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Posts posted by aliasalpha

  1. Personally I've thought for a while that every class should have the ability to use cover. Not that every class should gain a significant advantage but they should all have a chance to take advantage of the cover's damage reduction.


    For example a jedi sees a battle droid start a big attack whilst he's still too far away to retalliate so he does the sensible thing, dives behind a rock so he doesn't have to headbutt the incoming fire like a chump. Whilst in cover he can't really do anything except maybe use a medkit, stim or personal buff (eg: turn on saber ward) because he's not a cover based fighter. This could apply to every character, melee characters could duck into cover to reduce damage before moving up, non-cover ranged characters (and maybe consular/inquisitor) can do their standard ranged attack and cover based fighters could still retain their uniqueness by having all the special cover based abilities.


    Also I love the idea of the heavy weapon trooper becoming a cover based fighter though I'd might require a new advanced class, specifically heavy weapon tank/dps or something. scouting out the battlefield, dropping into cover & setting up his heavy weapon to lay serious supporting & suppression fire on the enemy

  2. Would it be possible to add a small counter for each character on the initial selection screen showing how many people from their respective friends lists are online? EG:




    Level 15 Coruscant

    3 Friends Online




    Level 25 Taris

    11 Friends Online



    Sith Warrior

    Level 50 Dromund Kaas

    0 Friends Online Because You Smell Funny And Noone Likes You


    That sort of addition might help make the decision on which character to select easier. If you're in the mood for heroics/flashpoints etc then it'd be better to pick the character with the most number of online friends.


    Would anyone else be interested in this sort of thing?

  3. Am I the only one wishing for a 'oops I picked the wrong destination, let me off at the next stop' button for taxi speeders?


    It might be my brain being a bit wonky but when I pick the wrong destination I notice it almost instantly & then sit watching myself drive to the wrong spot. Would it be possible to add some kind of interrupt or reroute option?

  4. Having just been placed in a server login queue, it occured to me how dull they are. All it does is say you're in a queue & tells you how long it has to go.


    Would it be possible to have some manner of information relayed during this wait? Perhaps a 'did you know' list that tells you some of the new features of whatever the latest patch is (for example I didn't know the number overlay on enemy hitpoints was now in interface custmisation) or at least a reminder that our call is important to you...

  5. I was thinking an SIS agent would be cool just to see how the other side works but I have a feeling that gameplay wise it might be too close to the imperial agent. What did make me think though was the tatooine bonus series quest giver who seemed to be a cross between SIS agent & jedi, now that character type would have some interestingly unique abilities & still have the good guy espionage feel
  6. I was wandering aimlessly around Hoth the other day when I spotted a red instance in the distance that I'd not noticed before. I tried to identify who the mission was for but, as happens on occasion, the mouseover popup didn't work even when I walked all the way over to the entrance.


    This gave me an idea, why not have icons on the instance entrances? It could work for both class specific and faction general missions. For example a Bounty Hunter specific mission could have the Bounty Hunter logo overlayed on the instance entrance polygon and the faction general instances could feature the Republic or Empire logo overlayed. It seems to me that this would let you see at a glance (and from range) if the mission is or will be relevant to you and also make the occasional failure of the mouseover less of an issue.


    What do you fine folk think of the idea?

  7. Maybe they need to make one of the inexplicable droid apathy units (seriously, who makes something like that?) an installable component, then they could change his lines to "Meh", "Blagh", "Ugh", "Whatever" & "You couldn't pay me enough to care"
  8. At the moment when you get a quest reward where you get a selection of companion specific equipment (say corso riggs' pants of blueness +1, bowdaars pants of brownness +1 etc), the mouseover comparison popup only compares against your gear and your present companion's gear. The side effect of this is when you have such a quest reward when you have 6 companions, you have to individually summon each of them to compare the gear one by one. This seems rather inefficient to me and is downright impossible if you get such a quest reward on your ship (smugglers get a few like that, not sure how the other classes fare there).


    In this situation where the "pants of <colour> +n" are locked to a single companion, wouldn't it be better for the system to do a quick lookup of the gear that companion (wherever he/she/it may be) is currently using and display that in the comparison rather than whatever your current companion is using?


    I can't be the only person thinking that summoning my cannon fodder minions in sequence just to check their gear is a trifle clunky, can I? What say you fellow forumites, good idea or bad idea?

  9. You mean to, for example, use starting world commendations to buy capital world commendations? I THINK I saw that with one of the commendation vendors on coruscant during my first beta but it was a while ago so I'm not sure if my memory is accurate or not
  10. Doesn't that technically go against the EULA because you are mofifying the game.


    No, you're just using steam to launch the game shortcut and that usually runs the overlay, its really no different than making your own shortcut to the launcher. You can add anything to steam, a friend of mine has photoshop in her games list so she can use the overlay to chat


    I suspect the problem is that the launcher is a different program to the game itself and the overlay doesn't transfer to the game

  11. i did the exact same thing. i had to pry myself off my smuggler and make a new character because i didn't want to spoil most of the story.
    I wish I could have done that. I played a smuggler all through my first beta & finished ord mantell & coruscant whilst exploring pretty much everything, then when the huge beta came around I decided to coop with a friend from the start but she picked the trooper so I was left with the smuggler again. As a consequence I have to do ord mantell for a third time when I actually play a smuggler that I can keep
  12. killing the time with playing GTA IV oO ... thought about playing KotOR I or II but I basically played it too often ........


    Have you played 2 with the Restored Content Mod? Makes it even more awesome than its already awesome level and actually kills a few of the nastier bugs!

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