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Posts posted by Kragenskul

  1. If you are looking for a guild, we probably are a good fit for you. Our Imperial guild is pretty active with returning and new players just now getting into the 70s and preparing to do ops. For most of the players, this will be their first time doing end game content since close to launch. We also have a sister Republic guild for everyone's alts. Most are fairly casual, but a few of us are long time mmo raiders coming back to finish a game we never had time for until now. There are no requirements to join except being a relatively polite person. We have an active discord, but it is not required either. I'll take a look for you in game, but you can contact me by mailing Asharum in game Imperial side. You may also contact me at Asharum#3814 on discord. I hope you enjoy your time back in the game!
  2. My Imperial guild started recruiting 2 weeks ago and presently has 40 active members. Our last guild perk will be opened this week, and we growing pretty fast. The make up is a lot of returning players from beta, or new players from other mmos interested in the story. We're preparing for ops and end game activities, with half of the guild in the level 50 range and the rest 75 and gearing. We very casual, but most players are on discord and willing to change factions or get in game as soon as something is going on. Both guilds are Star Forge. If interested, just mail Asharum Imperial side or Tannitha Republic side, message me here, or at Asharum#3814 on discord. Welcome back!
  3. I have Imperial and Republic sister guilds filling up with new and returning players. A few of us are mmo veterans hoping to set up our own ops groups soon, but most players are still going through their class stories and running flashpoints together. We are pretty casual, but have several players that log a lot of time. Typically 7pm to midnight EST seems to be our busiest time, but we have some people on really late and few in the mornings. If either of you are interested, you can contact me at Asharum#3814 on discord, or mail Asharum in game on the Imperial side.
  4. I have a new Imperial guild <Insanity> and a sister Republic guild. We have just started recruiting for both, and are focusing on new players, and players returning from other mmos. Most are playing through their stories on first characters now, but the plan is to get everyone ready to start ops about the same time. Its a very casual guild at the moment, but most people are hitting conquest pretty hard. We also have a discord, but it is not required. Most players will be active from 6pm to midnight EST, but I suspect play times will increase as the week goes on. There are no real requirements, and if you are looking for a smaller guild that you can have an immediate impact in the founding we would love to have you. I'm also the only hardcore tank/healer, so anyone interested in either role would be very welcome. Not required, however. If interested, contact me at Asharum#3814 at discord, or mail Asharum on the Imperial side, or Tannitha Republic side. We hope to hear from you and have a great time in game!
  5. Sorry for the late reply! We are also setting up a sister Republic guild. If you would like an invite to the Imperial side, send a message to Asharum. For the Republic side send a message to Tannitha.


    Yes, this is the original Insanity guild, but all of the original members have moved on. We are rebuilding it.


    We have not set up any scheduled days. We want to be able to work around whatever schedules our members have. A few of us have flexible schedules and can work around anyone else.


    We are looking forward to playing with any of you! We are on Star Forge, message Asharum for Imperial and Tannitha for Republic guilds!

  6. We are a small group of experienced players looking to play end game content with anyone that wants to join in. Our plan so far has been to coordinate playtime around the 6pm to 10pm EST block, so we are also available to do anything. We need people willing to play any role, and will teach and help outfit newer players. If you want to experience group content, but don't feel like you have the time, or are nervous about joining a large group, we are definitely the group for you! Contact Asharum in game or respond here, thank you!
  7. We are looking for a few players to form a static group for flash points and eventually operations. New players and people who have been avoiding the group finder are more than welcome. All we are looking for are Imperial side players who want to learn their class and encounters. You should be someone who expects to play between 6pm and 10pm Eastern Standard time. We play a lot, and would like to find someone with a similar desire.
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