which this basically doesn't count due to the fact that this game's population is SO low that when you factor in the apparent ranked population these guys will be grouped with players even with high-end ratings – and that the winning and losing teams will win/lose significantly LESS rating when against/with him.


    They really aren't going to do anything about this so my suggestion to you is to do TEAM ranked and queue with players you want to be grouped with, deal with it in solos or just don't Q ranked at all.

  4. Does this mean Eric is toast?

    LOL no. He not one with the Force yet like Allison and Joveth are.




    He's still community manager but I think this position opened up since Amber apparently received a promotion.

  5. Short version: each time anyone buys a Cartel Pack made of recycled material (s)he is helping to make the game worse.


    Read a few financial reports and PR talk on SWTOR and considering how cheap it is to re-skin textures or slightly change meshes EA, is really making a lot of easy money with CC.


    So much that they know they don't even need to fix the game issues as there will still be people paying over $100 per month for that crap.


    Consider 3 players spending $100 a month is like having 20 players subbed. So in a producer mind: you get 6 times what you can with less bandwidth, less server load and way less investment.


    Only issue being it's a short term view but so far we had none producer in SWTOR with both long term view and the knowledge to manage an AAA MMO.


    Now take into account EA is working on an open world SW game.

    So where do you think they are focusing at the moment?

    I'm positive he did not mean the great profitability this game has been making but the actual poor state of the game. ;)

  6. This is true of every competent software developer ever. On a broader scale, it's called "not reinventing the wheel."

    Can you provide facts to back up this post that reeks hyperbole? :rolleyes:


    This discussion does not even pertain to other developers and what they're doing, but maybe somewhat, due to the fact that SWTOR is losing players to other games as well, so please go on because I've played games that flow much better in terms of content update cadences and originality.

  7. No, not really. They have infact recycled content to make it harder the latest patches, HM and NiM are nothing else then already launched content made harder.

    Honestly you raised another point but in no way is it a main reason. Okay, I DON'T mean it like that, but you do raise I point which I believe I even touched on. EAware LOVES to recycle things (I believe I said they "love to reskin" or something along those lines). Recycling is another major issue stemming from development and I'm not sure what's going on at the company that they feel this even needs to happen to content. CONTENT out of all things. It's bad for cosmetics in general, but when it hits content that's where it REALLY becomes a problem.

  8. Ignoring the skill of whatever your comps had and why it seems like your guild recruitment is awful, the reason why this game lacks content in general is due to this game trying to appeal to the casuals and Cartel Market locusts. EAware knows that with the Star Wars IP and focus on cosmetics they're more than able to surpass the funding able to maintain this game AND keep racking in more dough. It's a win/win. Casuals and cartel market players get what they want, EAware devs and execs make profits every quarter.


    We know SWTOR highly lacks anything qualitative and has been going through a content drought for some time which has been speculated to end with the release of guild ships and strongholds, but honestly just how sandbox-y will it be if at all? Many people already know that it'll be the same generic skyline with the same generic cosmetics because that's what the devs love to do: reskin. Even since the beginning of the game, albeit small, remember leveling through planets and seeing the same corridors, building foundations, hallways, etc? It's way easier, much faster, cost-effective, and the general MMO'er criticism won't be loud enough and there won't be enough of it for anyone else to care.


    You can expect this to be the norm throughout SWTOR's lifetime also due to the fact that the devs are trying to cater to MANY different play styles, but even they have their preferred playerbase (the PvE'ers).

  9. Please delete that map from the game.

    Does that particular area have a "memory leak" or something (I hope I used that term correctly)? I do play on a crappy comp but I do stutter on that bridge quite a lot. I really don't know why this has been unaddressed and I have to say it is UNPROFESSIONAL for the devs for not doing so.

  10. But be fair...SWTOR isn't hurting because of Wildstar...Wildstar is a terrible looking game imo...SWTOR is hurting because they hurt themselves! Bioware's management seems completely out of touch with what they need to be focusing on.

    To be fair Tuxxy, it's not only Wildstar. It's also ESO, GW2, Titanfall, etc. No matter HOW many left, it STILL took players. Numbers at this point don't matter anyways since this game has been losing players since the beginning, but even though now that the loss is slow, the recent MMOs and other hyped up games took players.


    We all know that EAware is another reason, but IMO that's for a totally different discussion. ;)


    I also have to say Wildstar was the nail in the coffin for SWTOR PvP. I've heard from Pistols and other forum members that even Harbinger ranked doesn't even pop all that much anymore after Wildstar. Push your dislike of Wildstar and see. I know you've shared your critical viewpoints of it but Wildstar is a game that CATERS to MMO'ers. SWTOR does not as its focus is on leveling, alting, and story, and NOT endgame.

  11. Every MMO where I've participated in its forums has went through a number of Community Staffers over the game's lifetime. Honestly, I just think people move on for reasons having nothing to do with the game or its community. I can't imagine these jobs pay very well and I would imagine a good number of these people try to transition over to design if they can.

    ^This. Basically managing a forum and interacting with the community? Excuse me for sounding so depressing but that sounds like it pays like a part-time job. Now if it is a fun job (which is sounds like it!) that is a different matter, but I can't imagine this job paying well.


    Also don't forget the massive EAware layoffs during 2012. ;)

  12. Wait... we have a community manager???

    The OP got it slightly wrong.


