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Posts posted by RickyEspanol

  1. I'm looking for a friendly, laid back, conquest focused guild. Not really looking for Ops as time doesn't permit me to partake in them. I have no issues with helping out the guild, answering questions and being friendly, haha.


    I have 6 level 75 toons and complete my personal conquest every week, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent me from playing, life happens sometimes.


    Prefer a guild that accommodate the large yield on a weekly basis. Retuning player, been active for about 4 months after not having played for 5+ years.


    If any guilds are recruiting that fits what I'm looking for, contact me in game, main character is Rickyspañish or reply to this thread.

    I can also drag my brother along. Between the two of us and our toons, we can put 500K+ towards the weekly guild conquest.

  2. Are you still looking for more members? I've got 4 75's and 2 that I'm leveling.


    Took a long break, like 5 years and just getting back into it. Looking for a relaxed, laid back, no drama, politics free PvE/CQ focused guild and this one sounds like what I'm looking for.


    My brother also plays and is looking so I'm sure I can bring him in to. We both are pretty good about getting the personal conquest done on all our characters. We tried to start a guild of our own but don't want to hassle lol. With just the two of us, we were able to get the small yield every week and even managed the medium a couple times.


    It'd be nice to join an established guild already that has a kick *** name.


    My main is Rickyspañish and I'll be on later tonight (usually between 7-9pm central time)

  3. Golden Turd is a newly formed guild looking to expand it's ranks. We mainly focus on the weekly conquest right now and get the Small Conquest each week. We are looking for more players to be able to grab the medium conquest and maybe eventually the large.


    We have a Flagship that's currently empty but working on furnishing it. We do daily's/weekly's, flash point runs and would like to branch out to Operations. We have Discord as well.


    We level new toons and have no problem helping someone if they need it.


    There's 2 people with multiple characters in the guild right now. We are very laid back and easy going, don't take things too seriously. Both people in the guild are returning players who have done some Ops previously but have no experience with the newer ones.


    If the Guild Name is throwing you off and you're thinking "***?", you probably aren't American Dad fans. If you get the Guild Name, then you'll likely fit right in. The GM and his alt's are all Roger Personas. Just throwing this in here as a nod to how goofy we can be.


    Quite the sales pitch, huh? Honestly, we are small, want to grow and have to start somewhere. So if you want a place to hang out, not be bothered with guild hierarchy and just want to play the game and have fun, give Golden Turd a chance. Worse case you /gquit, right?


    Should mention we are in the central time zone, the GM has a full time Monday - Friday job so he is only on for a few hours on the evening during the week. It's me... I'm the GM lol.


    Contact in Game:



  4. Hey everyone, as the title suggests I'm looking for a casual guild to join. I took about a years break from the game, gave my old account away but now I'm back (have been for a couple months now) and looking to get back in the swing of things. I've got a fresh 55, RickySpanish, and three other toons I'm leveling (Assassin, Op and BH). Ideally, the guild I'd join would be mature but immature at the same time. I'm 28 and act like a teenager still so guilds that don't like dirty jokes, profanity or in appropriate comments at the wrong time aren't for me. A guild to make in-game friends, have fun and do stupid **** with it is my kind of guild. Sure endgame content is good and fun and I take it seriously but not so seriously that rage ensues on a wipe. It's a game a should be taken that way. So that's my spiel. Hopefully there's a guild out there to accept my wacky, crazy *** sense of humor and personality.


    RickySpanish (Formerly We'tarded for anyone who might have come across me before):D

  5. I just recently started playing again, about a month ago, and am getting back into it and remembering why I loved playing this game. I do have a FT job M-F and a life outside of the game but I'm on most evenings during the week for a few hours and Friday afternoons thru Sunday unless something comes up. I currently have four characters, all on the Imperial side (Republic side is just boring to me). They are:


    Ricky Spañish -Main - DPS - Marauder

    Laura Venderboob ( should be vanderboobin but it's too many letter) - DPS - Assassin

    Horse'Renior - Tank - BH (never tanked before but want to try something different instead of DPS all the time)

    Doctor penguin - healer - Operative (like with tanking, never done it before)


    Looking for a casual guild that helps lower levels when needed and higher levels get the gear they need to do end game stuff.

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