    Eric Musco is the community manger. We just got a new community coordinator. I dunno if Amber Green is still here but another one is Courtney Woods. Outside of them I think this forum has no other moderators due to the fact that back in the day before F2P moderators used to post by locking threads. Threads were never really deleted back then and the forums were a lot better.


    Now we just get "CommunitySupportEU" as a poster when a thread is locked (and that RARELY happens) and "CommunitySupport" from PMs if we are sanctioned with an infraction or a warning.


    TBH I think the community team is just a professional way to describe who we have left. This forum is so much quieter than what it was back in 2012 that there really isn't need for a "team" anymore.

  13. Using that Logic we should be calling DICE "EA Sweden"....... if anything they are EA Austin. Calling then EAWare or BioFail is moderately pejorative..... but please go ahead and use it anyway as you clearly dont seem to give a crap either way.

    EA Austin equals just as much as saying EAware. BioWare is usually just mentioned without "Austin" due to the fact that it's usually redundant. It's IMPLIED.


    It's clearly hyperbolic by calling me out for basically saying "EAware" and meaning "BioFail," but please interpret my own posts for me and tell everyone what I really mean. :rolleyes:

  14. I'm wondering how your opinion came to be that.


    It's actually the best possible way to use them. That is to buy stuff off the CM and sell it for credits. Later down the line you could get the same item for half of what you sold it for.


    And CC are much easier to come buy. It doesnt take long to purchase them on the website.

    This. You have a better point because you don't have to do dailies or be a PvE'er, and you don't have to spend hours playing the mundane GTN PvP game. You can just login to swtor.com and in x amount of clicks (notably few), you can just buy as many CCs as you want with money you've earned (hopefully) IRL just to reuse that to buy discounted hypercrates and either sell them as a whole or individually as packs.


    The only thing you should do is watch market prices because the market is VERY random and has a very ugly way of showing it. You better make sure you're getting your IRL money's worth because right now a Star Cluster's Hypercrate on the GTN on Pot5 is like 4.75mil for the lowest price. 6,912 CC is NOT even worth anything remotely that much and people undercut so much they're either doing it intentionally or they don't know general GTN basics.


    Your best bet honestly is to buy credits from farmers, but that IS against the ToS and you could get in trouble for that if caught.

  15. This is your first post.


    What is wrong with saying "EAWare?" Have you been living under a rock because EA DID buy out Bioware several years ago.



    It's pretty clear they are. Otherwise they wouldn't be so focused on pushing out cash shop sales. Haven't they had like 2 flash sales already? Sure they offer HEAVILY discounted items but if you're OUT of CC they pressure you to buy more with these sales if you have no more or are running out.


    - It's all the Cartel Market's fault

    I never said this or even implied it :rolleyes:


    Yeah, pretty clear who you are.


  16. It seems the discussion has been reduced somewhat to what I view as petty bickering. Grant it, it started as a bit of an inflamed issue, but I still think there is a discussion to be had.


    Appearance is a trait of the game that I welcome, and CM is a big part of that. I personally believe it is something that is important to a majority of players....and have posted my personal reasons for this on many occasions.


    However, as I have said before that does not mean that you alienate your most loyal players (hardcore players), again explained by me in the past, with a drought of end game content.


    There needs to be some measure of balance. I think right now the content releases are not equal, and though personally I find this just fine (I love CM content) I understand and acknowledge the concerns of players that do not care for or do not recognize CM releases as content.


    So I support the idea of a better balance of release pace when it comes to hardcore and casual content.


    To me, the important discussion would be this....can casuals accept the idea that there should be better pacing, and can hardcores accept the idea that appearance is a real part of the game and accept CM content as content as part of an overall balanced released plan.

    Artemis, you do realize who started this mudslinging right? It was the drones. This guy points out accurate observations of the game, and to be fair this guy isn't even being harshly critical, and these defenders call him out for shenanigans such as trolling.


    Funny thing is, these same guys who are doing this are now complaining about EAware's current practices involving CC in a new thread. I'd call that hypocrisy. ;)


    CM is NOT content and should NOT be considered content, but since the dev team wants to milk as many players remaining from the game to earn as much as a profit as possible (>inb4 businesses are out to make a profit :rolleyes:) they're focusing more on cosmetics rather than actual content. Right now SWTOR is not only losing subscribers due to other recent game releases but because the game isn't putting out much content at the moment, and hasn't been since before GSF. Hell many in the PvP community even declare the Galactic Starfighter patch as being "the wasted patch" since it really didn't improve this game at all. I've heard there are a few who play SWTOR solely just for GSF, but they are in the MINORITY and that's a fact.


    On a further note, endgame content has been enduring a drought ever since post-release, but it's gotten even worse ever since F2P. At least the previous dev team was focused on story and not worried about milking the playerbase ala hybrid payment model, but ever since the launch of the cash shop the devs only care about the bottom line leaving all other devs with lack of resources, funding, etc.


    I believe EAware does NOT support hardcore ANYTHING unless it has to do with the Cartel Market (EA quarterly reports even back-up this assessment) so if you're a moderate or hardcore PvE'er OR PvP'er, I wouldn't particularly suggest this game to you. However, I will say it's great in casual doses.


    Disclaimer: I am not blindly bashing the game so please don't pull out that card. Thank you.

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